Siheyuan: Don't mess with me, I just want to be a free fish

Chapter 148 Xiang Tianming: I want to become famous in the first battle!

Chapter 148 Xiang Tianming: I'm Going to Become Famous!

In Wu Min's words, the most difficult thing in catching enemy agents is not having a clue.

on the contrary.

As long as you have a clue, the rest will be a matter of time.

The targeted No.2 enemy agent is a worker in the factory.

Like the enemy agent captured first, the other party also belonged to the operation team.

The so-called action team is responsible for carrying out certain specific tasks, such as rescuing Gui Shaoning, stealing information, and assassinating certain people.

And a group of enemy agents, in addition to the action team, there is also a leader in charge of intelligence, and a line responsible for connecting everyone.

Although the two enemy agents endured severe torture, Wu Min quickly found something in common based on their location, work, and clues left at home.

And took advantage of the trend to lock the point they used to communicate.

A grain and oil station!

Basically, people nowadays have to go to the grain and oil station a few times a month at least.

It's not safe to use this to convey the news, but at the very least, going to the grain and oil station will not arouse suspicion.

The grain books of the two enemy agents' homes showed that they had been to the grain and oil station two days before Hou San's death, and it recorded the grain they bought.

Moreover, the time they go to the grain and oil station is the same every time.

The two big men don't know each other on the surface, once or twice is a coincidence, and there are too many times, there is obviously a problem.

It is precisely because it is inconvenient to communicate these days, there is no mobile phone, and it is impossible to locate, so although the two were caught for a while, they did not arouse the vigilance of the other party.

This gave them time to lock the grain and oil station.

After Liu Yuhua got off work, she joked with her colleagues before heading home with her bag on her back.

It's just that she didn't know that at the opposite upstairs window, two people were watching her every move from the gap behind the curtain.

"This Liu Yuhua has a husband, children, and her parents are still alive. I really can't tell that she is a liaison officer for the enemy agents."

Wu Min said with some emotion.

Although every enemy agent has a cover-up identity on the surface, there are still a few of them who are as thorough as Liu Yuhua.

"What is this? I once met a large family, all of whom belonged to enemy agents."

Shaking his head to Tianming, there was only excitement on his face that he was about to catch the prey.

"What about Liu Yuhua's family, especially her husband?" Wu Min asked.

"At that time, we will catch them together. I would rather catch the wrong one than miss it. Moreover, Liu Yuhua's route after get off work, as well as her neighbors, must be carefully arranged. According to the information we got, this Liu Yuhua seldom goes out after get off work every day.

For a liaison officer like her, once something goes wrong, the consequences are often serious.

Therefore, the other party must always ensure her safety.

Therefore, either near her home or on her way home, there must be a pair of eyes watching her every day. "

Xiang Tianming knew very well that this was probably the closest opportunity he had to wipe out this group of enemy agents, so he had to think carefully about everything and never allow the other party to escape from under his nose again.

What's more, in his opinion, only when these enemy agents are captured and Li Weidong has no worries, will the other party feel at ease to find the whereabouts of the supplies.

In this way, he was the oriole behind.

He not only received the credit for capturing the enemy agents, but also received the credit for finding the supplies.

After Chang Qingbo is promoted, he will also take over the opponent's seat and really take charge of a team.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the same room, Wu Min and Xiang Tianming got together again.

"After a few days of investigation, it is basically concluded that there are three people Liu Yuhua meets every day on the way to and from get off work. One of them is an old man in her family. take a walk.

One is a photo studio on the corner of the street, and this is a place she must pass by on her way to get off work.

The last one is her neighbor who lives in the same courtyard as her, or her husband. "

Wu Min told the results of his careful investigation in the past few days.

"It's not a big problem with her neighbor in the same courtyard. It's impossible for the other party to put two people in the same courtyard. The focus should be on that photo studio." Xiang Tianming just pondered for a while before reaching a conclusion.

"I checked, there are two people in the photo studio, one is the shopkeeper, and the other is responsible for taking pictures of people. The shopkeeper is Shi Kang, 41 years old, and his ancestral home is in the capital. He owns the photo studio. It is already the third generation. It belongs to a joint venture, and there are sons and daughters in the family, so there is no problem.

The person in charge of taking pictures is his nephew from a nearby country, who is also regarded as an apprentice, and his background is also innocent. "

"These three places have arranged for good people to monitor first. After Liu Yuhua is arrested here, we will stop by and start a warning. If there is a problem, they will definitely take action." Xiang Tianming said.

"Don't worry, everyone has made arrangements, when will we act?"

Wu Min wiped his hands, as if he couldn't wait any longer.

"Just today."

Xiang Tianming said happily.

Because according to the rules of the two enemy agents entering and leaving the grain and oil station, tomorrow is the day when they enter the grain and oil station again.

If they didn't go by then, Liu Yuhua would be suspicious.

So it was concluded that something was wrong with them.

And after arresting Liu Yuhua, they can also arrange for people to enter the grain and oil station. They just need to wait for tomorrow to see if anyone who enters and exits the grain and oil station behaves unnaturally, and maybe there will be new gains.

In the afternoon, after Liu Yuhua got off work, it was still the same as usual.

However, just as she turned around an alley, two figures one in front and one behind suddenly stopped her, and before she could scream, the two quickly took her down and gagged her mouth.

At the same time, a jeep stopped at the intersection.

A few seconds later, the jeep disappeared with the people.

In fact, arresting Liu Yuhua was just the beginning.

At the same time, those who were responsible for secretly tracking also cheered up and paid close attention to the target's every move.

Then, Wu Min and Xiang Tianming immediately interrogated Liu Yuhua.

In fact, the interrogation of Liu Yuhua went much smoother than expected at first.

The other party barely struggled, so he confessed everything he knew.

The only request is that her children not be told that she is a traitor.

According to Liu Yuhua, she became the other party's liaison officer four years ago.

At that time, she had just entered the grain and oil station to work.

Then one night, two ferocious men brought her husband home, saying that her husband gambled and owed the other party a large sum of money, and either paid the money back or sold her just three-year-old daughter.

Even if she turned over all the money in the family, it would still be too short.

So, the other party proposed that if they do things for them, they can write off the money owed and return a sum of money to her family.

Under the persecution of the other party and the begging of her husband, she finally agreed to do things for the other party.

In fact, she was just suspicious at first, and the other party didn't say what to do specifically.

And she also wanted to go to the police station, but every time her husband would kneel in front of her, saying that if she went to the police station, the other party would not only kill him, but also sell their children.

In addition, the other party has not looked for her, so gradually, the desire to go to the police station to expose them has faded.

Until half a year later, just when she had almost forgotten about him, the other party suddenly came to her door.

And tell her what to do.

For the sake of literacy, she is responsible for reading the grain book at the grain and oil station, and recording how much grain the people who buy grain want to buy in the grain book.

According to the other party's request, she didn't need to deliver specific information. Every time she was needed, someone would come to buy food one day in advance.

As for who this person is.

At first, she didn't know it either, but she just looked at the lower left corner of the first page of the food book, where a five-pointed star was drawn, and one corner was smeared.

This is our own people.

Then the next day, there will be people who hold a five-pointed star drawn in the lower left corner of the first page and have painted two corners to buy food.

She only needs to fold a corner on the page where she buys food.

If no one came the day before, then everything will be as usual the next day, just treat it as a normal person who buys food.

Later, as time passed, she gradually figured out the rules.

The person who came the day before will change after a long time, which is relatively fixed.

And the next day, there are more people with two corners smeared. Over the past few years, there are almost a dozen different faces.

However, in the past six months, there were only five relatively fixed faces.

After listening to her statement, Wu Min and Xiang Tianming looked at each other.

It can be said that Liu Yuhua is very important, because she is a line in the middle, connecting each other in series.

Xiang Tianming suspected that when the page of the food book was folded, it was a signal to gather, and those who received the signal would go to a safe meeting point and meet in secret.

If there is no fold, then it's business as usual, no confluence required.

However, it can be seen from the confession alone that Liu Yuhua is not important, because she has never participated in any operation, let alone been to the so-called assembly point, at most she will recognize the appearance of the other party.

But even so, this information is very important.

Because today, the person in charge of convening came to buy food, so under normal circumstances, tomorrow Liu Yuhua will fold it in the food book of the accomplice who bought the food.

"Liu Yuhua, do you want to go home?"

Suddenly, Xiang Tianming looked at the lifeless Liu Yuhua and said.

"Go back, go home?"

Liu Yuhua raised her head suddenly, and looked at Xiang Tianming in disbelief. She has become a traitor, can she still go home?

"Yes, go home.

Based on what you just explained, your problem is actually not that big, and you were also forced to do anything harmful, so to a certain extent, you can go home and continue your life day.

But the premise is that you have to cooperate with us and wipe out those people tomorrow. "

"I cooperate, and I will cooperate well."

Liu Yuhua never imagined that there would be a scene of twists and turns.

At this moment, she did not hesitate.

After all, she still has parents, a husband, and a pair of children.

From the very beginning when she said that she wanted to hide it from her children, it can be seen that she loves her children very much.

"Okay, everyone's food book will have his name and address. I don't think you can't even remember this after such a long time?"

Xiang Tianming changed the subject and looked at him seductively.

The reason why he attaches so much importance to Liu Yuhua is based on this point.

The other party regarded the grain and oil station as the contact center point, although he was very smart, going to the grain and oil store would not arouse anyone's suspicion, it would serve multiple purposes.

However, on the other hand, it will leave traces that cannot be erased.

As long as you follow the vine to find Liu Yuhua, according to the information in the food book, you can basically catch him all at once.

Even if it is only some operational personnel, it does not involve more important intelligence personnel.

But without the operatives, it is tantamount to cutting off the opponent's claws.

Even using this as a breakthrough, it may not be impossible to find more important personnel.

"Remember, I remember everything in my heart."

Liu Yuhua nodded vigorously.

Then, Xiang Tianming brought a pen and paper and asked her to write down everyone's information.

When she finished writing, there were seven people on the paper.

In her words, she basically can't remember what happened more than a year ago, only half a year ago and the last half year.

Xiang Tianming compared them one by one on the paper, and the information of two of them was exactly the same as the two enemy agents they captured.

It can basically be concluded that what Liu Yuhua wrote is true.

And he only needs to follow the names and addresses on the paper to capture each other one by one.

It can be said that the credit is close at hand.

However, Xiang Tianming did not do this.

He wanted a bigger one.

"Very well, after a while our people will put you at the place where they took you away. At that time, you will still return home along the same road. During this process, you don't need to do any extra actions, just pretend to work overtime Enough.

Then tomorrow, you will go to work as usual, and when you meet the other person, don’t show any signs of cheating. It’s just the same as before.

do you understand? "

Hearing Xiang Tianming's words, Liu Yuhua didn't understand.

So... let him go home?
It's that simple?
Xiang Tianming was not in a hurry, and looked at the other party quietly, waiting for his reaction.

"I, I understand."

Finally, Liu Yuhua sorted it out in her heart several times before answering.

"Also, your husband has already been arrested by us, but don't worry, he can go home after all those people are caught this time, so you don't have to worry if you don't see him tonight, you know what to do Can you explain it to your family?"


"Okay, I'll have someone send you back now."

After Xiang Tianming finished speaking, he greeted people and sent Liu Yuhua back the same way.

And the reason for doing this is to put a long line to catch big fish.

Anyway, Liu Yuhua has his people on the way home, so there is no need to worry about her running away.

At the same time, he will immediately send someone to monitor the list in his hand.

Therefore, no matter whether Liu Yuhua escapes or not, the result is already doomed, it is nothing more than a matter of closing the net as soon as possible.

However, if tomorrow's plan goes well, those operatives will gather together and go to the so-called safe point.

At that time, he can completely catch them all in one go.

His behavior seems superfluous, but it is also easy to catch big fish.

Because he is no longer satisfied with just capturing some operatives.

It is best to capture the intelligence personnel and the main people behind the scenes together.

Thoroughly, find out the other party.

Only in this way can he become famous in one battle!
 Hey, it seems to be the last day of 2022, and in one hour, it will be 2023. Happy New Year in advance.

  In the new year, old men, you must be healthy and make more money.

(End of this chapter)

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