Chapter 108

When the light of the flashlight illuminates the secret room, everyone's eyes are fixed on it, and they can't move away.

In fact, there is no gold or silver mountain in the secret room.

The area is only thirty or forty square meters.

Only against the wall, there are rows of boxes that are as tall as a person.

And there is a very special smell in it.

"This is the batch of supplies?"

The joy on Xiang Tianming's face gradually froze.

This is obviously inconsistent with the information they got.

It is said that at least one division collected important supplies.

But with such a small amount in front of you, what is it enough for?

"Don't worry about it so much, just find a place."

Because of Li Weidong's reminder, Wang Zhenyi had already made preparations. He knew that there was a high probability that this was not the batch of supplies they were looking for, so he was not disappointed.

What's more, something is better than nothing.

With that said, Wang Zhenyi walked in first to check the situation.

After Li Weidong came in, he was not polite and pried open a wooden box with a knife.

Because of the long time, the box that was still very strong at the beginning will break open easily.

Suddenly, there was an unpleasant smell.

"Smoke soil?"

Li Weidong was not too surprised to see what was inside.

After all, there used to be a smokehouse above, isn't it normal to have smoke?

Just now he roughly counted, there are about [-] to [-] boxes inside, if the boxes are filled with gold, silver and jewelry, the value will be immeasurable.

Now, it's normal.

Soon, the boxes were opened one by one, and half of them were filled with soot.

There are also many tightly wrapped rifles, and butter has been applied to the gaps.

Even after more than ten years, it can still be easily pulled.

When a box accidentally fell down, there was only a clatter, accompanied by the light of the flashlight, which was a little dazzling.

A silver dollar rolled to Li Weidong's feet.

Although silver dollars are good and can be exchanged for money now, they are not Li Weidong's goal.

What he wanted was simple from beginning to end, and that was the little yellow croaker.

"team leader."

At this time, someone beside him exclaimed.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Li Weidong heard the voice trembling, and immediately leaned forward.

Sure enough, there were rows of small yellow croakers in an open box in front of him. Although it was not dazzling, it made the heart beat faster.

The box is not too big, only twenty or thirty centimeters long, and only ten centimeters wide and high.

But in such a small box, people can't move their eyes away.

Roughly estimated, the small yellow croakers inside are at least calculated in hundreds.

No wonder Gui Shaoning looked down on the twenty small yellow croakers in his mouth at the beginning, compared to these, what are they?
Then, other people also discovered one after another.

Three boxes of small yellow croakers, one box of large yellow croakers, and even more silver dollars.

As for the smoke and firearms, no one has paid attention to it for a long time.

"Be honest with me. Register all these things. If anyone dares to hide them secretly, don't blame me for being unreasonable to Tianming."

At this time, Xiang Tianming had no choice but to stand up.

"Captain, should I be in charge of the registration?"

Li Weidong looked directly at Wang Zhenyi and said.

You'd be foolish to hesitate when the opportunity to enrich yourself is at hand.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Wang Zhenyi ignored Xiang Tianming who was winking at him.

I asked you to come to be a witness, don't beat me up when the time comes, do you really regard yourself as the master?
Don't even look at who found it here.

Have your share?

At this time, many people would carry paper and pens with them, so Li Weidong took over the registration work with ease.

After his unremitting efforts, he finally counted 50 large yellow croakers.

612 small yellow croakers.

As for why this number is, Li Weidong said he is not clear.

But the people around him can testify to him that he didn't hide it on his body.

In fact, after moving all the things out, Xiang Tianming even asked for a body search.

This time, Wang Zhenyi did not object and asked people to search each other.

Except for a silver dollar was found from each of the two, the rest did not hide anything.

Especially Li Weidong, frankly, asked Xiang Tianming to search him.

"When I got back, I took off my clothes, ran around the farm ten times, and if I missed one, I chopped off a finger."

Wang Zhenyi's face was so gloomy that he could almost drip water.

Those who can be called by him this time are naturally trusted by him.

When I was in the secret room, I repeatedly explained that no one is allowed to stretch out their hands indiscriminately.

Unexpectedly, in the end, someone was dishonest.

In fact, since they only took one silver dollar, they knew that they wanted to keep it as a souvenir. After all, one silver dollar is not worth much nowadays.

But the problem is that their behavior violated the taboo, which made Wang Zhenyi's face even more embarrassing.

"Yes, Captain."

The two lowered their heads, their faces full of shame.

By the time everyone escorted Gui Shaoning and returned to the prison with the seized supplies, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

In the office, besides Xu Wen and Chang Qingbo, there was also a stern man in a Chinese tunic suit.

"Captain, luckily he lived up to his fate. Not only were the people brought back, but the supplies were also basically found."

After entering, Wang Zhenyi said directly.

When he asked people to go back to the farm to order a car to pull things, he had already sent the news back first.

It is precisely because of this that they are waiting at this moment.

"Find them all? How did you find them?"

Chang Qingbo couldn't hold back, and asked directly.

Thinking of the plan he worked so hard to end up at the expense of others, he felt uncomfortable.

"Of course I found it based on my ability, unlike some people who have no ability at all except being able to play tricks."

Wang Zhenyi sprayed it back directly.


Is it your turn to question?

"Captain Wang, we have only found some of Gui Shaoning's private possession so far, and we are not yet sure that it is related to the large number of materials recorded in the file."

As a half of the parties involved, Xiang Tianming naturally knew the matter clearly.

Seeing that Wang Zhenyi deliberately confused the two concepts, he couldn't help but speak out.

After all, Gui Shaoning is still alive, and a large number of supplies have not been found, which means that they still have a chance.

"My people found it, and it has nothing to do with you."

Wang Zhenyi corrected him unceremoniously.

"Okay, tell me, how did you find it?"

At this time, Xu Wen reached out to stop the dispute.

Wang Zhenyi didn't take the credit, but pushed Li Weidong out.

Suddenly, everyone's attention fell on Li Weidong.

Especially Xu Wen, his appreciation was undisguised.

Chang Qingbo's expression was much more complicated.

After all, at the beginning, he didn't trust Li Weidong at all, and using him was just to save face for Wang Zhenyi.

But what he didn't expect was that his group fell down, but they had the last laugh.

"Captain, this is how it happened."

At the moment, Li Weidong started from entering the prison and met Gui Shaoning, then escaped from the prison, found something wrong with the orchard, then how to enter the city, where he hid, and finally how to trade with Gui Shaoning, he said it all.

During the process, Li Weidong mentioned Wang Zhenyi several times, and everything was directed by the other party and controlled remotely.

It seems to have given all the credit to the other party.

But in fact, no one sitting here is stupid, and they all know who the real credit belongs to.

Chang Qingbo originally wanted to accuse Li Weidong of not resolutely implementing his plan at the beginning, but Li Weidong threw Wang Zhenyi out again and again, just to gag him.

In particular, it turned out that Wang Zhenyi and Li Weidong were correct.

If he didn't give up, it would be tantamount to tearing himself apart with Wang Zhenyi.

"Director Zhou, do you think there is anything else you want to ask?"

After Li Weidong finished speaking, Xu Wen looked directly at the stern man in the tunic suit.

"The young man is good, brave, resourceful and decisive."

Director Zhou put down his pen, first praised Li Weidong a few words, and then asked.

"According to what you said, Gui Shaoning actually believed you, and you should have guessed that there could not be all the supplies in the secret room. A person like Gui Shaoning, who is in the three caves of the cunning rabbit, would not easily expose all the cards in his hole.

That being the case, why don't you follow the plan and continue to follow him until you find out the whereabouts of the last batch of supplies? "

As this question was asked, the atmosphere in the room seemed to change.

Li Weidong did not rush, and said: "Comrade leader, you should know who Gui Shaoning is, and I took advantage of his illness to barely hold him. If he recovers, I will What is the difference between playing tricks in front of him and playing big swords in front of Guan Gong?
At that time, it doesn't matter if I get exposed, if Gui Shaoning runs away again, it will be troublesome.

So as soon as I found the secret room, I took him down immediately.

But I believe that the smokehouse should be an important clue, even without me, I believe Team Leader Chang and the others will find that batch of materials sooner or later. "

"What's the situation in that smokehouse? Have you checked it out?" Xu Wen looked at Wang Zhenyi.

"It has been found out, because the place over there is big enough, and it is now the office of the street office."

Xu Wen naturally couldn't ignore such an important matter.

After leaving the secret room, I searched one by one according to the location, and found the place easily.

But he didn't startle the snake.

"Street Office?"

Director Zhou frowned slightly.

Normally, there are basically no problems in this kind of place, but the chairman said that without investigation, there is no right to speak.

Therefore, when it is necessary to check, it must be checked.

"Director Zhou, I think this matter should be handed over to you. After all, we are a prison here, mainly in charge of inmates. To investigate this kind of matter is not justified, and it is easy for people to gossip."

Xu Wen came to Tai Chi to push hands, and directly gave away the credit that was about to be obtained.

This made Chang Qingbo anxious.

What happened to the prison?
Their group is also in charge of intelligence and interrogation, so they are actually qualified.

Moreover, Gui Shaoning was locked in their prison, so it was their responsibility.

Especially when Wang Zhenyi had already taken the lead, and with the new clue of the smoke house, he believed that the possibility of finding the final batch of materials was very high.

"it is good."

Director Zhou was also polite and nodded directly.

In the past, Gui Shaoning refused to speak up, and they also had a lot of things to do, so they didn't pay too much attention, and directly handed over the follow-up to the prison.

But now, since there is a breakthrough, it will be logical for them to be responsible.

More importantly, the material seized this time alone is not a small amount.

At present, the country is severely short of money.

If a large amount of gold can be found, the credit is much greater than capturing a few enemy agents.

"Captain, we caught the man, and we also found the clues."

Chang Qingbo held back, but Xiang Tianming did not.

He still counts on this matter to turn around.

"So be it."

Xu Wen simply ignored his opinion.

After finishing speaking, he left with Director Zhou.

Just patted Li Weidong on the shoulder when passing by.

"Don't worry, our correctional center doesn't look at one's background, only one's ability."

After the two of them left, Wang Zhenyi took out a cigarette and lit it, squinting, watching Chang Qingbo follow Tianming.

"Old Chang, people have to admit defeat."

Chang Qingbo responded lightly, "Is it related to you?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Weidong again.

"Are you interested in joining our group? As long as you practice for two or three years, I will give you the seat of deputy group leader."

"Leader Chang, I'm really sorry, I don't like intelligence work very much, and it's pretty good in the third farm."

Li Weidong refused without hesitation.

What a joke.

Go to your place, wait for a few years, and go to catch people and send them to the farm?

will be liquidated.

(End of this chapter)

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