Chapter 290

Wang Ming was very surprised when he heard this, Xu Damao was fucked by Li Huaide?

No wonder he had a Sima face when he came back.

Losing an official position should be the most painful thing for him.

But what the hell is going on, why did he step down all of a sudden?
In fact, Xu Damao didn't understand why Li Huaide suddenly slapped him this afternoon.

He didn't make any mistakes, did he?

What's even more exasperating is that this old bastard Liu Haizhong actually took over his position.

Liu Haizhong, who was always flattered by him, was really awesome now.

He was arrogant and shouting at him.

Turning faces is faster than turning pages.

When Qin Jingru heard this, his heart felt like a bolt from the blue.

"What? Da Mao, aren't you a good leader?"

"Why did you suddenly become a projectionist again?"

Wang Ming also echoed, "That's right Brother Da Mao, what's going on?"

Xu Damao was a little impatient, "I can't tell you clearly, so don't ask."

Zhong Zixuan laughed secretly in her heart.

Originally, she was still a little afraid of Xu Damao, but now she doesn't have to be afraid at all.

She pretended to be sensible and held Wang Ming's arm, persuading him, "Xiao Ming, don't ask."

"Brother Da Mao obviously doesn't want to talk about it, let's go home and have dinner first."

However, at this moment, Liu Haizhong also came back.

I saw him walking vigorously, with his hands behind his back, and his face held his head high.

Liu Guangtian also followed behind him on the left, with an airy expression on his face.

Yan Jiecheng nodded and bowed and followed behind on the right, calling out "Director Liu" one after another.

Liu Haizhong didn't pay much attention to him, but walked up to Xu Damao.

"Da Mao, remember to show the movie to the leader on time tomorrow, don't forget, do you understand?"

Xu Damao was furious, Liu Haizhong had nagged him eight times in the factory about this.

Is it necessary to emphasize so much?

Never been a leader, have you?
But people under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Xu Damao had no choice but to put on a smile, nodded and said, "Okay Director Liu, I understand."

Wang Ming also realized that Liu Haizhong had taken Xu Damao's seat.

This guy's dream of becoming an official has really come true.

He smiled and asked: "Second uncle, looking at you like this, it seems that you have become a leader."

"No wonder walking is different from usual."

Liu Haizhong turned to look at him with an unkind expression.

"Wang Ming, be careful what you say."

"First of all, I am the first uncle in this courtyard, don't keep calling me the second uncle."

"Secondly, don't call me by the title of uncle now."

"Call me Director Liu, understand?"

Wang Ming chuckled, "Isn't this what I'm used to?"

"What's the matter? As a leader, do you still care about such trivial things?"

Zhong Zixuan felt something was wrong, she tugged at Wang Ming's sleeve, hinting to him not to cause trouble.

And Liu Haizhong was excited, staring and said: "Don't be joking with me here."

"Tell you, today I have to clean you up."

"Let you be honest."

"There will be a general meeting in the courtyard in a while, and I want to criticize you, a guy who gets something for nothing."

Wang Ming knew that Liu Haizhong was going to talk about Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiecheng handing over the money to him.

Although his matter is justified, but in the face of Liu Haizhong's lustful power, he can't justify it.

Still, he decided to argue and play the trick.

So he poked his neck and said angrily, "Why don't I get something for nothing?"

"You speak clearly."

Liu Guangtian sneered and said, "Are you still embarrassed to say that?"

"I settled down to working hard in the factory, and I will give you half of the money I earn."

"Aren't you getting something for nothing?"

Wang Ming snorted coldly, "What do you mean?"

"Didn't we agree at the beginning?"

"It was I who gave up my work place to you so that you can work."

"Otherwise how can you give me money?"

Liu Guangtian cocked his head, and continued: "That's why we agreed to raise you because we thought you were pitiful before."

"Now that you have basically recovered the intelligence of a normal person, you have hands and feet, why don't you work and make money by yourself?"

"Anyway, you can figure it out. We don't plan to give you any more money anyway."

Zhong Zixuan also understands that this matter will cause big trouble, so it's better to compromise.

So he pulled Wang Ming's arm, and at the same time said seriously: "Xiao Ming, what Director Liu said makes sense."

"We shouldn't get something for nothing like this, we'll have to eat on our own in the future."

"It's not easy for Guangtian and brother Xie Cheng to support his family."

"I'll let it go."

Liu Haizhong nodded in satisfaction and said, "Wang Ming, your daughter-in-law is more enlightened."

"But this meeting still needs to be held, and the people in the courtyard must understand the mistakes you made."

Wang Ming snorted coldly: "Okay, then I don't want your money anymore."

"Just give me my job back."

"It happened that my wife and I were going to work in the factory."

Liu Haizhong said angrily: "Wang Ming, you just don't eat the toast, and eat the fine wine."

"This job has been reconciled to a good job, so why should I return it?"

"Can this be paid back?"

"And can the two of you compare with the two of them?"

"They are a third-level worker and a fifth-level worker."

"They gave you jobs, can you replace them?"

"I think you just want to delay the production in the factory for your own selfishness."

"I don't have any awareness at all, I think I can deal with you properly!"

Zhong Zixuan hurriedly pulled Wang Ming, and smiled at Liu Haizhong: "Director Liu, we are wrong about this matter."

"I'll go back and try to persuade him."

Liu Haizhong said coldly: "Remember to come out for a meeting later."

Before Wang Ming led away, he gave Yan Jiecheng a look, pointed to his nose and said, "Yan Jiecheng, I really didn't expect you to be such a person."

"I have helped your family so much before, and I am still the godfather of two children."

"You turn your face and deny people now, do you have a conscience?"

Yan Jiecheng smiled wryly and said, "Xiao Ming, am I doing this for your own good?"

"What do you think you look like when you stay at home all day and idle around?"

"It would be great to go out and find a job to make money. Why do you have to let others support you?"

"You should think about it carefully and listen to your daughter-in-law."

Wang Ming snorted coldly, and followed Zhong Zixuan back home.

He naturally knew that Yan Jiecheng would stand by Liu Haizhong's side.

In the past, Yan Jiecheng had been coveting Xu Damao all the time, and seeing that his bangs became thighs, he naturally wanted to play around with the wind.

Back home, Zhong Zixuan told him about the stakes.

Let him give up asking for money and work to make money by himself.

Otherwise, sooner or later, people will gossip.

In fact, Wang Ming already had the idea of ​​going to work.

It is indeed a taboo in this day and age to spend all day at home for nothing.

So he also pretended to be awake, saying that he would listen to his wife.

And he also planned to take advantage of this general meeting to draw a line with some people.

In this way, after he develops in the future, he can sever ties with them openly.

(End of this chapter)

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