Chapter 262

The soldiers of his own family knew that Wang Baobao had only two options when facing the encirclement of the Southwest League at this time. One was to flee in all directions, and he himself was mixed in. As long as he was lucky, the possibility of escaping was extremely high.

However, doing so would deal a great blow to the morale of the Qixue army. Even if all these soldiers were brought back after escaping, it would be difficult to form a fighting force, and the Qixue army would be completely finished.

Another way is to fight with one's back, break through the Southwest League's defense line, and break out of the encirclement. This move will definitely cause great damage, and may even cause the tragedy of annihilating the entire army.

But if it is true that at least the blood of the Qixue army will be left behind, it will no longer be a luxury to rebuild the Qixue army in the future, and it will also leave a glimmer of life for the Yuan Dynasty.

Faced with these two choices, Wang Baobao chose the second plan without hesitation, because he knew that despite the fact that the Southwest League's army was waiting for work with ease, well-equipped, and imposing, the Southwest League's army and the Cowardly Xue Army had a very different relationship. Big difference.

That is, the army of the Southwest League has never been baptized on the battlefield, unlike their soldiers who have survived a hundred battles. The recruits on the battlefield, but the cowardly Xue Jun is still capable of fighting.

Therefore, Wang Baobao must fight this battle. Although he is not sure of winning, it is still worth a try. So for this reason, the two sides are already in a dead end situation.

Wang Baobao stood on the horse and shouted loudly: "Warriors who are cowardly of Xue's army, those who capture Qingfeng alive will be rewarded with ten thousand gold! Make ten thousand households! Kill!"

After finishing speaking, he rode his horse and swung his whip towards the shield formation of the Central Army of the Southwest League. As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. All the well-equipped Qixue troops rushed towards the Central Army of the Southwest League under the leadership of Wang Baobao.

Polo Timur, who had stabilized his position, also urged the remaining two wings of the Qixue army to meet the army of the Southwest League.

Both sides fired arrows like rain, and the melee of tens of thousands of troops caused flesh and blood to fly, and the ground was covered with red liquid.

Wang Baobao led the elite iron armor of the Qi Xue Army into the Southwest Alliance formation, and forcibly tore a hole in the Southwest Alliance's shield formation.

The long-depressed Qie Xuejun finally found a place to vent his depression. The red-eyed Qie Xuejun saw the leader leading the way, and his morale was boosted and he rushed in from the gap.

As a last resort, the shield formation of the Southwest League had to change, splitting from one large formation into two medium-sized formations.Seeing that the shield formation in the middle was in danger, Zhang Dingbian quickly ordered them to charge to the left and right in order to join up with the southwest allied forces on the outskirts and go to deal with Polo Timur who lacked heavy equipment on the two wings.

After the shield array impacted left and right.Immediately a road flashed in the middle, Wang Baobao looked up, and saw the command platform of the Southwest League had been exposed in his field of vision, where Qingfeng was still beating the war drums leisurely.

Overjoyed, Wang Baobao brought [-] cowardly troops to attack Qingfeng.

But just as Wang Baobao charged through the shield formation of the Southwest Allied Forces, a group of Southwestern Allied Forces in blood-red battle armor blocked the way.

Seeing that the victory is in sight, the Qi Xue army paid no attention to the murderous southwestern allied forces, because no matter how powerful they are, they only have about 3000 people. As long as they clear this last obstacle and escape, they will no longer be dreamed up.

Cowardly Xue Jun rushed over with a howl, but they were greeted by spears thrown from the sky.

The javelins projected by the Chong camp at such a short distance were not inferior to the crossbow bolts fired by the strong crossbow. The first batch of [-] javelins fell on the unsuspecting Xue army like a dark cloud cover.

More than 1000 cowardly Xue Jun rushed to the front and fell down before he understood what happened.

Under Wang Baobao's urging, the cowardly Xue Jun who had been beaten with a stick not only did not retreat, but rushed forward with the same hatred.

Zhang Dingbian saw that Xue Jun was so timid.I couldn't help praising Xue Jun in my heart for being extraordinary.Looking at the current situation, if he threw the spear again, it would not have any effect, so Zhang Dingbian immediately ordered the whole army of soldiers from the Chong camp trained by himself to charge.

The Chong camp was built by Zhang Dingbian in imitation of Gao Shun's trapped camp during the Three Kingdoms period. There are 3000 people in the first camp, all of which are composed of masters trained by the Southwest League in the past few years. The first-class master.

Everyone is equipped with a small shield in their left hand and a broad sword in their right hand. The armor is neat and tidy, and it cooperates with the formation. According to Zhang Dingbian's description, this army must be unstoppable in killing the enemy in the formation. Today is the first time they have appeared on the battlefield. in front of the world.

In their first battle, they faced the Qi Xue Army, who was originally known as the number one army in the world, so their performance was also very exciting.

There is a saying that when two strong men meet, the brave wins. The [-] people who have been trained for several years are definitely the brave among the brave.

For a while, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the soldiers of the cowardly Xue army kept falling in front of the soldiers of the rushing camp.

Wang Baobao had never encountered such a powerful soldier.He led his soldiers from behind to rush to the front, trying to save the defeat.

Polo Timur, who was encircling from the two wings, was about to join Wang Baobao. He knew in his heart that as long as he could rescue Wang Baobao who was in a hard fight, it would be easy to wipe out the Southwest Allies.

It's a pity that the sky didn't come true, and at this moment, drums suddenly rang loudly, and tens of thousands of soldiers poured out from the two wings of the Southwest Allied Forces. These shield soldiers rushed towards him under the command of Chang Yuchun.

However, because Polo Timur was too eager to join Wang Baobao, the troops shrank too quickly, and they should have outflanked the Southwest Allied Forces from both wings.

Now he is surrounded by the Southwest Allied Forces from both wings. Fortunately, the strength of the Southwest Allied Forces seems to be 6 to 2 at most. Including the 1 people who fought with Wang Baobao, this should be the last of the Southwest Allied Forces. The troops that can be invested are exhausted, and there are still [-] horses behind him who have already been reorganized and can immediately go into battle.

As long as the last force of the Southwest Allied Forces is held back, the [-] mobile troops behind can still fight.

Therefore, Polo Timur issued two military orders in succession. First, he stopped approaching Wang Baobao and faced the Southwest Allied Forces on the spot, and second, he ordered the 1 troops behind to speed up.

Polo Timur's idea is generally very good.The following 1 horses quickly went into battle, but unfortunately many things often backfired.

Tens of thousands of Qixue troops fought against the same number of Southwest Allied forces.

Only then did Polo Timur know how difficult the Southwest Allied Forces were.Whether it is personal quality or mutual cooperation, the Southwest Allied Forces are far superior to their own side, and their own side is far behind the Southwest Allied Forces in terms of weapons and equipment.

When the soldiers of the Qixue Army on the two wings who lost a lot of heavy equipment came into contact with the Southwest Allied Army with iron armor, the scene would not be much different even if the snow fell into the hot oil pan. Festival defeat.

Fortunately, the Southwest Allied Army did not seem to have any plans to attack desperately, but skillfully drove the panicked Ke Xue army towards the center of the battlefield.

The more than 1 cowardly Xue troops who met the Chong camp kept retreating. This group of Southwest Allied troops in red armor was simply not human.

It is obvious that the number of people on our side is much larger than them, but between the advance and retreat, a soldier of the Qixue Army was besieged and killed by three or four Southwest Allied forces. The soldiers of the Qi Xue army on the ground did not understand what happened until their death.

However, there are still some people who understand. When Wang Baobao, who was originally in charge of the battle after the cowardly Xue army, felt a strong sense of anxiety when he first saw the Chong camp, so he always paid attention to this army that was blocking his way to victory. army.

He noticed that these southwestern allied troops with broad swords were in groups of three or five, and the groups were tolerant of each other. Whenever they encountered an enemy, someone would envoy to protect them, while others would be responsible for killing the enemy. And when the team switched, those who killed the enemy became those who were in charge of protecting, and those who protected became those who killed the enemy. As they marched, they were like a red flood rolling in, swallowing up all the lives that blocked their progress.

Seeing that more than half of the more than [-] cowardly Xue soldiers were killed or injured, they felt very anxious.

Leading [-] soldiers, Wang Baobao rushed to the front line, riding on a horse and condescendingly raised his spear and stabbed straight at the soldiers of the Southwest Alliance standing in front of the horse.

The man didn't panic when he saw Wang Baobao's menacing approach, he used the shield of his left arm to protect Shangsanlu, and then a short figure came to Wang Baobao's horse, and the sword in his hand slashed at the horse's leg.

Wang Baobao was so startled that he clamped his legs between the horse's belly, and the two front hoofs of the horse soared into the air, let the sword pass, and stomped on the southwestern allied army.

Seeing that this man was about to be trampled into flesh, unexpectedly, two soldiers from the same team as that man stood in front of him with a loud roar, and used two shields to hold the two front hooves of the horse respectively to save his companion. But people's strength is limited after all, so the so-called support is only slowed down for a while, although they saved their partner, but the two of them just pushed up and fell down in front of the horse, vomiting blood from the shock.

Wang Baobao took advantage of the situation and raised his gun to end the lives of the two people. Unexpectedly, the soldier who escaped the murder did not hesitate at all, and flew towards the two people who fell on the ground.Use your body to block them.

Wang Baobao admired the loyalty of these three people and did not take the opportunity to kill them.He put down the raised spear and shouted: "Raoer is not dead!"

Seeing his three brothers fell down, several groups of soldiers rushing to the camp nearby rushed to rescue them. Two small teams guarded the front, and then someone carried the unconscious soldiers on their backs and retreated to the rear.

Zhang Ding watched this situation clearly from behind. When the three fell down, he felt very uncomfortable. Although he knew that there was no one who was undead in a war, there was one of these soldiers rushing to the camp. Instead of teaching them by himself, for many years, Zhang Dingbian has regarded these children whom he watched growing up as his own brothers and nephews.

Since the start of the war, he has been paying attention to what's going on ahead, and going there to rescue someone in distress.

When Wang Baobao came up, Zhang Dingbian had already noticed him.

If soldiers against soldiers.These well-trained little guys don't have to worry about themselves, but when they meet a battle-tested general, these little guys are afraid that they will suffer in terms of experience.

So Zhang Dingbian was already rushing towards this side, but before he got there, three little guys fell in front of Wang Baobao's horse.Zhang Dingbian is so angry, why are these three little guys so impatient, even if they can't beat anyone.

But he shouldn't lose so fast, and he shouldn't lose so badly!Did the dog eat all the things I learned before!

The eyes of the ten people surrounding Wang Baobao were all red. Since the beginning of the war, although many brothers had been injured and retreated from the battlefield, none of them had been carried down, but in the blink of an eye, three of them fell down. The two didn't know whether it was life or death, and ten people screamed at the same time and showed their abilities to besiege Wang Baobao.

Knowing that these soldiers were extraordinary, Wang Baobao raised his spirits and waved the spear in his hand without fear.

The two sides came and went, Wang Baobao relied on his rich experience and the strength of his horses, and the soldiers who rushed to the camp relied on their bloody courage and powerful martial arts.It was a tie for a while.

Seeing that the main general was surrounded, Wang Baobao's soldiers came to rescue him one after another, while the other soldiers rushing to the camp heard the roar and knew that there was a strong enemy ahead and someone was in a hard fight. Many of the requirements in the game were left behind, and they didn't cooperate with each other anymore, and they all rushed to the whistling place one by one.

Seeing that they couldn't get in, the nearest groups intercepted Wang Baobao's personal soldiers outside, while other people were still swarming here.

Seeing that his soldiers were in a mess, Zhang Dingbian was getting more angry now. Fortunately, Xue Jun is even more chaotic now, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

He greeted loudly while coming up to Wang Baobao, and threw the ten red-eyed boys behind with his hands and feet.

These ten boys were slapped in the face while being thrown out.

When they saw clearly that it was Zhang Dingbian, they all shut their mouths obediently in fright and did not dare to yell indiscriminately.

Thinking of sending out emergency signals indiscriminately, I'm afraid it's a small matter to be scolded when I go back. If I get kicked out of the camp by Master Zhang, I will be finished, and they all lose their vigor just now with mournful faces.

Those soldiers who rushed to the camp who heard the whistling sound couldn't hear the whistling sound. I heard that Master Zhang Dingbian was very angry. Thinking about what he did just now, everyone regretted it and restored order. In the end, he could only vent his full stomach of grievances on the cowardly Xue Jun.

Wang Baobao, who was already struggling, saw an infantry general from the Southwest Allied Army joining the battle group. He was worried that his situation would be worsened, but he didn't expect that this general did not besiege him, but instead gave the soldiers who besieged him to him. Throw it out.With doubts in his heart, Wang Baobao wanted to ask what was going on.

After dismissing a few stunned youths, Zhang Dingbian cupped his fists at Wang Baobao and said, "Thank you, General!" After speaking, he drew out his saber and stabbed at Wang Baobao.

Wang Baobao didn't know what Zhang Dingbian was thanking him for, but the murderous look on his face made him block the sword without thinking about swinging his gun.

Zhang Dingbian's sword is heavy and powerful, Wang Baobao's horse is tall and his spear is long, and the sound of the sword and spear colliding shocked the sky. On the surface, it seems that the opponent will meet the good talent, but Wang Baobao knows it very well in his heart.

The swordsmanship of this general is exactly the same as that of the soldiers he fought with just now, but the same swordsmanship is much more powerful when used by this man. If it is not because of his condescension, he may have lost.Wang Baobao felt extremely strenuous, and sweat came down after only a dozen rounds.

Qingfeng, who was beating the drum there, looked at the situation on the field and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that years of training have not been in vain. These soldiers of the Southwest League have no other defects except for lack of experience on the battlefield. Then let them practice more on the battlefield!"

(End of this chapter)

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