Wudang Xiaodao Boy

Chapter 150 Developing the Southwest

Chapter 150 Developing the Southwest
"Didn't the Taoist say that Princess Zhao Min is very smart? Isn't the Taoist worried that she will see the way?" Zhu Jiuzhen continued to ask.

Qingfeng shook his head and said: "So what if you see it? How can she change? The power struggle in the Yuan Dynasty is not something that a little girl like her can control. Tuotuo has already passed away for the second time. He sat down. The apprentice disciples are probably staring at King Ruyang, but if King Ruyang makes a slight mistake, they will become their targets of attack.

So even if she saw something, she didn't dare to do anything.Since she brought Jianghu masters instead of troops, it means that King Ruyang ordered her to solve this matter only by means of Jianghu.

No one in the court dared to take the blame for rebelling against the southwestern counties.

snort!Jianghu means?There is a use for it! "

In fact, this Tuotuo can be regarded as a capable minister and official. He also showed both kindness and power to those rebels, and did not blindly suppress them.But it is even more impossible for such a person to become the prime minister of Dayuan.isn't it?

It's good for Da Yuan, but bad for Qing Feng and the others.

So Qingfeng took advantage of Tuotuo's resignation and power vacuum, and went to Miaojiang again. On the one hand, he found someone to order a large amount of Wubaohua honey wine to increase his own force value; The Han people in Miaojiang persuaded them to return to the Central Plains and contribute to the expulsion of the Tartars. These people were the survivors of the Song Dynasty, and they came back after a little encouragement.

Another thing is to gather refugees from the north and bring them all to the southwest to open up wasteland and promote production.

In all dynasties, there is a practice of not going to the countryside, especially the Yuan Dynasty, which has a huge territory, and the control over the countryside is even weaker.

And Qingfeng grasped this point, and spent a few months talking through the officials of the entire Southwest, letting them delegate power to themselves, they only need to take care of the tax payment, and don't care about everything else.

What?You ask why all the officials listen to Qingfeng, because Qingfeng is rich, has the "Three Corpse Brain Pill", and the Thief Gate helps him collect evidence of the officials' crimes.

Of course, even if there are officials who are not allowed to get in, Qingfeng still has the last resort, assassination!

With these methods, those officials who cherish life, are greedy for money, and lustful officials dare not listen to the wind.

Besides, Qingfeng didn't make them rebel, but just let them take money and not work. Is there any psychological burden?

This is Qingfeng's strategy for dealing with officials. As for the strategy for dealing with the village, it is actually very simple, just six words:
Beat local tyrants and divide the fields!
Qingfeng did not watch TV dramas with the main theme back then. Qingfeng can still follow the example of the policy used when Taizu fought against the country. Wouldn’t Qingfeng get the support of many people in this way? The plot of the Chinese people’s dependence on land , it's the same at any time, so Qingfeng's play is called a smooth one!
Qingfeng summoned Song Qingshu, Mingyue, Zhou Zhiruo, Yin Li and other passionate youths, quickly trained them, and quickly assigned them to various villages, and pulled out many local tyrants and bullies who controlled the villages. Those who should be beaten and those who should be killed , and then all the land was distributed to farmers and refugees.Only when the common people bring food and clothing can they support you!

Um?You said that those big forces with big families and great careers, and they are very capable of fighting, what about the big sects?Such as the Kunlun School?

What's so hard about this?
The first step is to kidnap him morally!
You see so many poor refugees from the north?Isn't your Kunlun sect a decent sect?How can you be ashamed to do nothing?Donate some food to cook some porridge for the refugees!Give up some money and buy clothes for them!Take out some fields and let them feed themselves!
What?No?Then what kind of decent family are you? Haven't you seen that the demon sect you are talking about is doing these things?So do you have the nerve to call yourself decent?I bother!
In the second step, public opinion attacks him!
Where did your Kunlun faction start? Have you ever bullied men and women?Have you ever encroached on other people's fertile land?Have you ever done something that you didn't pay for a meal?

What?No?I have a shopkeeper who buys jelly. According to him, your head eats jelly at their house. After eating two bowls, he gave the money for one bowl, saying!How is this going?

ha?You just ate one bowl?How to prove it?Why don't you open your stomach and let us see!See how many bowls you ate!Don't you dare?Everyone, come and take a look, the head of the Kunlun faction won't give you money for eating jelly!

The third part, suppress him by force!
Is the Kunlun faction good at fighting?Qingfeng called Yang Xiao over, set up a table at the gate of the Kunlun School to eat hot pot, and ate for three days and three nights, and no one from the Kunlun School dared to step out of the door. Don't ask about world affairs.

The many small forces attached to the Kunlun faction are no longer causing trouble, and they have switched to Chen Youliang and Zhu Wu's Lianhuan family. So far, Southwest Dading!


Build walls high, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly.This is the established policy Qingfeng set for Chen Youliang.

These Chen Youliang did a very good job, laying a very solid foundation, with Wudang and Emei standing behind them, the escort bureaus in various places, as well as the private salt industry, and many industries researched by Qingfeng, have all started to advance steadily. Well, almost all of the Southwest is under his control, which was originally done very secretly.

It's a pity that there is still no shortage of smart people in this world, especially Princess Zhao Min, who is the smartest of smart people. Qingfeng has deceived many people, but she has not deceived her.

But Qingfeng doesn't care, the current Dayuan court is already a bad house, don't many Southwest officials know what he is doing?

They clearly knew what Qingfeng was doing, but for their enjoyment and their lives, many of them pretended to be deaf and dumb.Refusing to go against the trend, the general trend is like this, a small princess can change his fate against the sky, you Zhao Min agree, Jin Yong does not agree!

So when she first found out that someone had injured Chen Youliang's subordinates, Qingfeng still had to rush over to see who it was and why.

Is it revenge, or a demonstration?Or lure the enemy?

After Qingfeng looked at it, he found that the restrictions imposed by these subordinates were very vicious, even more vicious than the Xuanming God's Palm of the Elder Xuanming, burning their meridians like a raging fire.

But this is not a problem for Qingfeng.He used the star-absorbing method not only to clean up their fire poison, but also to make his own skill a step further.

This instantly relieved Qingfeng at that time.

...It turns out that the people from the imperial court have come, and the eunuch Chenkui Yuanshi has evolved again? ...

(End of this chapter)

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