Wudang Xiaodao Boy

Chapter 109 1 Way Go Well

Chapter 109

Hearing that Cheng Kun was still chattering about his love history, Qingfeng was about to talk about dating his younger junior sister in the secret room of the Mingjiao General Altar, Qingfeng finally interrupted him impatiently: "Okay, I Is it okay to believe it? It’s not suitable for children to continue, why don’t you tell me what you came to the ancient tomb for?”

Cheng Kun looked at Qingfeng, and said, "I heard Yang Dingtian occasionally mention that he was born in the ancient tomb of Zhongnan Mountain. He had nothing to do recently, so he wanted to take a look. I didn't expect that there were still people living in the ancient tomb. , when I thought that there were relatives still alive in that Yangdingtian, I couldn't suppress the anger in my heart, so I wanted to come in and check it out, to cut the weeds and root them out! It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, and they fell into the hands of a few children. "Cheng Kun showed an awe-inspiring attitude of going to death generously.

Qingfeng rolled his eyes at him, and thought in his heart: This bad old man is very bad, even now, he still hasn't said a word of truth.

Are you idle?You obviously came after Jinhua and Yinye, probably because of the many traps in the ancient tomb and Yufeng blocking the way, so I wanted to use Mr. Yinye to throw stones to ask the way. Unfortunately, Chen Kuiyuan has too little experience in the world and is arrogant. At your command.

You just adjusted your strategy in time and assigned me the job of exploring the road. You wanted to be the oriole in the back, but unfortunately the oriole didn't make it, and was shot down by the slingshot.

The question that should be considered now is, what should we do with Cheng Kun?kill him?Eliminate a scourge for the martial arts?Forget it, the mastermind behind the scenes is the Ruyang Palace, and Shaolin Temple may also be involved.Solving Cheng Kun can't completely solve the problem.

Killing a Cheng Kun is a trivial matter, but I am afraid that tens of thousands of Yuans will really stand up!
What if the new opponent is more difficult to deal with?Cheng Kun is a bright card for me, and it is easy to deal with.

The most difficult thing to deal with is the kind of poisonous snake in the dark, it hurts to bite people!

Having figured this out, Qingfeng stood up, winked at Yang Yiyi, and then said to Cheng Kun: "Let's go out and discuss how to deal with you. Don't worry, take a break first."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the stone room with Yang Yiyi, Qingfeng explained his thoughts and concerns clearly to her, Yang Yiyi bowed his head and pondered for a while, then nodded in agreement.

The two returned to the stone room, and Qingfeng sat across from Cheng Kun and said, "We have made a decision, we don't want to kill people, so we are going to let you out now, but we will only let you out alone, that kid will stay and do it." Mrs. Yazhai, this way no one will take care of you. Isn’t this a good idea?” Qingfeng pointed at Chen Youliang.

Before Cheng Kun and Chen Youliang could express their objections, Qingfeng continued:

"After you go out, you don't have to think about bringing more people back for revenge. It's useless. After you leave, we will move. As for where to move, I won't tell you."

Qingfeng glanced at Yang Yiyi and saw that she had nothing to add, so he said again.

"Finally, in order to prevent you from continuing to do evil after you go out, we have prepared a restriction for you." After finishing speaking, Qingfeng took out two jade bottles from his bosom, one big and one small.

Poured a pill from a small jade bottle and held it in his hand. Before Cheng Kun could react, Yang Yiyi shot like lightning and removed Cheng Kun's mandibular joint. Qingfeng also swiftly stuffed the pill into Cheng Kun. mouth.Before Cheng Kun could taste it, the pill flowed down Cheng Kun's throat and into his stomach.

Qingfeng shook the little jade bottle and said:

"This is the Three Corpse Brain God Pill. There are three kinds of corpse insects in the medicine. It is a specialty of Miaojiang. It was given to me by Yu Daiyan's wife and my aunt. I originally planned to use it in the Ruyang Palace. It's easy to talk, but it's useless.

As for this medicine, there will be no abnormalities within a year after taking this medicine, but every year at the noon of the Dragon Boat Festival, if the antidote for restraining corpse worms is not taken in time, the corpse worms will come out.Once it enters the brain, the person who takes this medicine will act like a ghost, and even parents and wives will bite and eat it. "

Qingfeng pushed the bigger jade bottle in front of Cheng Kun and said, "This is the antidote for ten years, you take it first.

If I haven't heard of any bad things you have done within these ten years, then ten years later, I will wait for you at the foot of Wudang Mountain and give you the antidote for another ten years.If you let me know what shameless deeds you have done in the past ten years, then you will die. "

Looking at Cheng Kun's bewildered face, Qingfeng knew that Cheng Kun didn't fully believe what he said.So Qingfeng was going to add another fire.

Qingfeng poured out another pill from the small bottle.

"The Three Corpse Brain Pill consists of two parts."

Qingfeng peeled off the outer layer of red medicine shell with his nails, revealing a small gray ball inside.

"There are zombie worms hidden in the Three Corpse Brain Pills, which are restrained entirely by medicine. The red medicine shell is the medicine to restrain the worms. The worms are inside the gray ball."

Qingfeng cut the gray ball with his nails again, and there were indeed three larvae inside.

"I'm afraid you won't believe me and won't take the antidote, so I ruined a pill for you to see clearly. If you still don't believe me, you don't have to take the medicine. Well, if there is nothing else, you can go."

Qingfeng also pushed the pill that he had chopped into pieces in front of Cheng Kun.

Cheng Kun looked at the "corpse worm" in front of him, his expression was so volatile, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, picked up the big jade bottle, and left without even looking back, without even looking back. Even Chen Youliang, who was still taking care of Xiao'e, didn't say a word.

Qingfeng and Yang Yiyi watched Cheng Kun's limping back gradually recede, feeling unspeakably desolate.

So, both of them also stood up, walked out of the stone room, and watched as Cheng Kun completely walked out of the range of the ancient tomb and disappeared into the vast mountains, as if he had never appeared before.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled, Yang Yiyi stretched out her hand in front of Qingfeng, and Qingfeng took out another identical small jade bottle wisely, and poured out another identical pill.

Yang Yiyi picked up the pill with a smile, put it in her hand to appreciate it, and then chewed it in her mouth without hesitation.

"Is it delicious? Fried bee chrysalis wrapped in honey, sweet, crispy and delicious, everyone who has eaten it says it is good!"

Yang Yiyi gave Qingfeng a blank look, and said, "Slippery, do you think he believes it?"

Qingfeng said very firmly: "Does he dare not believe it? Does he dare to make fun of his own life? This kind of person who likes to plot people behind his back is the most cherished life."

"What about you? Afraid of death? You're not bad at calculating people." Yang Yiyi asked with a smile.

"Scared! Of course I'm afraid, I'm only 15 years old, I still have beautiful youth waiting for me to waste!"

(End of this chapter)

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