Chapter 154 Irreversible
The second turning point was being slandered by Kuanglong and reprimanded by Lian Emei, which detonated the resentment accumulated in his heart for hundreds of years.

The black history in the past is a thorn deeply pierced in his heart.After finally defeating Yan Mo Hanyan, he was about to enjoy everyone's congratulations and admiration when he was suddenly poured cold water by Kuanglong and Lian Emei.

Kuanglong is nothing in his eyes, but Lian Emei is an existence he regards as an idol. The shadow left by her negation on Yunmengzhou back then has not really dissipated. It is the long river of time that dilutes the pain of the past , so that he can stand in front of Lian Emei seemingly calmly.

But as if in reincarnation, Lian Emei denied him again, and in front of outsiders.At that time, Yun Mengzhou had an uncontrollable strong hatred in his heart, and that hatred once again nourished the seeds of demon nature.

The third turning point is the Blood Sacrifice Town Demon Tower. It is a bit inaccurate to say that the turning point is because it is a continuous process.

Starting from the bloodbath of the sin pit, Yun Mengzhou underestimated the danger of magic, conceitedly thinking that those negative effects were nothing more than scabies for a high-level ascetic like him.

Even if he intentionally let Lone Que kill people, it was just self-deception. Every inch of the Pit of Sin was covered with corpses, and he turned them into blood and put them away, while the souls of those dead wailed day and night in the Demon Suppressing Tower .

At first he could bear it, but it soon became numb.Anyway, they are the most sinful people, if you kill them, you can kill them, and you can make a contribution to the fight against the demon world, which may be considered a good thing.

Such thoughts became more and more solid in his mind as time went by, but he did not notice that the weight of human life was constantly being reduced in his mind, being simplified into one number symbol after another.

The fourth turning point is to become super-innate.

The improvement of strength brings not only self-confidence, but also arrogance.Yun Mengzhou lost his fear, he was no longer afraid of anyone, and what he had no scruples brought was lawlessness.

The fifth turning point is the establishment of public courts.

Only after tasting the taste of power can one understand how wonderful it is.Although he always reminded himself to be impartial and upright, one thought determines life and death, one order affects the world, and the scenery seen from the top of the martial arts still makes him intoxicated.

He gave up "Shanren" and called himself "this seat". He lost the poem title he used when he lived in seclusion in Penglai, but picked up the proof of being "Jade Emblem Taoist·Mo Qingchi" in the past.

Although he didn't say it clearly, some kind of delusion that couldn't be articulated had been quietly growing in his heart.

He likes the feeling of standing at the highest point overlooking all beings.

The last turning point is now personally refining the Demon Suppressing Tower with God's Hegemony. This is the most serious mistake he has made.

If he used the mode of indirectly manipulating mana with Crouching Dragon's obsession in the first refining, even though he would still be induced to produce mana through the accumulated contact, it would never be like now, with his own soul and spirit. Magic can touch without barriers.

If it wasn't for some unknown reason, the demonic energy in his body suddenly disappeared. Under the dual effects of the divine thoughts and demonic barriers and the demonic energy in his body, he would never be able to wake up, and would only become the generation of demons he hates the most.

Maybe it's because the magic in my heart has grown to its peak?induced him to make such a choice.

Yun Mengzhou reviewed the process of his becoming a demon in his heart, and found that the six stages of the growth of the demon nature coincided with the six lines of the Qian hexagram.

Don't use Qianlong, see the dragon in the field, work all day long, or jump in the deep, and fly the dragon in the sky. Until now, Qianlong has regrets.

There is no way to recover it.

Yun Mengzhou's divine sense showed a bitter smile.

His primordial spirit has been integrated with the Demon-Suppressing Tower, even if he is lucky enough to be sober for a short time now, as long as his primordial spirit returns to his place again, he will instantly become enchanted again under the influence of the Demon-Suppressing Tower.

Then I must become a murderous maniac, right?

I don't want it, what will they think of me then?

Sister Lian, Master Hao, everyone from Xuanzong, the old beggar, Xiao Yuaner...

Maybe the old man in Lonely Que wouldn't care?

No, he has reformed himself now, so he won't show any mercy to me who is obsessed, right?

Then there is...

There is no distinction between good and evil, Xiao Le is only centered on me...

When Yun Mengzhou thought of this name, he suddenly felt a pang of heartache.

He forgot that Xiao also has become possessed now because of his involvement.

That piercing through the heart before was really painful...

It is true that Yun Mengzhou did not completely disregard the magical power of the Demon Suppressing Tower, and passed the Golden Light Curse to Xiao, just to let him help suppress the demonic barriers, just like Yuan'er did when Yunshi Tiandi baked the oven before.

But on the one hand, he overestimated his state of mind, and underestimated the danger of the Demon Town Tower.More importantly, he ignored the difference between Xiao and Yuan'er, and the result was a crushing defeat in an instant.

Yuan'er is the heart of a true child. He is simple and kind. He has a solid view of good and evil created by the Buddhist sword and the old beggar. At the same time, he has the foundation of practicing Taoism. Successfully complete the mission.

Xiao is different. He is a killing weapon created by Ye Rebirth. Although he was born with intelligence by accident, he doesn't understand ordinary people's feelings and sense of right and wrong. When Yun Mengzhou took him down Ningjing Xuefeng, he was reborn with Ye several times. After the violent conflict, Yun Mengzhou became the most important person in his heart.

If Yun Mengzhou is not involved, Xiao can be the most trustworthy partner, but Yin Demons are ever-changing, and in front of them, there is no place to hide the weakness in Xiao's heart.

As long as there is the simplest illusion, Yun Mengzhou's negation is enough to drive Xiao crazy.

The practice of Yunmengzhou in Xiao is even worse than that of practicing Emei in Moqingchi back then.

When he first became possessed by demons, Yun Mengzhou crazily complained about Xiao's incompetence in his heart, without even considering that it was he himself who was pulling Xiao into this doomed treasure refining for the sake of opportunistic tricks to reduce the power of demon barriers.

Thinking of the harm Xiao Xiao suffered in the illusion, the pained and desperate eyes, and the guilt flooded Yunmengzhou's heart like a tidal wave.

If it's possible, at least let Shaw get out of this pain.

Yun Mengzhou even prayed in his heart, he didn't know why he suddenly woke up, he only thought it was a miracle, now, he greedily prayed for another miracle to happen.

All the sins are on me, Xiao has nothing to do with it, please let him go!

Daoist Sanqing, Haotian God, Sun God, Laojun, all gods, Buddhas and immortals in the heavens and myriad worlds, if any of you have spirits, please satisfy me, who is stupid to death, my last request!
After a long time, when Yunmengzhou lost his mind and was about to give up, wondering if his prayers had been answered, he suddenly sensed the strand of mind that had stayed in the sea of ​​night consciousness before.

Even though he was pierced through the heart with a knife, he has not dissipated yet, Yun Mengzhou immediately began to control according to the induction.

(End of this chapter)

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