Warhammer: I, Bartor Farmer

Chapter 124 The Scout's Information

Chapter 124 The Scout's Information
During this period of time, the territory was in dire straits, and the adventurers began to provide "shepherd" services to other lords under Roel's proposal. Simply put, they were mercenaries.

Green skin flooding?Too many Beastmen?The shepherds of the Nok Land will guarantee the safety of your "sheep", and the Nok Lord is the guarantor, and the intermediary is responsible for collecting one-tenth of the employment fee. Although there are not many adventurers in the collar, as a lord Guaranteed platform, they got many "wild" adventurers to join.

And thanks to the contacts accumulated by the "beautiful man" lady, this matter went very smoothly.

And under Roel's proposal, merchants that the Bretonnians don't want to see are allowed to be stationed and open shops in the territory. Nock also introduced a series of proposals to protect the interests of merchants.

This is a very strange thing in Bretonnia. In the eyes of the Bretonnians, a merchant is equal to a thief, that is, he is collecting money from the thief, and he has introduced things that can help the thief.

But the clever Roel thought of it, and used the excuse that the original goal of this plan was to allow farmers to better exchange supplies in the collar to deceive their ears and steal the bell.

In fact, this matter did help the people's livelihood, and the other lords did not have much opinion. Yes, as a newly promoted knight lord, Nock needs to consider the views of other territories.

At this moment, people have just emerged from the winter solstice and the brutal greenskin war, and gunpowder and cannons have filled their daily lives. Metal and more and more merchants are not bad, at least many farmers have begun to accept travelers for accommodation.

During this period of time, the taxation of the territory has finally completely got rid of the basic situation of relying on agriculture. Although some knights are dissatisfied with this matter, they can be settled with a few decrees. .

In the eyes of businessmen, their behavior is a great thing, and it also makes them willing to come here to buy and sell things.

Such a change lasted for more than a month, and the earth-shaking changes in a month were also due to the reputation accumulated by the Qing Dynasty and a clean road leading directly to the castle.

There is also a large network of contacts left by the old baron.

In Bretonnia, the land of knights, now is the vernal equinox, the spring rains are falling, the people regroup, wrap the gunpowder in paper to keep it from getting wet, use time to sharpen the blade from being dull, use gray carts to carry goods, evil is cleansed It is clear that business has flourished.

Originally, in the medieval world, there were very few active attacks by order, but at this moment, the vampires were entangled by the green skins, and humans had to prepare for this precious breathing opportunity.

Compared with the previous adventurers or team leaders, Roel now has the potential of a lord, and the ability of the traverser to learn quickly made him a qualified Bretonnian lord.

Even though he hasn't done it, and his status doesn't allow him to do it, and he can't judge whether his changes are good or bad, but at this moment, everyone needs a qualified lord more than a powerful commander.

During this period of time, Roel, who was already able to read a little, also thoroughly learned to read and use the Bretonnian language with the help of the documents. Of course, he learned it very quickly, because he knew it already, but he just learned to read at this moment.

Although he can't spell yet, this is already a skill that farmers should not have.

For example, now that Roel is taking the baron's attack plan that he has cleared up later, he proposes it.

"Almost a hundred years have passed by now, and the story of Granset has become a legend, but it is still plundering and threatening the nearby territories."

"Nowadays the green skins are attacking vampires. Faced with such an opportunity, the nearby lords are also willing to join. And when the Nok lord who regains his territory calls out his name again, you must also be the successor of the castle."

In the huge hall at this moment, there were only two people, Roel and Nock, looking at each other.

But Noke still didn't dare to step out of his comfort zone. He wasn't sure whether he would be criticized for publishing his name, or he would gather his own strength, and they were doing extreme things for King Ryan.

"No, I can't, this is the same as..."

But Roel kept saying. "This is your family's territory, and you deserve it. Although vampires are your ancestors, they cannot represent any descendants."

"And your identity also represents that our actions are righteous, and the fact that Mortar Pao has passed through the green skins has been washed away, and now the origin is completely unknown."

In the end, Lord Nok supported his head with his hands and thought for a long time. Under the persecution of Roel, he finally chose to let the clerk send the news.

They need allies so much at this moment, there should be more than one lord who wants to eliminate hidden dangers.

When the small discussion was over, Lord Nok rode on his beloved horse and circled the territory with complicated emotions. He didn't like to spend time on enjoyment. Instead, he would regularly look for wild beasts and green skins around the territory every day, Clean it up by force.

In terms of fighting, Nock was born to do this. During this period of time, the green skins were unable to harass because of fighting vampires. The lord's abundant martial arts also completely conquered the nearby knights, and enjoyed a reputation among the major lords.

This is why Roel proposed to disclose his identity at this moment. He felt that the time had come.

During this period of time, Roel was also entrusted with important tasks, such as part of the business transfer of the lord, customs duties, that is, the messy things that the lords and nobles don't like to take care of were also entrusted to him. This is not only Nock's trust, but also A fat difference.

When a passing businessman brought a set of sterling silver tableware and "thanked" Roel for his contribution, his net worth also began to increase slowly.

Secondly, he was also in charge of the gunpowder issue in the leadership. Roel didn't have the energy to take care of any farmland, and he didn't understand it. He was able to take care of gunpowder and business thanks to what he learned in this world.

In fact, the "wisdom" of the traverser did not help him survive. Perhaps the thinking methods and learning abilities of modern people are very useful, but "barbarism" is not bad.

When a batch of documents were sorted out, Roel walked out of the room, combed his waist, and he still complained about himself leisurely.

"Oh, I didn't have an office job before, but I didn't expect to have it now."

But there are not many things in the collar. After all, it is only the size of a village. Most of Roel's spare time is training Alimara and soldiers.

And try not to let yourself be unfamiliar, so that you can continue to survive on the battlefield.

Unknowingly, another month has passed. This is a very short time for Warhammer World, war, or undead, but for Roel, it is really the third or fourth time in Warhammer. moon.

He can't remember clearly, and probably won't remember again in the future. If it weren't for the attack on vampires, Roel even wanted to take over his parents from this world so that they could enjoy a life not bad for nobles.

When Roel pushed open the door of the office, the weak warm spring breeze blew in, looking at the farmers who were preparing wheat, he almost sank in comfort at this moment.

But a hasty cry broke the tranquility.

"Master Roel, Lord Roel!"

It was a shepherdess who had survived with difficulty, and she had joined the scout troop to monitor the movements of the green skins and vampires.

"what happened?"

cried the shepherdess. "My lord, the green skins have begun a large-scale march!"

Roel answered bluntly. "Take me there!"

 The merchants in Bretonnia are looking forward to tariffs, because the noble lords actually ignore them, so in many cases, the trade across regions requires the merchants to give gifts on their own initiative, and many things cannot be carried out without the permission of the lords.

  Compared with gifts, the official tax is very comfortable, with a clearly marked price, and does not require too much thought.

(End of this chapter)

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