Warhammer: I, Bartor Farmer

Chapter 112 Battle Troll

Chapter 112 Battle Troll

The moonlight was dark and the torch was unknown. On the chaotic battlefield, the destructive power produced by a troll was like a god, especially how the huge wooden hammer could take away a few lives.


If you have never seen the appearance of smashing meat with an iron rod to make meat sauce, then you are probably lucky. If you can’t eat meatballs or meat sauce today, then you are also lucky, because you survived.

The bodies of several peasants and the green flesh of the orcs were permanently mixed together, stuck to the wooden hammer, and the troll reached out and grabbed a piece of unrotten meat to chew.

The knight's horse was frightened, let out a cry, and instinctively stopped charging. Even the knight of the kingdom couldn't help but exclaim at this moment. "Ma'am!"

The orcs weren't really stupid, they knew the destructive power of the trolls, and surrounded several knights and squires, bragging about delaying them from helping the farmers.

The knights were surrounded by greenskins, but the troll needed someone to fight, otherwise the disgusting hammer would break through the peasants' positions, and the most important thing for the peasants to stand against the greenskins was the defense composed of pitchforks.

If someone needs protection, then the hero will stand up. Nock, the fool and reckless man in Roel's eyes, once again walked before the danger.

He watched the troll raise his sword high and sang praises. "The lady is in the lake, look at her warriors, I don't ride a horse, I'm not good at charging, but my heart is still brave!"

The Goddess of the Lake heard the announcement, so that the slightest light fell on his armor, and the streamer shone in the dark night. This was not the first time for Roel to see it. The Duke of Aberic in Boldrow also did the same after praying. appearance.

Roel was still surprised, and the goddess responded, which also showed that he was a knight of the kingdom!
But at the moment, you can't care so much, he ordered immediately. "Alimara! Get ready to shoot!"

Jazz also shouted at the same time. "Lane! Defense!"

The troll's wooden hammer hit immediately after the oath was over, and Ryan, the pock-marked boy, immediately picked up the shield, forced his body against the swing, vomited blood, flew upside down into the pile of farmers, and never climbed up again. stand up.

What a terrible power!

The light on Sir Nock's armor gathered and gradually approached the blade, but the troll still had a hand, even without a club, it was still a powerful weapon, and the light alone could tear apart humans.

"The gift of the goddess cannot be wasted!" Roel immediately shouted. "For Tal, Alimara, shoot it in the arm!"

"Yes, Master!"

The two men shot at the same time, the smoke of hot lead and black powder, thunder and astonishing light and heat broke the troll's arm in an instant, green blood was poured out, and the flesh was rotten all over the ground.

Jazz yelled. "For the lady!"

Although the troll has no brains, its instincts are sensitive. It first roared in pain, and then opened its mouth immediately.

"Ugh!" Several years of overnight food sprayed from its stomach, of course it could be its viscera or gastric juice. The green thick juice reminded Roel of a loving father...cough, the cauldron of Nurgle.

He's glad he wasn't the attacker at the moment...

The great sword of light met the disgusting slime, and the light of the blade split the juice, but it also scattered the goddess' gift. The knight's shoulder armor was only stained with slime, and the troll's head was split by the sharp blade.

The small brain was directly exposed, and the flesh couldn't tell the good from the bad, and it quickly repaired.

Jazz was about to make up the knife immediately, but there were a few orcs approaching. He could only fight with those guys, but the troll was just knocked out, with his head down, and the wound healed so fast, the giant sword was huge. The incision has granulated.

Roel ran out of the grass, he cursed. "Fuck, you're useless knight." While taking out his iron bomb, he ignited it as fast as he could in his life, ran to the troll, and stuffed it into the wound.

Green blood and juice spilled out, probably touching the brain, and the troll woke up because of this, it raised its head against the smoky black powder.

And Roel immediately lay down on the ground. "Get down, ser!"

Jazz ignored the green skin's attack and got down immediately. This kind of trust is hard to come by. They are definitely a pair of veterans and good friends.

A moment later, the rumbling thunder reverberated, and the fragments on the iron bomb cracked, and the fragments splashed like bullets, embedded in the green leather head that attacked Jazz, and took away the three or four poor things. The powerful ones Not even screaming.

Jazz looked at the troll and the greenskins with their heads split open, and couldn't help but pat the top of his head.

"Ma'am, black powder has to go with necromancy."

Roel patted the dust off his body and kicked the troll. "This thing is a traditional delicacy of dwarves, so I should kill it?"

At this moment, the troll's headless body suddenly twitched, trembling, as if it was about to get up...

"Let me rely on me!" Roel was so frightened that he stabbed the bayonet, but the effect was mediocre. Jazz picked up the torch and threw it on the troll. The flames ignited, and the orcs were slaughtered by the knights.

When the last goblin fled, Roel suddenly appeared in his ear.

[Gain the characteristic, orc destroyer, increase the attack power against orcs by 4. 】

[Acquiring characteristics, attackers, and the morale of the subordinates will be increased by five during the offensive war. 】

[Get magic armor, shaman mushrooms, and get green skin's night vision ability.

It's Mr. Nag's favorite tickle, weapon, plate, tool. 】

After hearing the system report, Roel breathed a sigh of relief, and pronounced the sentence on the others. "The battle is over!"

But Waaghboss still didn't appear, and a bad feeling surrounded Roel's heart.

But at this moment, his eyes were extremely bright, enough to see beyond the darkness and see into the distance.

He looked at the completely different world curiously, whether it was the raised hills in the distance or the darkness of the forest.

But he suddenly discovered that above the hill, it was...

Until he suddenly sees...

(End of this chapter)

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