Weird invasion?Then I have to kill demons with technology.

Chapter 333 The Marvel Journey of the Bodyguard Group

Chapter 333 The Marvel Journey of the Bodyguard Group ([-])

"To be honest, when I first came into contact with the native humans on this planet, I found that the technology here is terribly low. The network seems to be undefended, and the abilities are gaudy. There are quite a few monsters created by themselves. , the one called S.H.I.E.L.D. is particularly complicated, it seems to be mixed with their former enemies, like a waste..."

———"Diary of Han Bai, Representative of the Mission"

"It was hit directly at the door of the house. Why are these alien races so rampant? How can human beings allow the invasion of alien races?!"

The first time he saw those Kirita people running back and forth in the city, and constantly causing killings, Han Bai couldn't believe that he saw this scene. Humans have always bullied those alien races, killing two races at every turn. Play around, when will it be the turn of those gangsters to bully people.

Then Han Bai also saw the humans (the Avengers) who were trying to resist and was speechless and angry after watching it.

Not so much technology, so-so, so-so, so-so individual external armor, genetically mutated monsters look powerful but have no brains, they have good fighting skills with shields, and their physical fitness has reached the limit of human beings.

The archery with the bow is very good and talented, and the red-haired woman is very good at fighting.

Why is there an alien inside! ? (heresy!)
They are also human beings. The empire has developed very powerfully, with powerful gene primarchs, legions, and battle groups guarding them, but why do the humans here live like this?And compared with the imperial humans, their appearance seems to be even more different, is it mutated?
Han Bai didn't take into account the panic caused by the battleship Rose to the city below. His mind is now full of surprise at the bullying of humans here and anger at the alien race.

Can't the human regimes here have established military power to resist alien races?And even relying on a person of a different race to protect them, what a blasphemy and humiliation!


Such a scene, not to mention Han Bai, even the adjutant next to him and some other champion fighters and punishment knights who were watching the city battlefield below were filled with anger.

"Release all the gunboats and space fighters to me, and kill all these alien races. As for the dirty bastards on the ground, everyone follow me! Prepare to fight!"


Seeing that the giant monster space battleship floating above did not move, the Kiritas continued to kill according to the instructions given to them by Thanos.They are only half-mechanized and half-biological, without too much self-subjective consciousness, and some can only obey the orders and will of their master, Thanos.

Faced with the enemy's continuous attacks, the members of the Avengers also had to withdraw their attention and concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of them. After all, the monster floating above hadn't made a move yet, but after a while, the one below These monsters should kill them.

At this moment, the World Security Council did not directly launch two nuclear bombs like in the original book. Now they can scan out that this monster space battleship is covered with an invisible and intangible energy barrier. The strength of the barrier is simply appalling. It’s not something that can be broken by a nuclear bomb. Once the nuclear bomb is successfully launched, it’s okay.

Anyway, they are also resources under the hands of the most powerful people in the world. It is not surprising that they have such an instrument that can scan the energy barrier. After all, the technology in this world is so crooked.

The whole has invented Pym particles and energy weapons before entering space. Obviously, there are few forces in the universe that control time travel, but on such a corner of the planet that has not entered space, Pym particles appear to travel through the quantum realm Such a wonderful thing.

Although the force value in this world is not high, or their powerful weapons are still limited to nuclear bombs, they can develop some detection and detection technologies.

Those who can achieve that position are not idiots. If there is no such monster-like space battleship, they may consider launching nuclear bombs to flatten the city directly. There are also associated space battleships, so they have to think carefully about it.

Now the focus of the entire world is on this terrifying wine-red huge battleship, and more people have noticed the square text and overall artistic style embellished on the battleship, which makes the whole world unable to bear it. It reminds me of a powerful mysterious country.

Is it really that deep?Not so!
Just when everyone thought that this huge battleship would not continue to do any other actions, suddenly, the lower hatch and the huge front cabin were all opened, and one after another gunboats and space fighters passed through these hatches. Flying out, the behemoth warships and erratic flying motorcycles surrounding the Kirita people started strangling with all their strength.

Now everyone understood that this huge battleship was likely to help them.

The firepower of the strange aircraft flying in the sky is very terrifying. The missiles they released can easily blow up the space behemoth battleship of the Ciritas. The heavy explosive bombs they fired directly hit the biological battleship after the second explosion. Blast one blood flower after another, and it felt like the biological battleship like a giant whale was about to be half-lifed.

Not to mention the hot melt beam and laser cannon on it.

"Oh, my God, what terrifying firepower is this, how are their weapons manufactured? Such terrifying lethality is too amazing!"

Tony, who considered himself a genius, also exclaimed at this time. He also attacked those huge biological warships. His lasers could cause damage to biological warships, but they were definitely not as terrifying as heavy bombs and missiles.

The Kirita people who had previously occupied an absolute advantage are now like a little chick meeting a Panlong flying in the sky, helplessly suppressed by the gunboats and fighter jets sent by the Imperial Roseblade battleship.

Even if the Kiritas manned their flying machines and biological warfare ships, no amount of counterattack could do effective damage to the Empire's gunboats and fighter jets.

Even in the hands of these well-trained and elite pilots, these fighter jets are like artists, outlining a bloody and beautiful picture in the sky.

It's just that the paint and color matching of this picture are all outlined with the sparks from the explosion of the Kirita aircraft and their own blood.

Sensing that the threat in the sky was gone, the Avengers could focus faster on dealing with the Ciritan infantry that had fallen inside buildings and on the streets.

But before they continued to fight with it, several hexagonal airdrop pods were projected from the bottom of the battleship Rose Blade and fell to the ground.

"What a crude bio-modification technology, what a low frequency of energy use! My God, how can I be bullied by such bastards?!"

These airdrop pods fell near the Avengers. After the pods opened, one after another was covered with medals of honor and various ornaments, holding a large-caliber bolt gun, wearing a long melting sword on their waist, and wearing a The crimson storm champion fighters in oriental artistic color power armor came out in single file.

Han Bai, who was walking in the front, didn't even move his eyes in the direction of the Avengers, but only stared at the Chirita infantry staring at them with disgust and indifference.

"For the Emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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