Chapter 325 Resolutions
"If angels and demons are the enemies of the empire at the level of four-dimensional space, then the existence of the polluters is the most difficult, persistent, and most frightening enemy that the empire has encountered in the three-dimensional physical universe. The polluters No matter in terms of combat effectiveness, overall execution ability, and infectiousness, it is far beyond the existence of all heterosexual race creatures currently registered in the empire."

——— "Empire Enemy"

After listening to Han Xin's description, Chagatai clasped his arms tightly and frowned. As the keenest wolf king, he instinctively felt that the enemy was very difficult this time.

"This thing is simply a natural war machine, impeccable. Whether it is mental control, individual combat power, or infection, it is all at the level of invulnerability. This thing is stronger than demons and angels..."

Hearing these words, Han Xin shook his head and continued.

"Actually, during the Great Rebellion, such strange creatures in the eastern part of the empire had already fought against demons. The concept of twisted and bewitched demons could not affect them at all, and they could directly tear apart the demon's body. Obviously, this kind of Creatures also have the power to restrain dimensional creatures."

"Moreover, even the middle-level demons among demons can only survive a few rounds under the hands of this kind of individual soldiers. According to the existing data, what is currently displayed in front of us is only the low-level fighters of this strange creature. "

Then this is even more extraordinary.

The Primarchs looked at each other in blank dismay, they all knew the fighting power of the Median Demon.For ordinary soldiers of the empire, the mid-level demons are completely crushing. Only powerful Gochen fighters can easily kill them, which means that the bottom-level fighters of this biological group are about to reach the level of Gochen fighters. up.

What a terrifying war potential this is, and how many low-level fighters like the enemy are, there is no difference at all, and according to the information given by Han Xin, they have larger individuals, more terrifying individuals, and some are called mothers. s things.

Meng Tian, ​​the leader of the Iron Warriors Legion, put his hands on the table and asked with some doubts.

"Has there never been a file of this creature before? Even in the information sites of the old empire, there is no analysis of this thing?"


Han Xin shook his head and said: "Actually, I have consulted the Imperial Library, the Imperial Information Central Archives Bureau, and the Imperial Academy of Sciences. They said that they have never seen such a strange creature, similar to a puppet, going forward without restraint, The fighting power is strong, and the infection is extremely strong."

"However, the technological sages of the Imperial Academy of Sciences once mentioned that the brain structure of this creature is very special, which is equivalent to saying that there is an absolutely terrifying existence behind them, which completely unifies their will. What's more frightening is that their The muscle structure is completely different from that of humans, and it is more suitable for coordinating and coordinating the muscles of the whole body."

"However, the analysis of this strange creature has been going on for hundreds of years, and the Imperial Academy of Sciences has also found out the weakness of this creature, which is the three inches behind their heads."

In fact, this weakness is the same as not having it, because the extremely sharp tail of this creature often protects the back of the head. What is even more frightening is that, except for those superhuman fighters and specially modified and specially trained elite fighters, it is expected that imperial soldiers will hit It is really too difficult to touch a point three inches from the back of the head.

"The only thing that can comfort us now is that the empire's standard laser gun can still kill that creature if it shoots concentratedly."

Xiang Yu no longer remained silent at this moment, he clenched his fists and said.

"That is to say, after my lord father leaves the empire, the empire will face a brand new enemy, and an enemy that is more dangerous and terrifying than angels and demons."

"you can say it this way."

There was another long silence.

"Raise your vigilance in all aspects, especially the eastern part of the empire. It seems that the enemy is coming from the east. I suggest immediately forming a mixed fleet and stationing in the eastern part of the empire for a long time. Once you find this mysterious and treacherous creature, immediately find it and kill it. Kill."

Yang Zaixing, the leader of the Calamity Messenger Corps, suggested so.




The other Primarchs agreed with the Lord of the Doombringer Legion.

"Brothers, I want to ask here whether to inform the entire empire of this monster's information. I am afraid that if the information of this monster and his group is informed to the empire, the empire may fall into a certain degree of panic again. After all My father has just left for a few years."

Princess Jin, the eldest princess of the empire, who is in charge of publicizing the empire as a whole, the empire's medical welfare system and most of the empire's internal affairs, asked with a worried face.

"Hold this news for now. After a period of time, after the empire's comprehensive strength and military strength are further restored, the name of this monster will be announced. For now, the hidden warriors of the Hand of Hades Legion and the assassins of the Assassin Court They are responsible for the investigation, and once found, the mixed fleet will be dispatched to kill them in one fell swoop, and it is not impossible to even take the demon slaying order."

After thinking for a while, Han Xin suggested this, and the other Primarchs nodded in agreement.

In fact, Han Xin now faintly has the feeling of being the leader of the Primarch. Xiang Yu has to keep silent because of the mastermind of the great rebellion and the consequences of the great rebellion caused by a series of improper operations. After all, their legion has broken the most things. There are the most rebel fighters, and even the masterminds of the rebellion are from their legion.

Xiang Yu has decided to reorganize the overall ethos of the Jedi Lions and its sub-groups. He must get rid of all the arrogance and disdain in his bones.

"I have notified the state religion and the regent, that is, our second uncle, and they will cooperate with our actions. The priests and deacons and some bishops arranged by the state religion on various planets have also begun to prepare to find these monsters. The traces must be caught by us now, there must be a lot of monsters in the empire."

Han Xin's last words also ended the meeting of the Primarch gathering.


"That kind of monster..."

Although the emperor fell on the dining table with the gods, as super-standard gods, they still have the ability to spy on the three-dimensional physical universe.

The gathering of the Primarchs deployed a strong anti-sentient stance, and also deployed the sentient shields given to them by the Emperor.But for the emperor, the breakthrough was easy, and the emperor easily learned the content of their meeting.

Looking at the shape of the monster, it reminded the Emperor of a huge monster that had lain in a deep shadow hundreds of years ago.

It seems that after being beaten by me, the monster restrained himself for so long, and finally couldn't help showing his minions, but this time he seems to be smarter, and he knows to change places.

The emperor thought so in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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