Chapter 319 Original sin never dies
"Original sin is a title, a title that makes the human empire fear forever. Original sin may become different people, but different people can become original sin, because this is the eternal sin that the emperor and mankind face. The eternal enemy of the emperor, irreversible, irresistible, unable to look directly, this is the heaviest original sin!"

——— "The Roar of Original Sin"

In the sound of rumbling guns filled with gunpowder smoke and the sound of thick beams of light smashing into the earth's crust from low-Earth orbit, Original Sin is like walking in its own garden, facing the surging imperial army.

The sharp blade and modified individual bolter of the law enforcement officer of the Imperial Ministry of Justice, the plasma howitzer carried by the law enforcement force of the Imperial Ministry of the Interior, the power spear of the Holy Retribution Knight of the Imperial State Church, the subatomic disintegration gun of the imperial palace guards, The melting sword that symbolizes the fearless Gochen warrior, the holy sword of the battle nun who praises the emperor...

These weapons, which had a great reputation in the empire, all hit the body of Original Sin. Except for the wounds on the waist and abdomen, these attacks did not leave any mark on the indestructible demon scale skin of Original Sin.

Behind the original sin, the army of demons and the legion of fallen warriors followed closely behind the original sin. They were like an invincible spear. Led by the sharpest spear point, they broke through one after another indestructible defense lines of the empire.

When the original sin continued to advance, the great Primarch finally beheaded another big demon. The demise of the great hater Kurland was a complete obliteration in the conceptual sense, which also made the other big monsters run back to four-dimensional space.

It was also during this time that Han Xin, the Crimson Lord of the Empire, Xu Rong, the Shield Guard Lord, Bai Qi, the Death Guard Lord, and Xiang Yu, the Lion King, also arrived at Supreme Chang'an on battleships.

Now, the Primarchs have all gathered on the capital star of the Empire.

Facing the Primarch who surrounded him, Original Sin laughed softly.

"You are indeed the Primarch, with the blood of false gods flowing, stealing the authority of the gods, and harvesting monsters created by beliefs that do not belong to you!"

Facing the angry eyes of the Primarch, Yuan Sin didn't care about it. He waved his sharp claws, and the power of the evil god in his body was constantly stirring, and it seemed that some kind of signal began to be faintly emitted. All around.

"Not good, what does this guy want to do? Hurry up and kill him!!!"

Seeing the abnormality in the original sin's body, Han Xin roared, and the other Primarchs realized that something was wrong, and immediately picked up the weapons given to them by the emperor to kill this terrible demon.

Not to be looked at directly, not to be discussed, with countless negative emotions gathered, the power of the evil god, which symbolizes the most fundamental and essential seven deadly sins of countless living beings, erupted from the body of the original sin, and instantly exploded the surrounding Primarch.

Original Sin feels the chaos of his own body. This is also the deal he made with the evil god. With the help of the evil god, he will set foot on the capital star of the empire, and use a large number of blood sacrifices and his own power to completely disrupt reality on the emperor's site. The laws of the physical universe lead to the coming of the true body of the evil god.

"Original sin is just a title! When I die, there will still be other original sins who will continue to lead the demons and great warriors to fight against you false primarchs and this ruined empire!!!!"

"And my last mission is also my last power coming, great evil god, use your terrifying body to crush this universe, use your terrifying power to destroy this empire, accept and lead mankind with your compassionate heart !!!!"

Original sin immediately turned into a beam of light mixed with chaotic concepts and evil power. The demons who set off massacres and rebellions in various star fields and planets of the empire wailed loudly, and gave their bodies and souls unwillingly, mixing with the people of the empire. Howling, the soul and blood formed a huge chaotic beam of light, constantly bombarding the laws of the real physical universe.

These terrifying beams of light pierced directly into the atmosphere, entered the dark void, penetrated into the walls of unknown dimensions and tore a huge gap that was enough to be called fear.

Seeing the opening that was big enough to accommodate their stalwart body, the evil gods rejoiced and laughed.

"Hahahaha, Emperor, you didn't expect that, this is our last plan, we will use powerful force to completely destroy your empire, and let you watch your body being eaten up by us! !!"

The evil god of greed laughed loudly, and the terrifying greed was constantly stirring. The evil gods of jealousy, rage, lust, etc. all looked at the emperor's body of will and laughed.

Before the emperor's will reacted, their will body dissipated immediately and returned to their bodies.

One by one, the evil gods carrying horrible phantoms, symbolizing the most primitive concept of sin, walked out of their own kingdom of God. They protruded out the laws of the entire physical universe with every step and began to scream. The powerful power of rules tried to stop these evil gods. However, they found that they would never be able to find out where these evil gods were.

The logic of the power of these rules has long been deciphered by those extraordinary beings, and it was the emperor who deciphered it first.

The three-dimensional physical universe is whining, the stars are shattering, and the turbulent flow of space begins to stir. Around this, time and space begin to change, and light begins to distort. The time flow of each universe has undergone tremendous changes under the influence of this terrifying existence. , Some planets have passed ten years, some planets have only passed 1 minute, some planets have already died of old age, and some planets are still waiting for calls from relatives.

When the bodies of the evil gods descended on this three-dimensional physical universe, they unscrupulously released their sinful concepts.

In an instant, all the intelligent life forms in the entire universe began to have horrific phantoms in their minds, and the most primitive evils such as rage, greed, lust, jealousy, and gluttony began to emerge in their hearts.

At the same time, the Heavenly Fleet and the Angel Phalanx, which had captured many planets in the western part of the empire, immediately sacrificed themselves, and sacrificed all the people of the empire on the planets they occupied in an extremely cruel way, using the power of the soul and their own pure The energy blasts away the vacancy of the laws of the real physical universe.

When the laws of the real physical universe were in turmoil under the impact of demons, a gap leading to heaven was torn again.

The three gods of heaven also have bright brilliance, they symbolize the benevolence and brilliance of heaven, and they also step their real bodies into the laws of the physical universe of reality, and start trying to confuse the three-dimensional at a terrifying speed with their own concepts. Intelligent life forms in the physical universe.

They exude self-righteous light, and the wailing of the universe and the screams of intelligent life forms resound in their ears. They trample on the laws of the universe and confuse time and space. As a result, the western part of the empire has fallen into great turmoil and chaos. .

"Fear O Emperor, we have surrendered..."

Before he finished talking about the greedy evil myth of the leader, a black and golden beam of bright energy light rose from the Holy Empire Palace of Supreme Chang'an, interrupting his words.

"A group of idiots who are dominated and confused by their own concepts. Since I can let you in, I have a reason to make you pay the price!"

(End of this chapter)

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