Chapter 316 The Last Sacred Lion
"The Redemption Warriors is a very mysterious special group within the empire that performs their own missions. They claim to be warriors who have borne great sins and have been active on the most difficult battlefields of the empire. They claim to pass their own Redemption warriors have always obeyed orders, but there is one exception, and that is when they encounter fallen warriors."

————"Mysterious Warrior of the Empire"

The right arm of the great enemy Kurland has been cut off by the wolf king, and the sharp claws of the wolf king are tearing at his seemingly indestructible body. The eyes on the body continuously emit various sound waves, lasers and The hypnotic wave sought to shake the impregnable will of the Primarch.

His Royal Highness the Wolf King didn't care about these small tricks played by the enemy, and continued to wave the sharp claws of the Wolf King, and the double cannon bombs on his wrists kept shooting dense blood sprays on the body of the big enemy.

The fall and death of Interline's desire manipulator made other big demons start to fear. At first, they could only feel that these sacred weapons made by the emperor could kill them completely, but when their companions were really killed After killing them, all the big demons lost their chances and began to be more careful, even thinking of running away.

As the apex of the demon system, the Great Demon, which symbolizes the will of the evil god and has its own concept of chaos and depravity, does not have the arrogance or consciousness of the strong. It is their consistent principle to run away when things are not going well. Even in the early days They also often escaped during the years when they fought the Primarch.

Except for the Arrogant Cthulhu and his demons, the rest of the demons have already begun to think about how to run away. After all, Original Sin is not able to fully command them. They came to harvest flesh and soul.

Kurland, the great hater who is known as the representative of the concept of hate annotation, no longer wants to steal a drop of Primarch's blood, and now he only thinks about how to get rid of this man who is as crazy as a hungry wolf.

The wolf king's attacks continued continuously, and it was very difficult for Kurland to parry. Now he has put all his attention on how to get out of the battle and escape smoothly.

The terrifying storm generated by the battle between the two swept one battlefield after another. The wolf king deliberately swept this battlefield storm into the demon camp. Countless demons died under these blue and white claws. The wolf king is like a terrifying Like the Devil Harvester, he tore apart the earth and crushed the mountains, just to harvest the souls of these dirty demons so that they would never regenerate.

Grex the Great Chaos narrowly escaped a broadsword burning like a golden sun. As the master of the Calamity Legion, Primarch Yang Zaixing wielded a Calamity specially created for him by the Emperor. .

This is an extremely thick wide-bladed broadsword, with a golden radiance shining at the core of the broadsword.

The brilliance here rests on the holy blood of the emperor. Its fearless power of faith and the terrifying characteristics of killing demons endow this weapon with the power to kill the apex of demons.

Known as possessing the concept of chaos, the Great Chaos One who will never die with the existence of chaos dodges left and right under this big knife, not daring to let this terrifying big knife hit him at all, even though he is so cautious, So powerful, but it is inevitable that a right leg will be cut off by the emperor's holy son.

A series of terrifying sword lights cut deep cracks one after another on the battlefield, and the mountains were crumbled under these blows.

When the devil wants to get close to the traces of these slashes, it will be shocked by the sacred aura escaping from it, and its heart will be devastated.

"Damn original sin, is this the hunting ground and soul harvesting ground you promised us? This is simply blacker than killing at a slaughterhouse!"

The Great Chaos roared up to the sky, and he believed that his words would be heard by the hypocritical and deceitful villain of Original Sin.


Empire Southern Starfield
Seeing the capital of the empire completely engulfed in flames of war, even the regent, who is as strong as a god, felt heartbroken over it.But he knows very well that he can't act rashly, he is a kind of dangerous chess and a pawn responsible for the ending of a move.

"You madman who uses himself as a bargaining chip, I hope you can achieve your goal, otherwise, even if you fight to the death, I will make you pay the price! For those innocent soldiers and people!"

The regent cast his icy eyes on the sky above the hidden dimension of this three-dimensional physical universe, and he watched the will experience of the emperor and the evil god.

"His Royal Highness, we have applied for the battle. This is the crime committed by our regiment leader. It should be the last member of our regiment to draw a successful conclusion..."

Behind the Regent, members of the Redemption Warriors and the former Sacred Lions stood up one after another to challenge the Regent.

The corner of the regent's eyes twitched, he turned his head to look at the three hundred soldiers with a cold face, and said in a cold voice.

"Think about it, the current Redemption Warriors can't make a move. This is the mission given to us by the Emperor. You are the last spark of the Holy Lions. Are you going to die with this spark? ?!"

Hearing the regent's cold advice, the leading soldier still didn't look up, but just lowered his head and said.

"Because of this, the number of our battle group can't be completely reduced to shame. Your Highness the Regent, you and I both understand that the original sin that made waves in the empire is our former head."

"This is the greatest shame of the Sacred Lions, not to mention the power armor worn by those fallen warriors, many of which are printed with our battle group's logo, which makes the whole empire think of our shameful battle group!"

Not to mention the remaining loyal fighters of the Sacred Lions, even the fighters of several other battle groups were full of energy and blood, and their eyes were red.Many of those traitors also wear power armor bearing the mark of their Chapter, which is a blasphemy against the will of the Emperor and a betrayal of the faith of the Empire!
"He is our former head, and we should deal with it!!!"

Hearing the warrior's resolute words, the Regent closed his eyes. He knew the Emperor's plan, but he didn't want to follow the Emperor's plan completely.

"Then you go, I will let the ubiquitous breeze send you to Supreme Chang'an, and use your life and the last banner to prove the last loyalty of your chapter."

As for the idea of ​​winning, the Regent has no idea at all. Original Sin is the existence of the power of six evil gods, and its style has far surpassed the level of ordinary demigods. Even the big devil is rarely in his hands. can match it.

Hundreds of Gouchen fighters wearing power armor, holding large-caliber explosive bomb weapons, and wielding melta knives would not be opponents of an existence like Original Sin.

The regent's meaning was very clear. The leading member of the former Holy Lion Squadron gave a bitter smile, and then he took out a bright flag from the rear backpack of his power armor with great care.

Embroidered on this banner is the Chapter they once served in and their former home.

The other fighters behind him stared at the flag with reverence, lamentation, resentment and determination, as if they had made some kind of decision in their hearts.

"set off!"

The soldier gave a loud shout, and afterward, the feet of all the soldiers emitted a turquoise light. A gust of wind blew by, and they disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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