Weird invasion?Then I have to kill demons with technology.

Chapter 303 Secondary Genocide Authority

Chapter 303 Secondary Genocide Authority
"The Great Rebellion may have been an era in which the empire suffered heavy losses, its people suffered countless casualties, and its soldiers suffered heavy losses. Countless heroes have been born in the empire. In the hidden corners of the empire, the great beings called the Celestial Group are slowly waking up. The Imperial Academy of Sciences unblocked the hidden weapons set by the emperor with high authority. These weapons are available at any time. The power to turn the tables..."

———"The Secret of the Empire"

imperial academy of sciences

In a holographic projection meeting in the deepest underground part of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, the great sages of the empire and the outstanding scientists of the sage level of the empire, these existences comparable to the treasures of the empire and the treasures of mankind, opened an important meeting.

The core content of the meeting is to determine the current level of crisis that the empire has encountered, and to activate the high-authority technological weapons left by the emperor.

As scientific research personnel trained by the emperor, the five great sages of science and technology and the 17 sages of science and technology are the existences of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, and they are also the existences who can barely follow the footsteps of the emperor in their respective fields.

The many secret high-tech created by the emperor, and the mysterious science and technology used by the empire to turn the tables when it faces a crisis are all kept in the empire's star field in various ways, and many backhands are spread across the sky.

Even some huge scientific and technological weapons float like garbage in the icy void when they are not activated, and the operators inside are trapped in a permanent physiological freeze. Will spend his life in deep sleep forever.

Even the activation of Kuafu, his recovery of consciousness is also known by the Imperial Academy of Sciences, because Kuafu also has the instruments of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in his body, the great sages of science and technology and the sages of science and technology understand that this must be the emperor's backhand, Kuafu's awakening also sounded the alarm for them, and they must consider whether to activate some secret technology to turn the tide.

After all, the emperor has used star-level life forms, which is enough to show that the current situation of the empire is very bad. Even the emperor must find a way to lower part of his will and strength when confronting the evil god.

After the meeting started, the great sages of science and technology separated from their respective scientific research projects looked at each other, and the great sage of science and technology in the center spoke.

"The topic of this meeting is to confirm the level of crisis the empire is currently facing, and discuss unblocking technology based on the level."

After finishing speaking, the great sage continued without waiting for the other companions to speak.

"First of all, the first item is to establish the technological crisis that the empire is currently facing. If you think that the empire is currently facing a genocide-level crisis, please raise your hand."

After the great sage finished speaking, two technological sages and another technological great sage raised their hands.

The monitoring network of the Imperial Academy of Sciences also relies on the beacon chain navigation system, and has also cut into more secret information collection instruments that spread information faster.

Therefore, the news received by the Imperial Academy of Sciences is even more accurate and detailed than the news received by the high-level empire, and some even contain drawings and videos.

Two technological sages and a technological elector made such a choice because they felt that the superhuman fighters, the battle fortress that the empire is proud of, have suffered considerable damage, and some have even turned to the evil god, the power of the evil god Going off in person, and dispatching planet-level life forms, the huge fleet has already rushed directly to Huanglong, and the political, economic, and military core of the empire is facing severe challenges.

The western side of the empire is facing a more severe test, not only to suppress the internal rebellion and the external alien race invasion, but even a considerable size of angels and angel fleets are used from the light hole left by the kingdom of light, and begin to attack the west of the empire .

The empire is now beset by enemies with alien races outside, angels are constantly attacking, and the army of demons is attacking the yellow dragon inside. The large-scale blood sacrifice and rebellion of fallen soldiers have made the empire overwhelmed.

Under such a crisis and challenge, the powerful Emperor's technology must be dispatched to sweep away all enemies and ensure the stability of the empire. They are all successors who uphold the emperor's restraint and emperor's spirit. The emperor's painstaking efforts and human well-being must be guaranteed. Perfect Guardian.

The great sage of technology sitting in the middle nodded, and then spoke again.

"Those who now think that the empire is facing a secondary genocide crisis, please raise your hand."

As soon as the words fell, the other technological sages and the three great technological sages raised their hands in unison.

They feel that although the situation is critical now, it will definitely not reach the situation of the destruction of the empire and the destruction of the human race, but it can also be classified as a serious crisis of the second level.

If you don't pay attention to Supreme Chang'an and then lose it, you will be in big trouble. Perhaps in terms of the size of the empire, demons, angels, and alien races can be completely expelled, but the military, cultural, economic and technological core of the empire is destroyed, and the empire will be destroyed. slumped.

Once an accident happens to the core of the empire, the emperor who confronts the evil god will be affected, and the empire will also fall into a long-term depression and depression.This is tantamount to slow suicide, because when a race or a country loses its spirit, it is not far from extinction.

Compared with direct demise, the danger of chronic suicide must be placed on the second level, which is why these sages and great sages made such choices.

The great sage of science and technology in the middle nodded again, and said: "According to the rules of voting by show of hands, the current crisis facing the empire is judged as a secondary genocide crisis."

"According to the existing crisis level and the emperor's crisis hidden technology authority, the second-level authority hidden technology creation can currently be used."

Speaking of which, the middle technology sage who was in charge of judging and voting stretched out his hand, and opened a small projection screen from above his projection again to condense a list of hidden technologies that they currently have permission to open. creation.

"Tenjin Group: Xingtian"

"Tenjin Group: Jiuli"

"Death Star"

"Black Hole Annihilation Bomb"

"Stellar Bomb"

"Micro Quantum Virus Bomb"

"Stellar Destroyer"


Looking at these hidden technological creations, even the long-cold emotions and minds of the technological sages and technological sages can't help being excited and excited. This is the crystallization of the emperor's wisdom, and it is what they have been pursuing. And yearn for the science and technology.

The great sage of science and technology who showed the list was the first to come to his senses, suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, and said indifferently.

"Now we choose which hidden secondary technological creation to put into the empire for combat."

The others looked at each other, and after looking at each other, they said the name of a technological creation in unison.

"Death Star!"

(End of this chapter)

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