Weird invasion?Then I have to kill demons with technology.

Chapter 295 Establishment of the Prisoner Army

Chapter 295 Establishment of the Prisoner Army

"We will never forget this great day. Just today, we killed the fallen enemies who betrayed the emperor. Also today, we understand that we still have sins. If there were no sins, those fallen enemies would not Will come to confuse us, in order to prove our purity and loyalty, in order to return to the emperor's supreme throne as soon as possible, enjoy eternal happiness, and narrate our beliefs, the prisoner army will be established today, and the great prisoner will Use your own will and life to engrave your loyalty to the Emperor!"

———"Declaration of the Prisoner Army"

The enemy was indeed defeated. Looking at the wreckage of the cruiser that was captured by the gravity of the planet and fell to the ground, it could be seen that the enemy was indeed defeated, and even his bones were crushed, not even a corpse.

But no one from planetary consuls to ordinary people was happy. They began to reflect on why they were so devout and why they believed in the emperor so much.Whenever the enemy thinks of coming to confuse and rebel, they will come to them.

After two days and two nights of thinking, everyone understood a truth, their loyalty is not enough, their faith is still not enough, they must go to the battlefield, use their lives and actions to demonstrate loyalty, and the people who have been washed in the flames of war are still not enough. Only the soul is pure and worthy to enter under the Emperor's supreme throne and enjoy eternal joy.

Yes, it must be so.

So the wardens and consuls of the ten prison planets in the Prisoner Star Field quickly contacted the top management of the empire, and learned of the current situation of wars raging within the empire.

After the ten consuls held a short meeting, they decided that in the name of redemption and redemption, the descendants of sinners in the prisoner star field must also wash away the shame in their blood, purify their souls, and return to the world with pure souls. The emperor's supreme throne.

For the proposals of the consuls, the high-level empire agreed, and immediately asked the imperial navy to allocate warships to the prisoner star field to load the trained prisoner soldiers.

After the consuls passed the news to the ten planets, the criminals and their descendants attacked one after another, and they finally had a chance to prove their faith and loyalty, and they could finally use their souls and lives to challenge the Emperor. Prove your loyalty and faith!

They have waited too long for this opportunity, and they must use their actions and the lives and heads of those traitors to express their loyalty to the Emperor, otherwise their lives will no longer have light.

On the ten planets, regardless of men, women, young or old, even children flocked to the conscription office enthusiastically. For a while, the conscription office was overcrowded. Everyone who lives on these ten planets must sign up to join the army. .

There is no need to advertise at the conscription office, but within the scope of their entry, there are densely packed people holding registration forms and wanting to join the army.

It is foreseeable that after the two-year training period, these fanatical soldiers full of fanatical beliefs, battlefield doctrine, and fanatic believers will step onto the battlefield to fight against all enemies of the empire.

They will also be the nightmare of all enemies.


The Jedi Lions guard the star field.

A thick fist smashed the solid steel door, and a burly figure squeezed in through the door. The tall and oppressive figure made everyone around swallow their saliva, even if they themselves Is the proud Jedi lion warrior.

Xiang Yu directly punched the solid steel door, walked in and asked with a frown.

"Has the turmoil in the star field we are responsible for guarding subsided now? What about the nearby star fields?"

His Royal Highness the Lion King has not closed his eyes for seven consecutive days and nights. Since the start of the Great Rebellion, the Jedi Lion Legion and the Blood Lord Legion have the most traitors, and even the Blood Lord Legion's traitors once reached 3/10.

The number of traitors in the Jedi Lion Legion has also reached 1/5.

Even if the Primarch personally suppressed the rebellion, the Jedi Lions would have lost 2/5 of their strength in total.

It can be said that after the great rebellion, both the Jedi Lions and their subordinate groups suffered huge losses.

The strength of the Jedi Lions Legion was severely injured, and the fleets that originally belonged to the guardian star fields of the various colonial planets were almost out of staff.

Primarch Xiang Yu's face turned green. Although the other legions also suffered heavy losses, they were not as outrageous as their legions, especially the Crimson Storm Legion and the Unyielding Iron Wall Legion. Their losses were only more than ten percent , It seems that they have already reached almost half of the level.

This made the Primarch wonder for a while, is there something wrong with his own practices, thoughts and legion culture?Is it his own problem that caused this situation in both the legion under him and the war group that was divided.

But now that the situation is urgent, the Primarch really can't spare the energy to think about these things.

"Report Your Highness, I have received a warning from the Beacon Tower! Suddenly, a super-large-scale four-dimensional space energy fluctuation appeared on a planet outside our star field, and it seems that a monster-level creature is about to appear!"

At this moment, a Jedi lion warrior suddenly reported this extremely serious problem to Xiang Yu.

The energy fluctuations of great demon-level creatures will be sensed by the beacon towers that serve as road signs for the empire.Beacon towers are all built on super-large stars full of rich energy one after another. On the one hand, they are responsible for guiding the direction of the imperial warships, and on the other hand, they are also a kind of energy monitoring to avoid the arrival of super-standard creatures.

Hearing the appearance of a big demon, Xiang Yu clenched his fists subconsciously, and the air burst suddenly in his palm, forming the sound of air explosion.

"Prepare the battleship, bring my honor guard and space stabilizer, I will personally destroy this big demon, let these evil gods and demons in the four-dimensional space take a good look, human beings are not yet something they can play with! !"

(Space Stabilizer: When the big demon-level birthday is facing a downturn or a concentrated fire attack, it will arbitrarily jump into the four-dimensional space through the small gaps in the dimension to escape. Therefore, the space stabilizer came into being, and the space stabilizer will Eliminate all space dimension gaps to prevent the big demon from escaping.)
Since ancient times, when soldiers fought soldiers, kings faced kings, and the evil gods did not end, if the emperor ended first, it would undoubtedly be a kind of inferiority to the empire and mankind in terms of strength.

Since the other party took the lead in dispatching a demon-level force, as the Primarch, especially the most recent Primarch, the Primarch who received the warning first, then Xiang Yu must act!

It just so happens that he has a stomach full of anger and has no place to vent it. The empire has become what it is now, and it is all caused by the devil. Since the devil has made a move, he will follow it together!

(End of this chapter)

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