Chapter 282 The Imperial Turmoil
"The Ant Warriors, which was established during the empire's first founding of the army, is one of the empire's start-up battle groups. It was born out of the Jedi Lion Legion and the Iron Warriors Legion. It is a rare mixed battle group of the Second Legion. The Ant Warriors The battle group is just like their name. What they advocate is the structure, unity, and order of ants. The ant warriors are like swarms of ants in combat, with orderly levels and efficient offensive phalanxes. Cutting the enemy's line to achieve the effect of dividing the battlefield and encircling and devouring them one by one. The Ant Warriors have been stationed on the western border of the empire. They are famous in many battle groups for their strong united combat ability and tenacity. The khaki power armor The pauldron pattern of the coating and the ant-head emblem are the emblems of their Chapter."

———— "Imperial Warband Archives"

The star field guarded by the Red Hands has always been peaceful and peaceful, with a developed economy, and the living standards of the people of the empire are quite high.

Because the Crimson Hands have always implemented the legion culture and will of the mother legion, and often personally participate in the construction of the planet, and some have even been part-time as the consul of the planet, building with a superhuman mind and a brand new concept of democratic governance beautiful planet.

But for all the battle groups that were split from the Crimson Storm Legion, or the legion itself, all fighters have clear beliefs and beliefs. They have their own lofty ideals and pursuits. They are also blessed by the Emperor, except for the Indomitable Iron Wall Legion. One of the legions with the least number of fallen fighters, the fallen fighters of its battle group are also very few.

Most of the Crimson Storm Legion and its sub-battle groups, which have their own pursuits, have subjective ideas, and have accepted the idea of ​​​​the Primarch as a lighthouse target, were not bewitched by original sin. After the huge rebellion, the Crimson Storm Legion suffered The losses were also very small, including the battle groups they belonged to, which also borne less losses.

The only thing that can compare with the losses of the Crimson Storm Legion and its sub-battles is the Silver Moon Wolf Legion and its sub-battles.

If it is said that the Crimson Storm Legion and its sub-battle groups strengthen the spiritual will and faith fortress of the soldiers with their unique and charming legion culture, legion beliefs and legion concepts.

Then the Silver Moon Wolf Legion and its sub-battle regiments completely rely on their own tendons and pursuit of freedom, their yearning for Two-dimensional, and their belief in the emperor to resist the temptation of original sin.

Even original sin would mutter to himself indignantly when facing the Silver Moon Wolf Legion and its sub-battle groups.

"I just know that none of these weird legions full of novels, comics, TV series, movies, Two-dimensional, drinking, and false gods are sane!"

If it is facing the Crimson Storm Legion and its sub-warbands, the original sin that has not succeeded in bewitching will say so.

"These pedantic hypocrites in red cans still hold their fragile and powerless theories and beliefs. Such cowardly fighters must be stronger in spirit and will. If they mix with ordinary people every day, I'm afraid even I forgot how to fight."

Except for the Unyielding Iron Wall Legion and its sub-battles, the Silver Moon Wolf Legion and its sub-battles, and the Crimson Storm Legion and its sub-battles, the remaining seven major legions and their sub-battles suffered heavy losses. .

The Empire's Crimson Hand Chapter guards the star domain and colonizes planet number 77314.

This is a colonial planet guarded by the Red Hands, and even their honorary consul is the captain of the third company of the Red Hands.

Originally, this planet was peaceful and peaceful. The interstellar businessmen who came and went brought them novelty items that they could not see, and the back and forth foreign trade transactions also injected vitality into this planet.

The ecology here is peaceful, the supplies are abundant, and there is an agricultural planet around to supply their food and specialty products.

This was supposed to be a peaceful, happy and peaceful planet where the people of the empire lived and worked peacefully and developed peacefully.

The fact is true, the beauty here is like a picture scroll, but the star fields guarded by the Crimson Storm Legion and its sub-battle groups must be as beautiful as scenic spots, full of art and happiness.

Such a planet will also be hailed as the most worth seeing by the imperial people of other star regions as a colonial planet worth seeing.

But just today, all the pictures of happiness, living and working in peace and contentment, and ample food and clothing were destroyed by a group of defected and fallen warriors from the Frost Bear Chapter.

The fallen warriors on the cruiser with the mark of the Imperial Frost Bear Chapter came to this beautiful planet directly through the leap, and came here in the airdrop pod.

These depraved traitors chose to come to this planet for no reason. One, it was the richest and most populous planet they knew.

Second, due to the management of the Scarlet Sons, the planet's vigilance towards the Gochen fighters will be greatly reduced, and they will even be very welcome, which is conducive to their massacres and blood sacrifices.

The third, and most important point, is that this planet is actually very remote from the empire, and the communication is relatively backward. The news of the overall rebellion of the empire should not have reached here.

In fact, they were right, and the planet was not vigilant about the arrival of these frost bears' fallen warriors.Even a large number of imperial people ran out in groups to watch these tall and powerful fighters in power armor.

The military director of this planet also sent a regiment of planetary guardian troops symbolically. He did not believe that these superhuman warriors would have any ill will against the people of the empire, because their brothers, the Red Hand warriors, had perfectly confirmed this point.

However, when these fighters appeared from the airdrop cabin, the people of the empire were taken aback, because the power armor of these fighters was full of bullet holes and gunpowder smoke, and they looked like they had been attacked and scarred. The billowing thick smoke seemed to have gone through a great battle.

This colonial planet has a total of four huge cities, and even the area of ​​these cities fully surrounds half of the planet. This is a huge city-type colonization unique to the empire.

In the giant city closest to the Frost Bear Warrior, a corps of planetary guardians maintained order, and countless people of the empire watched these superhuman warriors who seemed to have experienced ambushes and fighting.

The Frost Bear warriors didn't know why they stood near their airdrop pods, and some even raised their hands towards the people of the empire.

It wasn't until the leader of the third regiment of the Planetary Guardian Army came to these fighters and asked what happened that they knew that the reason why these fighters looked scarred from the attack was because some of the empire's battle groups suddenly rebelled, and they fled. Come out warrior.

"Noble warriors, please wait a moment, we will immediately notify the Red Sons stationed on this planet."

(End of this chapter)

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