Chapter 263
"Holy Word Warriors, this battle group was established during the empire's first military establishment, and is one of the empire's founding battle groups. It was born out of a multi-legion mixed battle group. High-quality and high-ability talents selected from the holy disciplinary knights of the state religion of the empire, the Holy Word Chapter has always been adhering to the purpose of fighting for the emperor, fighting for the faith of the empire, and fighting to protect the loyalty of the state religion. Fighting on the front line of the empire against heresy and demons, every soldier of the Holy Word Chapter is an existence that can be compared with the bishop of the Star Field in terms of faith. Strong faith is regarded as a source of strength in their hearts. They can use the power of the Emperor to slay all blasphemy and heresy, and an open book is the emblem of their chapter shoulder armor, and the golden power armor coating is their symbol."

———— "Imperial Warband Archives"

Imperial Church Headquarters Church of the Most Holy
The Supreme Holy Church, the headquarters of the Imperial State Church, is located in the northwest of Supreme Chang'an. It looks like a huge city as a whole, second only to the Holy Palace of the Empire. There are loft-style building systems and row upon row of space everywhere, which perfectly reflects the emperor's aesthetic appeal. Superiority.

In this holy church, gorgeous floor-to-ceiling pictures can be seen everywhere, all of which are all kinds of sacred deeds of the emperor from his rise to the present, and there are many pictures of the Primarch accompanying the emperor, and there are also pictures of the empire The picture is getting better and better under the emperor's leadership.

The reliefs, sculptures, decorations, textures, and pictures of the entire church are all centered on the emperor. The words spoken by the holy emperor and the things he has experienced are printed on the corners of this huge church in various ways. , the whole church is surrounded by a strong belief atmosphere.

In this sacred church, which symbolizes the core and supremacy of the empire's beliefs, voices of anger, anger, and fury kept ringing out unbelievably.

"Is this chapter leader crazy? Do they really think that there are sacred genes in their bodies, so they can do whatever they want and intervene in the family affairs of the holy emperor?!!!"

"Without the emperor, there would be no human beings. He really can't understand himself. This has an essential conflict with the teachings of our state religion. Our teachings revolve around the emperor. He dared to force the emperor to set up an imperial prince. , what does he think?"

"If the sons of the great Primarch God have differences and estrangements because of this lifeless guy, then what should our state religion do?! This bastard is trying to drive a wedge. Has he been brainwashed by demons and bought by heretics? Already?!"

In the church, all the priests, bishops, cardinals, archbishops, etc. were frantically expressing their anger and dissatisfaction, and they focused all their attention on the figure sitting on the seat symbolizing the pope.

"The Holy Shield, the Holy Sword, and the Holy Word are all dispatched. The behavior of the Holy Lion has touched the foundation of the state religion and cannot be tolerated."

This is because the pope gave those superhuman fighters a face, and his own people dealt with his own people. Otherwise, if ordinary planets dared to do such a thing, they would have sent the Holy Punishment Knight with the Extermination Order and Star Destroyer Order.

Jedi Lion Legion Mother Star
The most core palace complex on this planet is trembling in front of the might of the great Primarch Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu has completely entered a state of rage. He never thought that his subordinate would dare to force the palace, dare to provoke the relationship between him and his brothers, and dare to clearly point out the fact that he became the prince of the empire in public. How much turmoil and impact this will cause to the empire! ! !
What's more, the emperor is still here, and now he is forcing the establishment of a crown prince. What does this subordinate want to do?Do you want to die by yourself, and then take him to the road of desperation?

The hall where he was originally staying has been completely shattered under his anger and substantive aura, turning into pieces of rubble.

Xiang Yu is getting more and more angry now, the billowing anger in his chest is constantly stirring, boiling, and even rising, his aura and breath are also rising, and the entire palace group begins to shatter.

The Jedi lion warriors stationed in the palace left early, and Xiang Yu finally managed to retain some sanity.

After dispelling all the garrison soldiers, Xiang Yu completely unleashed his anger and arrogance without any scruples, and the entire palace complex collapsed.

Outside the ruins, a large number of Jedi lion warriors gathered here. They looked at the tall, powerful and majestic figure with worried faces, and at the same time, they were filled with resentment.

They all know that the Chapter Commander of the Holy Lions is the first battalion commander of the Jedi Lions Legion. They originally thought that some of the battalion commander's previous thoughts were too much, but now they openly forced the palace and provoked the relationship between the Primarch , in front of the entire empire, before the army and people of the empire, let them shame the Jedi Lion Legion.

Perhaps a few of them also think that the Primarch should become the Crown Prince of the Empire, but even those who agree with this idea shake their heads at the neckline. In order to force the palace, to make decisions for the emperor... What should they do with their legion, the battle group separated from their legion?
The most terrible thing is how will His Royal Highness, the Lord of their legions, face his brothers and his father the Emperor in the future? !
The tall and silent figure moved suddenly, and a word reached the ears of all the Jedi Lion warriors.

"Summon the space fortress, summon the fleet, I will blow up that planet!"


shining city

Now Wu Feng, Lei Ming and Wang Shan's thoughts have completely changed. All they think about is this necklace. He has gone crazy, completely crazy.

Just based on what he is doing now, this battle group is finished, this planet is also finished, and the other six participating battle groups are also finished, maybe even their war group mother star is also finished.

Now it is not something that the two of them can't finish. The two of them immediately realized that this is their major negligence. They must make up for it and thoroughly defend the laws of the empire and the will of the emperor.

"Throw in the army! Everyone is not allowed to move, ready to be detained and inspected! All violent resisters will be killed without mercy!!!"

"Put down all the weapons in your hands, squat down with your hands on your head, do you know what you are doing? You lunatics!!!"

The two chapter leaders immediately pulled out the long swords and weapons they wore around their waists, and the honor guard behind them also took out their weapons, all pointing at the sacred lions and the violent lions opposite them. , Night Cheetahs, Lionhead Warriors, Bayonet Warriors, Gale Walking, and Sons of the Prairie.

The warships hovering in the low-earth orbit of this planet also immediately released a large number of airdrop pods. More and more executor fighters and three-headed dog fighters belonged to the chapter leader and took out their weapons to point at the opposite side. The smell of gunpowder on both sides was very strong. A battle can start almost in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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