Chapter 258 Unveiling
"The Solo Blade Corps, which was established during the first military establishment of the Empire, is one of the empire's initial battle groups. It was born out of the Calamity Messenger Legion. The Solo Blade Corps has completely inherited from the tactical style to the overall legion cultural style. They have joined the Calamity Messenger Legion, walking alone, and their behavior is extremely detached. They are like a sharp knife wandering within the empire, they wander within the empire's territory, and always strike at any illegal behavior they encounter , the robbers, interstellar thieves, etc. in the empire belong to the patrolling battle group with the nature of the patrolling police. The single-blade battle group has always been solitary, but its fighting ability is extremely strong, and they often face all kinds of enemies. For every new kind of enemy, they have strong adaptability and the ability to discover their weaknesses. The maroon dagger is the symbol of their chapter shoulder armor, and the dark brown power armor coating is their symbol."

———— "Imperial Warband Archives"

Just as both sides were preparing for battle, suddenly a communications navigator of the fleet came to report.

"The planet ahead suddenly sent a communication link."

After Wu Feng heard it, he spoke directly.



After saluting the two chapter masters and a representative priest, the communication navigator immediately returned to his post.

After some operations and pressing a few special buttons on the instrument, a projection suddenly unfolded, and an image of a person appeared in the projection, in front of Lei Ming, Wu Feng and Wang Shan.

The person on this image is Xiangwen, the head of the Sacred Lions.

Xiang Wen laughed loudly and said, "Hello, my brothers, welcome to the Bright City!"

Bright City?
The three of them looked at each other, why didn't they know that there was a splendid city in this place, and it was a gorgeous big city from the name. To be honest, the empire usually arranges this kind of gorgeous big city in the interior. The most places are space blockades and military fortress planets.

Wang Shan instinctively felt that something was wrong with the current situation, and that his old friend looked too wrong now.

Wu Feng, the leader of the three-headed dog group, was a little puzzled. He had never heard of the so-called Bright City, so he couldn't help asking.

"Bright City, why didn't we know that there is a Brilliant City here? To be honest, it is impossible for a city named after Brilliant, Sacred, Gorgeous, etc. to appear on the border of the Empire. Bearing such a name, he must have a response With certain specifications, it is impossible to have a city of such specifications in the border of the empire!"

When Wang Shan was still in doubt and thinking, Lei Ming, the head of the Executor Chapter beside him, also spoke.

"Could it be that a large amount of funds, taxes, and a large amount of daily supplies, war preparation supplies, and military precision supplies from the four star fields have all been intercepted by you to build this city?!"

Hearing Wu Feng's question and Lei Ming's questioning, Xiang Wen squinted his eyes and nodded with a smile, and said without hesitation:

"Yes, I did intercept the funds and materials that should have been delivered to the central star field, and cast this great and holy city, but I don't think I did anything wrong. Even in the border of the empire, we still need The Emperor and His Majesty the Lion King, we are only expressing our faith and loyalty to the Empire, is that wrong?"

It turns out that this is to express our belief in Rehmannia glutinosa and Primarch Genome. As expected of our brothers, our belief is so strong and our loyalty is so fierce. We should really be our role models, but unfortunately, we also have our own persistence.

The two Chapter Masters nodded at first, expressing their affirmation of the loyalty of the Chapter Master of the Holy Lion Chapter to the Primarch and the Emperor, but then they both shook their heads in unison and said:

"Maybe you want to express your belief in the Emperor, the Empire, and His Highness the Primarch, but you still violated the laws of the Empire by withholding funds and materials without application or permission, building illegal cities without authorization, and causing To prevent the turmoil between the star fields and the adverse effects of the empire as a whole. For this reason, you must go with us, including you, and the other six chapter masters including you must go with us."

In the minds of the two Chapter Leaders, as the high-level empire, especially the Law Enforcement Chapter and the Blade Chapter of the Ministry of Justice of the Empire, they must maintain the laws and regulations of the Empire as their core.

Xiang Wen smiled and continued: "I did this to let my subordinates and the surrounding imperial people and soldiers of the empire have a place to believe in the emperor. I guess there is no need to go to the Ministry of Justice."

"That won't work, the rules are the rules, and the law is the law!"

The smile on Xiangwen's face froze suddenly, he felt that he had a very good reason to do these things, and they all had the most basic support.But these two stubborn guys still wanted to take him and his brothers back.

Don't they have the respect and admiration of the greatest First Primarch, the most sacred and supreme Lion King in their hearts? ! ! !

We are nothing more than a city built for the great Primarch, what crime is there?Those ordinary people, those brothers living in the central star field and those ordinary, ordinary, ants-like, ordinary people, what is wrong with having so few funds and materials for a few years?Will they starve to death?

Xiang Wen, who was still smiling just now, suddenly turned cold, and asked coldly, "Oh, what if I don't want to go with you?"

Lei Ming and Wu Feng were not easy to provoke either. They immediately put on their helmets, put their hands on the bolt pistols around their waists, and said without giving an inch: "If you don't want to go, or your accomplices don't want to go, Then don’t blame us for taking you over with force, we are all soldiers of the Emperor, don’t make things too ugly.”

Wang Shan also said from the side: "Brother, after all, there is a reason for the incident. You and several other brothers of the chapter leader go to the Supreme Chang'an to explain to the emperor, or explain this to the two ministers of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance. It is clear... If you can say it clearly, this city will be fine, and it can even become a benchmark for the border of the empire."

"It is indeed wrong to do this, and it violates the laws of the empire, but your original intention is good. After all, it is for the emperor. I believe that the ministers of the empire will not do anything."

A familiar voice came from his ear, and Xiang Wen moved his gaze slightly to the side, only to find that old friend Wang Shan who was all decorated, wearing medals, holding a treasure book, and wearing a platinum power armor.

Wang Shan is an old friend, and also his former political commissar and deputy, Xiang Wen said.

"It turned out to be you, my former brother, and now you are still my brother. As long as you join my battle group and become my political commissar and pastor, you will soon accept it and understand my philosophy."

"But let's talk about it later."

Xiangwen shifted his attention to the two battle captains again, looked at them and said: "I think you can come to this planet in person and see the shining city I built. The Propaganda Department is applying for permission, and soon tomorrow it will be connected to the communication channels of all colonial planets and industrial planets in the entire territory of the empire, and I want the entire empire to witness the birth of the Bright City."

There is nothing wrong with this sentence. He did issue an application to the Propaganda Department of the Empire, and it was approved, but what he applied for was to let the people of the Empire see the hard work and battles of the Empire soldiers, not the so-called exhibition city .

(End of this chapter)

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