Chapter 230 The Regent Appears

"The Soul Hunters, which was established during the empire's first founding of the army, is one of the empire's founding battles. The Soul Hunters are not born out of a certain legion like other battles. In fact, the Soul Hunters It is a targeted war group composed of elite fighters drawn from multiple legions. The head of the soul hunter war group once served in the Demon Slayer Warrior Legion and learned a lot of methods against demonic creatures. The soul hunter war group has been established since its establishment. Since then, it has been bearing the order to strangle demons, and as their core strategic purpose and legion culture, the Dimensional Foil Sealer has always been a device carried by every soul hunter, so the soul hunter battle group is also called by the empire. The Chapter of Sealing Demon Souls, the crossed spears are their emblem, and the dark blue power armor coating is their signature."

———— "Imperial Warband Archives"

"People of the empire, everything is fine for me at the moment, and I am fighting with the evil gods in the four-dimensional space, and even have a slight upper hand...Under my protection, the empire will be prosperous and strong, and human beings will become the universe The overlord of the empire.....The people of the empire, don't worry about me, I have been watching and protecting you..."

Xiang Yu and Xu Rong's eyes twitched watching their second uncle randomly make up a long passage according to the script, pretending to be an emperor, and after reading it solemnly, he took out a fried chicken leg from the paper bag next to him with ease. A bottle of black Coke was picked up casually with one hand.

"What do you see me doing?"

The second uncle with a chicken leg in his mouth looked at his two big nephews, scratched his head, a little puzzled.

"No, nothing..."

The two Primarchs shook their heads, and they had nothing to say to this second uncle, let alone the nearby Imperial Minister.

The ministers of the empire and the leaders of the major institutions also gathered together at this moment, because the Primarchs had already conveyed the emperor's will to them before they left, and within a hundred years they had to cooperate with the thin and small quilt in front of them. A man appointed by the Emperor as Regent of the Empire.

The entire empire trusts and approves the emperor's orders unconditionally, no one will ask why, so even if the regent is a bit unruly and completely lacks the rationality and divinity of the emperor, the ministers of the empire have no choice but to turn a blind eye.

The second uncle looked at the supreme throne of the empire with the golden dragon head dangling from his buttocks. He moved his buttocks. He might think that the design of the throne was too big. on the trumpet throne.

Still this comfortable.

Feeling much more comfortable now, the second uncle squinted his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief quietly, completely ignoring the obedient eyes of the imperial minister below and the strange comments of the two Primarchs, he waved and didn't know where to start. A roast chicken and a bottle of Coke are blowing from somewhere.

The second uncle showed his skills, and made those imperial ministers who were still somewhat disapproving of the regent calm down their contempt and impetuosity.Because this is a naked manifestation of the emperor's divine power. Anyway, they can't do such an unscientific scene. If the regent can do it, it must be the power bestowed on him by the emperor.

The second uncle has fried chicken in one hand and Coca-Cola in the other, even the soles of his feet turned into beach shorts and the top of the slippers turned into a short jacket. Anyway, the short jacket is still buttoned up, more or less paying attention to his personal image .

This miraculous scene made the imperial minister's confidence in the regent even more.

The second uncle took a bite of the fried chicken, ate a large piece of fried chicken breast into his stomach, and then asked bulgingly.

"Is there anything in the empire that hasn't been dealt with now? Let me listen and see if I can help deal with it... I remember Ben, cough, didn't the emperor set up a lot of plans before the accident? It should be completely deal with it?"

Hearing the regent's words, a minister immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Returning to His Royal Highness, the great emperor did set up many plans before the accident, and the empire can continue to operate according to these plans. Some big problems need your advice."

As soon as he heard that he was going to be busy again, the regent's face turned bitter. Xiang Yu and Xu Rong, who were watching from the side, couldn't help feeling a kind of gloating in their hearts. The last time this emotion appeared, it was because they were smoking and watching Han Xin When it's busy there.

"Okay, okay, tell me, what happened?"

The Minister of Military Affairs of the Empire stepped forward and said.

"His Royal Highness, the current problem with the Imperial Military Affairs Department is..."

Looking at the second uncle with a bitter face, the two Primarchs could not help but laugh wildly in their hearts. At the same time, they felt that when the sunlight outside the Imperial Palace fell, it was two points brighter than usual, and even shone on their own. On the body, I feel inexplicably comfortable and warm.


In a dark and remote corner of the universe.

"How did you promise us at that time? You once said that the empire is already crumbling, the sun will be extinguished by the gods, and we will snuff out all the lighthouses and lights, but now?! The emperor jumped out again!! !"

A strange old man with purple skin, five tentacles, three calves, and white hair and beard held a projector, and what was played on the projector was the Emperor's live broadcast and the news published by the Empire's Propaganda Department.

Around this alien old man, representatives of other alien races also stared at the woman in black angrily. They felt that they had been deceived, and they almost lost their underwear.

If they hadn't kept their minds up, had grown their brains, and planned to test it out for a few years before taking action, if they just rushed forward like this, who knows what the god walking in the three-dimensional physical universe would do to them? !

In fact, the woman in the black robe was also puzzled at this moment, because no matter how much she called out to the great gods of the seven deadly sins, they all disappeared without a sound.

Now she can only feel the existence of the gods but cannot call the gods. Six of the great gods have been temporarily offline. Only when calling the lazy evil god, she can still hear his sleep talk and grunting, but the pollution of this kind of sound The force was so strong that after the black-robed woman heard a call, it took half a year to relax lazily.

For this reason, she no longer dared to contact the sleeping lazy evil god without authorization.

"The gods in the ancient space are free to make their own opinions. Are you questioning the gods?! Don't forget that it is the kindness of the gods that you can survive until now, not your ridiculous and despicable calculations and scheming!"

Hearing these words, all the spokesmen of the alien race couldn't help but fell silent, because now their entire clan has turned to the evil god, and even if the evil god has any accidents, they can take them into the ditch together.

Now this woman is also fooled, because the gods once told him that the empire will be planned by their calculations at the peak of its development. Now that the human empire has not yet reached its peak, it is reasonable to say that the gods are not I would make a move, but this time I did it.

After the shot, the expected goal has not yet been achieved. The emperor is still active, but the gods have no voice, which makes many alien races can't help but panic.

"Then God Envoy Your Excellency, what should we do now?!"

"Send the most elite of your tribe to lurk into that human empire. The gods in the ancient space will definitely not let go of this universe. The gods will definitely come. Don't be impatient. Even if you are dead, your soul will come. to the kingdom of the gods for eternal bliss."

(End of this chapter)

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