Chapter 219 The Empire's Advance

"The Hydra battle group, which was established during the empire's first army establishment, is one of the empire's first start-up battle groups. Its main body was born out of the Hand of Hades Legion. Its combat style is swift and violent, and it has a certain psychedelic effect. It is extremely good at Lurking into the enemy's mainstream group to cause panic and terror chaos in order to achieve their own goals, the personal information of the head of the Hydra Chapter is unknown, and has disappeared in the Imperial Archives, the name of the head is unknown, the gender is unknown, and the ability is unknown , The origin is unknown, the only thing that can be known is that the Hydra war group, like the Tauren war group, is a war group directly subordinate to the power and high-level, and they will execute all orders according to the high-level orders. It is the symbol of their battle group, their power armor has no specific color, and the optical stealth system equipped will give the power armor different colors according to different environments."

———— "Imperial Warband Archives"

For the negative plan of the evil empire this time, the emperor can be said to communicate with the four-dimensional space by himself, refract his will to sweep across the entire territory of the evil empire, and bestow the most perfect star map and personnel distribution on the expedition fleet.

When the crusade fleet attacked the evil empire, another order from Supreme Chang'an was received by all chapter masters and legion masters, including the Genogen Primarch and other high-level fleet officers.

"Without special orders, all desecrated planets encountered, regardless of their value, life, or special strategic location, will be destroyed!"

A sub-fleet led by the Violent Chapter has made a leap to a strange planet that is half-demon and half-original.

"Turn on the Star Destroyer Cannon deployed in the space interstellar fortress, and blow up this planet for me!"

"Order all the warships in the fleet to take long-range strikes until I blow this planet into powder! Our Star Destroyer is not powerful enough, and the speed is too slow. We must move forward, the sooner the better!"

Immediately, the entire fleet and the interstellar fortress in the middle of the space began to bombard the planet with all its firepower. After three days, the planet was smoothly disintegrated and became dust in the universe, and even some large pieces were destroyed. Completely blast.

However, compared with the speed at which a super-large interstellar fortress can disintegrate a larger planet in half an hour, the power of the star destroyer of a medium-sized interstellar fortress is indeed not satisfactory.

The branch fleet of the Tauren Chapter, the branch fleet of the Hydra Chapter, the branch fleet of the Growler Chapter, the branch fleet of the Bear Roar Chapter, the branch fleet of the Fire Eagle Chapter, the branch fleet of the Punisher Chapter...

No matter which battle group or the fleet led by the legion, facing the planets they encounter, they will choose to use star destroyer and concentrated fire to completely destroy them.

In fact, now that the empire has launched a full-scale attack on the evil empire, the entire expedition fleet has been split into 46 directions, a total of 40 branch fleets and six main fleets.

Whether it is the branch fleet or the main fleet, they will destroy all the blasphemy planets they can see, and wipe out all the life forms that live in alien races, humans, traitors, demons, etc. that blaspheme the great emperor.

The Empire will not tolerate these aliens and traitors, and the Emperor will not tolerate those traitors and demons.

Therefore, whenever a planet is encountered without special instructions, the supreme commander of the fleet will order the use of concentrated fire strikes and star destroyer strikes to turn this planet into ashes in the universe, even if it was once a planet that humans immigrated to, even if Its corrosion level is very low, and it can be transformed and utilized by the empire, no one cares about it.

The empire is going to use its own fleet and artillery, plus traitors, alien races, demon corpses and those broken planets, to once again demonstrate their existence.

The emperor and the high level of the empire also believe that those alien races lurking in the sewers will definitely watch the situation of the frontline troops, and use the destruction and shattering of the planet this time to make those alien races remember the fear and awe of human beings again .

The emperor and the high-level officials of the empire did not guess wrong either. Those remaining alien race forces had been paying attention to the front lines of the empire. When they noticed the huge interstellar fortress of the empire and the Gouchen fighters rampaging on the battlefield, they were already surprised enough.

When they saw the golden power drawn from the dark by the holy disciplinary knights and the imperial state priests in their prayers, they were even more surprised beyond belief.

After all, the old empire used to mainly fight with external armor and robots, but when those demons, gods, angels, righteous gods, etc. came, more than half of the methods of the old empire were abolished. It is unexpected that the new empire can now Using the power of genetic modification, and equipped with huge battleships, fortresses, land mechs, and some kind of supernatural belief power.

Sure enough, human beings have adapted to the new laws and laws of the universe. Instead of relying on the gods, they gave birth to their own gods and embarked on a new path.

It really makes them feel envious and jealous.

The jealousy and hatred in my heart didn't last long, and the next series of actions of the frontline crusade fleet made those high-level officials of the opposite sex race sleepless at night, and they were even afraid to hear the name of human beings. , then sweating all over.

Because what they saw was the scene of the expedition fleet destroying one planet after another under the command of the Primarch, the Chapter Commander, etc., the thick beam of light, the focused fire laser beam, and the plasma cannon , Annihilating low-Earth orbit strike...

Dazzling, countless fleet tactical attack methods, thick star destroyer, the destruction and fragmentation of the planet, and even the corpse of the planet must be repeatedly ravaged.

All of this made those alien races understand that human beings are still the cruel and domineering race that rejects and ignores all life except humans. Now they don't even have the arrogance they used to have, and they have become extremely cautious.When the enemy is dead, he will whip the corpse repeatedly, in order to prevent the leakage of those demonic powers.

They have more powerful fighters, a well-organized and systematic army, and the population is more expanded than the old empire, because they no longer use robots to implement automated combat, they choose to let soldiers go to the front line, tall weapons of God, Super heavy tanks, heavy tanks, fighter jets and gunboats flying in the sky, powerful battleship groups, powerful interstellar fortress...

They even know that the empire has force field weapons and sealing weapons to restrain demons.

The high-level leaders of those alien races have every reason to believe that the human empire still hides more powerful, more terrifying, and more dangerous technological and military power, but it has not been revealed. Countless years of dealings have long allowed them to see that human beings are superficial. One set, and another set of practices hidden underneath.

The aggressive style of play and powerful military power shown by the empire made many alien races who were on the sidelines couldn't help but shrink back, and those hostile forces that had turned to the gods and were lingering on their last legs were even crazier and more tolerant.

(End of this chapter)

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