Chapter 207 Unlucky Bodyguard

"They are the executors of the emperor's will, they are the pioneers of the empire's advancement, they are the fortresses of mankind, they are the pillars of the empire, they are the soldiers' beliefs, they are the banners of the battlefield, they are omnipotent, they are omnipotent I don't know, they are invincible, they symbolize courage and strength, and praise the great Gouchen fighters!"

———— "Praise: Empire"

The Hunting Ground of the Imperial Princess

At present, the entire planet has once again returned to the control of the empire, and a new round of construction teams and logistics fleets have also arrived to vigorously build the planet.

The Black Fleet is firmly guarding beyond the orbit of the planet, and the mysterious First Legion also hides its tracks. They are hidden in every corner of the planet just like the Legion of the Hand of Hades.

Due to receiving an order, the soldiers of the Unyielding Iron Wall Legion and the Silver Moon Wolf Legion here are also temporarily assigned to the bodyguard regiment of the Imperial Princess Princess, and the Imperial Army Corps who stay here together maintain the safety of the hunting ground. .

Zijin has been having a lot of fun recently. He has picked a few excellent Silver Moon Wolf fighters among his bodyguards, and he shoots and hunts while riding a motorcycle. Sometimes he even plays skydiving with those disaster messengers. It's fun.

And what she never expected was that those Silver Moon Wolf Warriors were lovers of beautiful girl manga like herself, and they had too much common language. Han Li, the female imperial guard beside the princess, also joined them.

The soldiers sent by several other legions looked at each other in blank dismay. They also wanted to show themselves to complete the orders given to them by the lord of the legion, but they really had no choice. They would only command, charge, kill or even engage in massacres on the battlefield.

The champion fighters of the Death Guard Legion really don't know how to make girls happy, and the champion fighters of the Blood Lord Legion only know how to slaughter and kill people.

The champion fighters of the Jedi Lion Legion are a little better and can still catch up with a few words, but if they talk too much, there is nothing to talk about. As for the unyielding iron wall and the Iron Warriors, what can they say?You can't say how to build better bunkers and how to make weapons with heavy firepower?

On the contrary, the champion fighters from the Crimson Storm Legion are quite qualified. They know astronomy and geography, and they can say a few words about everything. The eldest princess can also talk with her when she is bored.

In this way, under the escort of the bodyguard team, the eldest princess is happy every day, and the purpose of this trip has been completed. She has seen cruel battlefields and killed enemies with her own hands.

However, such a good day ended after the arrival of the second Primarch of the empire, the great Crimson Lord Han Xin.

"You all know that you sneaked onto the battlefield, right? You're still wandering around on the battlefield wantonly. You really don't know how to write the word safety at all. If something happens to you, your brothers, including I have to regret it for the rest of my life."

Seeing his younger sister pretending to be pitiful in front of him, even Han Xin, who is known for his reason and wisdom, couldn't help rubbing his forehead in distress, he couldn't bear to reprimand her at all.

"And you idiots, I asked you to come here to protect the princess, not to indulge the princess, how could you not fulfill your obligation as a bodyguard, what do you want to eat? Especially you Han Bai, you are so disappointing to me Already!"

"You are obviously one of the best fighters in the legion. I wanted you to be my adjutant, but what about you? You haven't even fulfilled your duty!"

Since he couldn't reprimand his sister, Han Xin had no choice but to turn his gun and call the entire bodyguard team over, yelling at her.

However, Han Xin is worthy of being the emperor's son. His superb quality and cultivation caused him to think hard and can only call out a fool, which is already the dirtiest thing he can say.

The bodyguards looked at each other and had no choice but to lower their heads. The one who trained them was the great Primarch, the master of one legion, and what the Primarch said was right, they did not fulfill their obligations.

Han Bai stood at the front, with a face full of tears. Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet now, otherwise he would be reprimanded by the Primarch if he saw it.

This time Xiang Li stood behind Han Bai. If he had used to, he would definitely have fought for the front and back, but now he is willing to give up his position.

Behind Xiang Li's helmet, his face was bulging into a ball, and he almost couldn't help but want to laugh out loud. The guy was trained.

After the training, Han Xin personally trained the group of bodyguards fiercely again, and also guided the soldiers of the Demon Slayer Warriors. Afterwards, Han Xin personally received the local Imperial Army. Although the Imperial Army here suffered a lot of losses, But when they heard that the Primarch wanted to see them, everyone was very happy, and felt that their sacrifice and dedication were meaningful.


"Is your kid coming out so soon?"

The deputy platoon leader looked at the recruits following behind him, raised his eyebrows, and asked curiously.

"Deputy platoon leader, there's nothing you can do about it. There are too many injuries in the hospital now. Once they saw that I was almost recovering, they kicked me out."

Facing the deputy platoon leader's question, the recruit's eyes wandered. It was obvious that he rushed out of the hospital after desperately applying, but he insisted that too many wounded soldiers squeezed him out.

"That's it, then what you said is also true. What's your boy's last name? You have to be called later, and you can't always call you a rookie."

The deputy platoon leader thought about it carefully, and felt that the reason was correct. The recent exchange of fire on the front line has indeed been fierce, and their platoon has recruited dozens of new recruits.

"My surname is Zhou, you can call me Xiao Zhou."

The recruit scratched his head and said that he would just call himself Xiao Zhou in the future.

The deputy platoon leader nodded, expressing that he had remembered, then pulled a recruit from the other side, pointed at him and said to Xiao Zhou:

"His surname is Zhang, and his full name is Zhang Dali. You can just call him Dali from now on. This kid has a lot of strength. He is quite talented. He is one of the few in our platoon who can carry heavy loads." Lasgun charge."

Under the description of the deputy platoon leader, Xiao Zhou looked at the tall, muscular man beside him with a simple and honest smile.

"We don't have much culture, but we have a lot of strength. Our parents often teach us to repay the empire. We are also a grateful person. We know that the emperor and the empire have greatly favored us, so we joined the army."

Dali's broad palm like a small millstone touched the back of his head, and said honestly.

Xiao Zhou and the deputy platoon leader laughed out loud when they heard this, which is why many imperial soldiers joined the army.

Human beings are all grateful, and such virtues are imprinted in the deepest part of their genes. The emperor saved them, and the empire gave them a good day and life, and they will pay back for the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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