Chapter 204 Soldiers' Battlefield

"The development of the empire is built on the ordinary soldiers of the empire and the people of the empire. They are the most important foundation of the empire... The development of the empire can never be separated from the dedication of the people of the empire and the sacrifice of the soldiers of the enemy country, even if Those battle fortresses, those superhuman warriors, will only be the pillars of the empire, not the foundation of the empire."

——— "Empire State"

"I know that I have sinned deeply, but for the sake of the empire and mankind, I have no choice but to forgive me..."

After giving the order, Xiang Yu closed his eyes, turned and left, and the other Primarchs left behind their eldest brother. They couldn't bear to watch this planet being slaughtered by the empire's extinction order.

When the order was issued, the imperial fleet that had surrounded the planet immediately opened fire. All kinds of huge beams of light smashed into the surface, pierced the crust, and countless low-earth orbit strikes burned, bombed, and slaughtered the planet over and over again. planet.

The planet turned into a huge fireball within an hour, and the low-Earth orbit strike tore the atmosphere of the planet into pieces, and the billowing smoke has replaced the blue sky and white clouds that used to be the main theme of the planet , a scene of doomsday has arrived.

The cities, small towns, and villages once established by the empire, those mines, logging camps, forests, mountains, lakes, and oceans were all under the indiscriminate firepower of terror and turned into pits and flames. The judgment from the empire has already Clean up this planet completely.

The people of the empire who had been polluted by spirit ended their lives in their sleep, and their pure souls would eventually return to the high throne.

Although the extermination order has been activated, every senior executive in the fleet is not happy, even the bishop of the state religion.

Although they opposed the opinions of the Primarch, they also expressed pity and sympathy for these unlucky compatriots in their hearts. They were completely innocent disasters, but they had to bear such a fate as a last resort.

For the sake of the empire, they can only do this.


At a jump node near a colonial planet surrounded by black fleets, a crimson heavy cruiser suddenly tore the curtain of reality and supernatural to come here.

"According to the space node reported by the Black Fleet, Your Highness, this is the planet where His Highness the Eldest Princess is located."

The captain of the Red Flame heavy cruiser walked to the side of the Primarch Han Xin to salute and report.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Han Xin nodded, and then led his honor guard to the planetary surface of the colonial planet below in five Thunder Dragon gunboats.

He really didn't expect that this younger sister who had been doted on by everyone all her life would come to the front line this time with a bodyguard team and the mysterious First Army Corps.

If the butcher hadn't sent him a message, he really wouldn't have known about it.

Thinking of this, Han Xin couldn't help but want to blame his sister later, why did he go to the front line so recklessly?What if something happens if the bodyguard group is not well protected, or if the Black Legion is not well protected?
But this idea is just thinking about it in Han Xin's mind. He still loves his sister very much. He is afraid of falling when holding it in his hand, and afraid of melting if he holds it in his mouth. How can he bear to reprimand her?

Also because of the arrival of his younger sister, the unhappiness and depression that the last extermination order incident had brought to Han's confidence gradually dissipated.


According to the new legion and battle group organization rules promulgated by the empire, the five gene primarchs who fought abroad also changed their own internal legion structure in a targeted manner, and at the same time, they also had their own considerations for the external battle group.

After beheading the big demon, the five Primarchs gathered their legions at the rendezvous and formed the entire army into 100 regiments according to the formation of [-] regiments.

Now the 35th Regiment of the Jedi Lions leads a crusade fleet to attack a planet occupied by traitors and demons.

Boom boom boom! ! !
Da da da da...

Bang bang bang bang......

On a huge plain, the Empire's 3764th Mechanized Infantry Combat Division and the 7752nd Infantry Mixed Army cooperated with the Empire's two dire wolf-level god weapons and the soldiers of the Jedi Lion Legion to attack the enemy.

The two 40-meter-high weapons of God released all their firepower and swept across large areas of demons and traitors. Even if the demons and traitors manipulated their twisted machine guns to bombard them continuously, they could not shake the energy barrier mounted on the weapons of God.

All the soldiers of the empire were wearing standard armor, armed with imperial laser submachine guns, constantly shooting at the enemy, and charging towards the enemy without hesitation.

The political commissars graduated from the Imperial Political Commissar Academy took up their weapons and rushed to the front. They used their actions to interpret their loyalty to the empire and their belief in the emperor, and also led the soldiers to attack.

"For the revival and supreme ideal of mankind, for the Holy Empire, for the Supreme Emperor, charge with me!!!"

The political commissars raised the fighting swords hanging from their waists, swiped their long knives, and immediately chopped off the head of a rebel.

One after another imperial tanks walk among the infantry. Their huge size also attracts the enemy's firepower and while bearing more firepower, they can also use their own powerful weapons to counterattack the enemy. Their existence is the empire A solid mobile fortress.

The artillery position at the rear is also an old tactical tradition of the empire. Covering artillery strikes are constantly reducing the number of enemies and destroying the enemy's psychological defense.

"Brat, get out of the way!!"

A veteran rushed up suddenly and pushed away a slightly immature soldier. A grenade suddenly exploded beside them, and the shattered shrapnel was embedded on their armor, without further piercing.


The veterans and recruits got up, shook the gray stones and dust covered on their bodies, looked at the shrapnel on their backs and side waists, and touched their foreheads with lingering fear.

"You young man, why are you so careless? With such a big grenade flying over, everyone around you dodged it, but you still continue to charge forward?"

The veteran checked himself and found nothing wrong, then followed the troops and continued to charge, scolding the young man next to him while charging.

"I also want to kill a few enemies as soon as possible, improve my position, and serve the empire better."

The young recruit touched his head in embarrassment, and then followed the veteran with an apologetic smile. He felt that the veteran was a good person, and maybe he could learn more experience by following him.

"Forget it, forget it, just follow up, you kid is like a stunned young man, you really won't live long if you don't learn how to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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