Chapter 197 Get Out!offal!
"Even the most powerful and proud warriors, in the face of certain temptations, they will expose their inner fragility, and let heresy and demons take advantage of it! When your body becomes a real steel body , when your heart is covered with ice, then you will have nothing to fear!"

———— "The Unyielding Iron Wall Legion Mechanical Transformation Warrior"

Gouchen fighters are always superhuman fighters, not gods beyond the definition of humans.

This concept is deeply engraved in the depths of every Gouchen fighter's mind when they are training and training.

Now Xu Hao feels that such a concept is undoubtedly very correct.

Because in the face of a huge battle of millions of levels, even if they have extremely outstanding individual combat capabilities and powerful individual combat tactics, they can even fight against a hundred with one against a thousand, but in the face of a war of this terrifying scale, they They can only drift with the waves, no matter how strong they are, how can they defeat million-level demons and rebels.

chug chug chug...

Like the sound of a pile driver crazily driving piles, the roar of a heavy-duty bolt gun has been lingering in Xu Hao's ears. The angry bombs carried human anger and tore apart the sad body of the traitor demon.

The firepower output by Xu Hao's side is all veterans of the legion holding double-linked rapid-fire bolt pistols and wearing Destroyer armor. These legion veterans all have the same identity, that is, they are members of Xu Hao's honor guard.

Under Xu Hao's arrangement, the powerful Iron Wall Warriors were dispersed and distributed to the front lines as guides and protections. They led the soldiers of the Imperial Army to counterattack, and because of the appearance of the Iron Wall Warriors, they brought a lot to the front lines of the Empire. Flags symbolizing victory one after another, with their indestructible power armor, huge size, and invincible strength, they brought hope and morale to the Imperial Army.

The enemy is obviously very unwilling to have such a situation, so one after another, middle-level demons and high-level demons covered with eyes and tentacles appeared, and they directly boarded the frontline trenches and the empire's iron warriors They fought together.

Those powerful demons even directly entered the trenches, setting off monstrous killings. The eyes on their bodies can release spiritual pollution. Whenever a soldier stares at these eyes for more than a second, he is immediately drawn into an environment mixed with jealousy and desire. , until the body was torn apart by the devil.

These devil's tentacles can turn into the sharpest thorns when necessary, piercing the body of the imperial soldiers, pulling out the flesh and soul of the imperial soldiers, absorbing them into the body to replenish the loss.

In the face of some powerful demons, even with the protection of power armor, the Iron Walls did not dare to relax their vigilance, because the power armor on their bodies has some gaps. Once those tentacle demons find out, the sharp tentacles will immediately pass through these gaps. The gap results in the soldier's life.

Even superhuman warriors wearing power armor will lose their lives on this million-level battlefield. The enemy's anti-device individual weapons, those small missiles with eyes, and the enemy's heavy artillery are all likely to die. Blast their power armor.

It can be said that you never know what is waiting for you. It may be indestructible tentacles, eyes with illusion, artillery fire from the sky, or a strange sharp spear. Individual heavy weapons with flesh and blood or small missiles with eyes.


The heavy shell gun in his hand suddenly misfired, and Xu Hao opened his heavy shell gun, only to realize that during the long battle, his weapon had exhausted all the ammunition.


The demons in front let out roars of excitement, and they seemed to have noticed that the iron can that suppressed them the most had lost its weapon, so they all let out a roar, and then more demons gathered here.

"You humble demons, even if I have no ammunition, I am not something you can covet and underestimate!!!"

Although the heavy bolter's ammo is gone, he still has a special clip for the bolt pistol in the rear ammo compartment.

He immediately pulled out his bolt pistol from his waist, and after a series of trigger pulls, the heads of the demons closest to him were blown off on the spot, and their bodies fell limply to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Hao pulled out a flashing red hot-melt saber. The saber slashed left and right, and cut down several demons at once. The huge heat in the first demon's body immediately tore the middle demon's body apart.

Afterwards, Empress Xu actually threw her saber aside, sent two ordinary demons flying with one punch, and slapped the other demon's head away with another palm. Like a berserker who shoots from a distance and attacks from a distance.

"Protect the Battalion Commander! Hurry up!"

Not far away, the veterans of the legion who belonged to Xu Hao's honor guard found that the situation was not good, and immediately approached Xu Hao, using their raging firepower to wipe out the demons in front of Xu Hao.

"Actually, you don't need to come here, I can fully cope with the current situation."

Xu Hao took back his saber from the demon's corpse, and hung it back on his waist. He felt that these veterans should not focus on themselves, but on more traitors and demons.

Da da da da...

Several veterans of the legion swept the traitors and demons in front of them with their heavy-duty revolver guns, and said without looking back: "You are the battalion commander, we are members of the honor guard, we must be worthy of our name ah."

After replacing the magazines, Xu Hao held two bolt pistols in both hands and fired them in bursts.Helplessly shook his head.

While they were talking, countless black hexagonal airdrop pods suddenly dropped from the sky. Seeing the signs on them, Xu Hao knew that the mysterious First Legion was coming to support them. He immediately shouted loudly, and the nearby Imperial Army also Spreading the good news throughout the entire position, Xu Hao even personally led the soldiers of the Imperial Army, joined his honor guards, and boarded the trenches to launch a counterattack against the enemy.

In a corner of a battlefield, a high-ranking jealous demon was staring at one direction with all eyes, and all eyes were on Xu Hao who was leading the imperial army to counterattack in the trenches.

"You finally exposed..."

The devil smiled, the fangs in his mouth were dripping with blood, and the eyeballs on his body suddenly began to riot into long and thin strips, and quickly condensed on his right hand.

Soon the demon's right hand condensed an extremely strange spear made of countless elongated eyes.


The demon used all his strength to throw the spear in his hand away. This weird spear composed of countless eyes pierced through Xu Hao's body in the blink of an eye. The spear was so useless in front of it, and it was directly pierced by a single blow.

Xu Hao was hit hard all of a sudden, without even the veterans of the nearby legion reacting, he was immediately thrown out by the huge force attached to the spear, and fell directly under a deep pit with no one there.

His consciousness began to blur everything in the past. His family, his parents, his wife, his children, his training after participating in the army, and his friendship with his brothers all appeared in his mind like a fleeting glance.

At the same time, a huge and strange eyeball also appeared in front of Xu Hao, and a series of bewitching mental fluctuations continued to send out to Xu Hao who was dying.

"Surrender to the great can't suppress the jealousy in your heart...jealousy is the most powerful and violent emotion...worship the evil god, you will gain infinite power and the power of immortality..."


Before the bewitching mental fluctuations were over, Xu Hao widened his eyes, stared straight at the weird big eyeballs, and roared.

"Damn bastard, in front of the emperor, your gods... are really false gods!!!"

The mental fluctuations came to an abrupt end, the weird big eyeballs, the pupils moved down slightly to look at the dying human being, and said a word coldly.

"act recklessly."

The big eyeball directly turned into a small black hole, crushing Xu Hao's soul, and obtained the power of the soul and necessary knowledge from it.

"Gou Chen, the empire, the emperor, the battle group..."

When the Honor Guard found their dead battalion commander, nothing seemed to have changed. No one would know that even the soul of this dead battalion commander had been desecrated by force majeure.

(End of this chapter)

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