Chapter 138 Light and Evil

"In the early days of the Great Crusade, the Imperial Fleet had been fighting in one direction due to quantitative issues, but under the leadership of the Great Emperor, the productivity and development of the Empire has made great progress...Under the guidance of the Beacon Tower, The Imperial Army strikes on multiple fronts until the restoration of humanity."

——— "The History of the Great Expedition"

"Get out and fight!"

Under the Emperor's extremely disgusting and coping eyes, the Primarchs were sent out again, but this time they carried the Empire's modular and easy-to-install Beacon Navigation Technology and their new backup fleet.

Perhaps the speed of the Great Expedition was too slow, so Huangya Star, the core of the empire's industry, once again stepped up the manufacture of warships, large-scale ordnance for land warfare, and the manufacture of Long Bo giant war weapons.

The new imperial fleet is divided into nine equal parts, and they will launch a new expedition along nine directions with Supreme Chang'an as the core.


Original colony planet 4456
The current capital of the Kingdom of Light

This planet was originally a colonial planet of the Old Empire, and it was rich in energy and minerals. This planet was originally a place where the Old Empire and the Wing Clan competed. The planet is in the bag.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Later, after the collapse of the empire, the prayers of the Wing Clan were answered by some kind of existence, and in the name of the Bright Expedition, the planet was once again included in the pocket, and based on this, they began to carry out investigations on the surrounding planets. Annexation and mopping up.

"My king, according to the response of the gods, those humans seem to have the potential to revive."

In the kingdom of light established by the Yi tribe, the high priest of the kingdom of light is reporting to the king of light the will given to them by the gods.

The King of Light wears a crown of thorns on his head, and the white wings on his back are almost bigger than his own. When he stands up, the huge wings seem to be able to cover the entire kingdom. The King of Light is a very ambitious and extremely A fanatical follower of the God of Light.

"Then, in the name of the highest heaven, it's time to launch another Eastern Expedition! Let's smother the germs of those humans again!"

"Presumably in this universe, even our deadly enemies don't want to see that domineering, powerful, confident and even cruel race rise again."

The King of Light stood up from his throne and issued one order after another. The leaders of various races in the Kingdom of Light conveyed the news of the resurgence of human beings. The entire Kingdom of Light boiled again, and a shadow called human seemed to be spreading over them again. echoed in my mind.

One after another, the transparent crystal warships with a very heavenly style set sail again, and their goal was directed at the empire.

After disintegrating the pillar forces of the entire three-dimensional physical universe, some other alien races were also regarded as space evil gods, righteous gods, and neutral gods. Huge changes, the original super-light speed navigation technology is almost obsolete, and only dimension jumping is a brand new technology.

The King of Light, however, received the guidance and divine power from the God of Light, overcame obstacles all the way to unify the entire race, and re-established this magnificent Kingdom of Light with the Yi people as the core.

Who made them so similar to the angels in heaven.

The Kingdom of Light also absorbed a large number of other races, all of which were defeated, crushed, or even extinct by the old human empire without exception. White gloves.

The powerful beings in the four-dimensional space are all transforming their bodies to adapt to the changes in the laws of the four-dimensional space.

But this does not mean that they are deaf or blind, unable to sense anything, know nothing, they will use their own way to respond to the overbearing emperor and humble empire.

When the Kingdom of Light was taking action, the evil empire established by the demons of the Seven Deadly Sins also began to mobilize. A huge country formed by a large number of human traitors, demons, twisted creatures, strange creatures, and alien races is shifting its attention. To an empire in expedition.

"Blood Sacrifice to the Evil God!!! Skull Sacrifice to the God Seat!!!"

"Ho!!!! Bring me the head of the human emperor!!!"

Human beings were once the well-deserved overlords of the stars in the three-dimensional physical universe, and their powerful military power made countless alien races tremble.

When the human empire fell apart under the calculations of the gods, other powerful races also united to resist the invasion of the four-dimensional space, but these races were all defeated by those gods with various schemes or schemes. The ways of all disintegrated, were broken up, and combined into the two major forces of light and evil that are now rampant in the universe.

Now the major races among the stars are either being beaten to pieces, hiding in the corner and secretly licking their wounds, or they have not yet left their own galaxies and planets, and are in the embryonic stage of development.

Right now, there are only two voices in the entire universe, the Kingdom of Light and the Empire of Evil, and now the third voice is slowly emerging.

The name of this voice is New Human Empire.

When human beings are growing stronger and the forces of demons, heaven and other fallen forces are tightening step by step, those who are sleeping can no longer ignore those human beings who have been crushed and suppressed by them
Although they were unable to move, they still used their own methods to inform their subordinate forces that their forces would form a large net to firmly ensnare the newly born empire, laying in ambush on all sides until it was wiped out.

"Human beings will eventually disappear again in our hands, even if they once had glory..."

"Humanity must be destroyed, their power..."

"What if it fails?"

"Then use our method at that time to let this so-called toy fall apart again."

Some huge energy bodies composed of countless emotions slightly opened a gap in the four-dimensional space, looked at the small suns that lit up below him with fearful eyes, and then closed their eyes again.

Faith of mankind... what a terrifying power...

If this power cannot be used by them, it can only be destroyed.


At this moment, the emperor, who was working in the imperial palace of Chang'an, the capital of the empire, frowned. The strength and belief in his body were constantly sending out warnings, and the overwhelming malice in the dark was drowning him. Looking up, it seems that the surging malice in the four-dimensional space is rushing towards the new empire.

Do those exist...

Must speed up.

(End of this chapter)

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