Weird invasion?Then I have to kill demons with technology.

Chapter 120 Prelude to the Great Expedition

Chapter 120 Prelude to the Great Expedition

"Humanity's third restoration campaign was also named the Great Crusade. It was established in history with the longest period, the widest scope, and the largest number of troops invested. As an important turning point in the history of the human empire, the Great Crusade established an immortal foundation for the empire. The foundation... It was also during this expedition that the human empire was finally reborn from the cocoon and re-established its position as the overlord of the universe..."

———— "History of Imperial War: The Great Crusade"

After the selection was over, all the shots were once again shown on the high-level group of the empire with the emperor as the core, which made all the people cheer up, and they vaguely felt that something unusual would happen.

"Today is the first time I have met the people of the empire since the establishment of the empire."

The emperor opened his mouth slightly, and his majestic voice instantly spread throughout the entire empire. Now, whether it is soldiers, subjects, or surrounding officials, people who are working have stopped their movements and turned their attention to the screen. On the talking Emperor.

"I have always been aware of the empire's call for the recovery campaign, and I do have the idea of ​​launching a third recovery campaign..."

"The brand-new faster-than-light navigation technology has been put into use, and the great expedition of the empire is about to start. To regain the lost land and restore the territory of mankind, we are obliged..."

The emperor's next words made the people of the empire cheer, and the soldiers raised their weapons and shouted to the sky. They finally heard the answer they wanted to hear the most, that is, the blood of the empire has not been lost, and the hatred of the country and the family Still here, why bother to live in a planet, when looking at the universe, regain the supremacy of human beings.

"The technology belonging to the empire has been born, but the manufacture of warships still takes time. The empire must regroup its forces and build a truly powerful fleet to restore the territory of mankind..."

"The empire is ready to launch another great expedition. Today, ten years later, the empire will revive and build a galaxy belonging to the empire. Warships will gallop between the space and the universe, and once again send out the voice of human beings to the universe. !"

Amidst the cheers of the people and the fiery eyes of the Primarch and the high officials of the empire, the Emperor announced the start of the Great Crusade, which was ten years later.

Although ten years is still a bit of a rush, it is still enough for the Emperor to complete the generalization, propulsion, and mass production of the next super-light speed navigation technology and its supporting technologies.

The empire is going to build the battleship first, then place these modules on the battleship and keep it running.

The emperor has now developed an instrument to find the weak gap between the three-dimensional solid universe and the four-dimensional space, and the dimension jump can be completed by passing through these weak gaps. This weak gap is named by him as the jump node.

In addition, the emperor prepared a special position to allow the battleship to smoothly integrate into the four-dimensional space, without attracting the attention of energy creatures and other gods and ghosts in the four-dimensional space.

The entire space super-light speed navigation technology and its supporting technologies are an incomparably huge project. Even the emperor spent decades exploring, researching, pondering, discovering and innovating.

Only the emperor can make this planet, which has almost no space navigation technology and super-light speed navigation technology, possess its own complete set of super-light speed flight technology and its supporting technology from scratch in just a few decades.

As for the star map used in space travel, the emperor will naturally do it and come up with a perfect star map...

A spontaneous pressure was on the Emperor's shoulders again, but the Emperor didn't care, because now the entire human empire was on his shoulders, and he would bear all of this, leading the human race step by step. The race continues until human beings become the only overlord race in the universe...

The emperor even felt that what he had done was not enough. All kinds of technologies had to be born in his hands, and mass-produced, transformed, and further expanded by the Academy of Sciences. He was the founder of the empire's technology, and the empire's Scientists are the branches of the big tree. They have carried out their own unique innovation and optimization of various technologies of the empire, and contributed their strength to the strength of the empire.

Under the reverent eyes of countless people, the Emperor left his seat, and he and the Primarchs boarded the car again, returned to the imperial palace, and continued to deal with his government affairs.

Under the management of Minister Cai Qing, the selection ceremony came to a perfect conclusion, all the central processors were finally released from the extreme load, and the live broadcast of the empire was over.

After a period of rest, the high-level officials of the empire will once again devote themselves to the intense and busy affairs of the empire.

Satisfied, the Primarchs took their long-awaited soldiers back to the prepared legion station for the next step of special training. In the future, these soldiers will be familiar with the words and deeds of the Primarch, and start Learn to emulate.

After undergoing the transformation operation, the Primarch will become the father of their genes, and the centripetal force of the entire legion will be geometrically improved.

After the live broadcast ended, the three words "Great Expedition" have become the hottest topic in the empire at present, not one of them.

People yearn for the Great Crusade, and men try to join the army one after another, and make their own contributions to their families, the empire, and mankind in the future Great Crusade.

Even the women of the empire actively signed up to join the army, or became some nurses, logistics staff, etc., and they also wanted to add their own strength to the empire's great expedition through their own actions.

After having a clear goal, the war machine of the empire continued to run rumblingly, and added more passion and enthusiasm. These emotions thumped like fuel in the inner furnace of the machine, and the entire empire was roaring, The entire space universe sends out its own violent roar.

Even this extremely high and consistent emotion caused little ripples in the four-dimensional space filled with pure energy and emotional power. Countless mysterious and powerful beings seemed to sense something, but they didn't seem to, until a golden and essential After the extremely high special power slowly smoothed these ripples, these powerful existences gradually continued to sleep.

After the selection ceremony was over, the emperor returned to his two-point and one-line life, shuttling between the Academy of Sciences and the Imperial Palace every day, instead of directing the progress of various science and technology in the Academy of Sciences, leading the progress of major scientific and technological projects, It is in the palace study that various important government affairs of the empire are handled.

He didn't seem to have stayed, and gradually lost his own life, as if working hard for the strength of the empire was the meaning of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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