Chapter 113 Army Raid
"In the early days of the empire, the heavenly heresy encountered by the empire was relatively weak. Until the later period, the empire grew stronger and stronger. With the exposure of various problems, these righteous gods who have always coveted human beings and showed weakness for a long time finally revealed their own ideas... ……”

———— "The Change of the Enemy of the Empire"


The captain came to the team members, and after giving a low drink, all the team members nodded slightly, and then retreated while fighting, gradually entered the mountains and forests, and ran towards the army, but when they retreated, they also left behind quite a trail. Obvious footprints.

After the elite fighters of the State Religion Punishment Team withdrew, those heretic believers in heaven looked at their hands in disbelief. Whether they were criminals, speculators, or real brainwashed believers, they were all watching their hands. Very puzzled, obviously had the upper hand for a while, but why did the enemy escape like this?

The representative of the Church of the God of Justice with blue-gray marble skin and the representative of the Church of the God of Light wearing the robe of golden wings couldn't care less about sadness at this time. Although they lost a good thug, this is the critical time for inspiration .

Their original loyal subordinates and the personnel assigned by the church have long been used by them to kill them. Except for the believers, there were only three of them left, and even the last cautious fool was gone just now, and now there are only two of them left.

If they can't control people's hearts, they will have to finish their game sooner or later.

"Brave believers, it is the great god who saw your sacrifice and unyielding will, so he lowered his divine power and drove back those evil blasphemers."

The representative of the Church of the God of Justice, who had found a good angle, was standing on a boulder at this time. The light in the sky stretched his shadow very long, making him look very majestic. He raised his hands high and shouted excitedly to all the believers. with.

"As long as we continue to move forward under the leadership of the gods and believe in the great true God, the gods will naturally not disappoint the hopes of the believers!"

The representative of the Church of the God of Light has a gentle smile on his face. Now he is like the shepherd of the God of Light in the world to save those lost lambs.

He walked barefoot on this earth, and the believers around couldn't help but spread out to both sides when they saw him, and knelt down sincerely and enthusiastically, looking up at his heroic appearance.

Under the chorus of the two, the momentum of the team increased greatly. All the believers, including those speculators and criminals, believed that the great true God came to save them at this time, and they also abandoned the cowardice and hesitation in their hearts!
"Now come with us to hunt down those blasphemers, the divine power is always with you and me, don't be afraid, don't have to doubt, the true God will only bless your body and soul!"

Under the impassioned declaration of the two, the believers raised their weapons, and then rushed towards the retreating direction of the state church punishment team.

Although the two of us don't know how to fight, didn't we win just now?It is right to chase and fight, and it is always right to fight a dog in the water.

Although I don't quite understand the brain circuits of these two people, there is no doubt that their actions are in line with the minds of believers.

The two of them probably thought that after the enemy ran away, they would definitely run along a safe route.


Three Regiment Camp
"Wait, wait, what are you talking about? Did this great thing really happen to someone in me, Wen?!"

When the members of the disciplinary team responsible for delivering the news reported to the Academy of Arts that they had found traces of heresy, Wen Yuan was immediately overjoyed. He thought that the piece of meat on the top of the mountain could not be his turn, but he never thought that the piece of meat turned out to be He dug a hole and handed it to himself.

"This is really a great thing. If the existence of these heresies can be eradicated, then the road to take over as brigade commander will be smoother in the future. I am thinking that my position as political commissar will also be lifted up by then. "

The slightly fat commissar Wang touched his chin, his sensual face moved, and he carefully calculated that if he made great achievements, there was a high probability that his team leader and his position would be moved up.

"What's there to think about, let the brothers hurry up and attack. Then a big piece of fat ran towards us with legs. If the three of us couldn't eat this piece of fat, wouldn't it make others laugh to death As for the position of the brigade commander... sooner or later it will be mine, the army is all about fists, I would like to see who can beat me, Wen."

Wen Yuan laughed loudly with his hands on his hips, and then he immediately ordered the messengers to move all the soldiers in the barracks, prepare all light and heavy weapons, and move directly in the direction of the group of heretics.

The whole camp became active, all the soldiers had a bandit spirit, they laughed wildly, everyone put on their helmets, put on the soldier's standard armor, and raised their guns, like bandits attacking one by one into the forest.

They go out to hunt like hungry wolves.

The tanks drove in and out of the jungle at a standstill, and the huge tracks knocked down the shrubs and trees and pressed them underneath, leaving deep indentations.

The soldiers carried long guns and short cannons, standard laser guns, single-shot heavy bolters, double-linked rapid-fire bolters, hotline runners, plasma cannons, portable field artillery, etc. All were taken, and the posture felt like It's like going to the battlefield, but the smiles on the faces of the soldiers are like Chinese New Year, which is weird and harmonious.

On the other side, the state religion's disciplinary team fought and retreated. They seemed to be fishing, constantly luring the heretical team behind to hunt them down.

"Captain! The army will be here soon!"

The member of the punishment team who reported the letter before came back with a strange expression and said that he was obviously shocked by the bandit mobilization of the third regiment.

"Well, it's good to be here, let's spread out."

The captain noticed the strange faces of his subordinates, but he didn't say much. After commanding his subordinates to disperse, he turned on the stealth system to lurk around.

He still remembers the heretic in the winged suit and the other heretic with the face of marble, and they and the blond heretic called out the false emperor.

Such heretics must die, and his own hands must take their heads.

ten minutes later

"What about them?"

"Where are the blasphemers?"

The heavenly heretics looked at each other in blank dismay. They saw the blasphemers in white clothes and red clothes just now, but they couldn't see them now.

"Envoy, the enemy is gone."

In confusion, those believers who lost their goals found the only two envoys.


The two guys looked at each other in blank dismay, so they had to use the excuse of gods and supernatural powers to deal with it.

Whatever these two guys say, those people will believe whatever they say.

Then move on.

(End of this chapter)

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