Chapter 110 Heavenly Heresy
"The heaven system alliance formed by the Church of the God of Light, the Church of the God of Justice, the Church of the God of Justice and other righteous denominations is also one of the enemies of the empire. Their existence is always coveting the pure belief of the people of the empire!"

———— "Heretic: Paradise"

somewhere in the steel mountains
"Look at those ignorant and ignorant troops, we are spreading the justice and light of this world! Don't they know our concessions when dealing with the Seven Deadly Sins?"

A fair-skinned deacon of the Church of the God of Light, wearing a pure white robe with a pair of golden wings embroidered on the back, slapped the table and roared at him angrily.

"Missing the teachings of the God of Justice to the people, this empire will eventually collapse!"

The followers of the God of Justice Church with black marbled skin on their faces also spoke dissatisfiedly.

Another burly man with blond hair and a big sword in his hand shouted loudly: "Such an empire is full of oppression, it is unjust, it is unjust! The flame of justice must burn in this empire. Burning on the ruins!"




After the three leaders finished shouting, the believers and congregants behind also raised their hands, shouting their so-called declaration of justice, light, and justice.

After seeing the reaction from the rear, the three senior executives breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from their foreheads. They were really afraid that their teachers would have other thoughts.

Even the 368th Brigade of the Empire and the disciplinary team sent by the state church sent to encircle heresy beliefs did not expect that not only the Church of the God of Light is hidden in this mountain range, but also the Church of the God of Justice that was once expelled by the emperor With the newly rising God of Justice Church.

All these churches were chosen by the so-called gods to be the spokespersons of this planet by chance and coincidence, to spread their beliefs, and by absorbing people's fanatical emotions, they converted them to the four-dimensional space to maintain "justice" The existence of it allows it to grow and develop.

And in order to deal with their enemies, that is, the seven deadly sins demon gods and some hairy gods and minor gods under their command, their gods established the so-called heaven, and all the righteous gods will unite to start a game with the four-dimensional evil gods, and the game The bargaining chip is the general public in the three-dimensional space.

In order to express their goodwill and hide their core purpose, the Orthodox Church even voluntarily gave up the territory they had occupied and kept a distance from the imperial army to avoid direct contact.

During the Second Restoration Campaign, they never expressed anything else, but when the imperial government began to rectify the internal livelihood and social problems that were riddled with holes and nearly collapsed, they began to do it.

However, when they were rectifying the interior of the empire, they were noticed by the emperor as soon as they developed. The Assassins of the Assassin Chamber cooperated with the state religion to continuously attack their sphere of influence, and every day they received news that some strongholds were being removed.

After all, they have just developed, and even the first bucket of gold was slowly established under the name of the emperor.

This also led to the frantic loss of their believers when the empire officially denied and launched the concept of state religion. Except for those who were brainwashed by them, seven or eight out of ten had left them and turned to the emperor headed State religion.

Under the continuous attack of the empire and the encirclement and suppression of the army, the assassination of the assassins of the Assassin Court, and even the disciplinary squads sent by the new state religion to encircle and suppress, these alliances of righteous gods, the so-called heavenly forces, are shrinking step by step.

The current stronghold in this mountain range is already one of their few large strongholds.

What's more embarrassing is that without enough believers, they can't launch the ascension ceremony and summon the angels and angels in heaven to come to assist.

(Less than ten thousand gods ignore you.)
Now they can't even communicate with other church members and interstellar communication. They belong to a helpless boat, without believers, without faith, without emotional strength, they can't do anything.

They are able to survive now because they sacrificed some fanatics and devout believers under their hands, and used their lives and beliefs to attract some power from the four-dimensional space to shield electronic equipment.

Those gods look bright and majestic, but in fact they are all extremely stingy, and their sacrifices are not directly proportional to the rewards they receive.

Compared with the brutal summoning methods of the demons in the four-dimensional space, the summoning methods of the righteous gods are more insidious. They will gather believers who believe in the gods, use the will of the gods to make them commit suicide, and use their souls, emotions, beliefs and blood Feed the great gods and summon some "light" beings in the fourth dimension.

Although this method is not as fast as the bloody massacre of demons, it is more stable, high-quality, waste-free and conducive to promotion.

Of course, such a method also leads to the fact that when there are few or no believers, those members of the orthodox church must allow themselves to use their souls, beliefs, and emotions to trigger some supernatural energy in order to achieve communication calls and so on.

Obviously these guys don't do that.

Originally, those stingy gods used the blood and beliefs of their believers to support themselves, but the rewards they gave were pitiful.

These small high-level people have long understood everything. This so-called heaven is a layer of pressure and finally uses the flesh and blood of the bottom-level believers to support themselves.

The difference from those demons and evil gods is that they directly beheaded with a sharp knife, while they cut their flesh with a blunt knife.

"Now that our supplies are exhausted, even relying on the faith in the hearts of the believers, I'm afraid we won't be able to last for two days. Why don't we rush out while the supplies are still sufficient?"

The representatives of the God of Justice Church’s eyes are full of sorrow. Although they are selling dog meat, the most basic calculations and material transfers are still with them, so they can’t be more clear about the current material situation.

The representatives of the other two churches also nodded silently. If the supplies were sufficient, they would not be able to use some declarations and speeches to inspire people. Even if their own believers have strong beliefs, the needs of the body cannot always be ignored.

"Let the believers take all their weapons, and then they can only rush out."

The blond-haired God of Justice Church representative frowned and said.

"Until now, I can feel the repulsion from the core of those weapons! Damn it! The weapons of those blasphemers should be destroyed!"

Thinking of those weapons, the representative of the Church of the God of Light felt a little headache. The golden wings imprint on the back were a little dark and dark.

In the final analysis, they are not pure-bred humans anymore, and the Mingyang crystallization technology, one of the core technologies of the human empire, is distributed in all major weapons, and has a repulsive force against the existence of these hybrids and all the existences from the four-dimensional space with lethality.

(End of this chapter)

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