A broken Hogwarts

Chapter 230 Sirius and Snape

"I don't think we need any Potions or Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons today."

While eating breakfast in the auditorium, Draco said slowly: "Then we only have to have one lesson today..."

He was holding a cup of breakfast tea in one hand and spreading out a copy of the Daily Prophet in the other. He was leaning on the back of his chair, leisurely sipping tea and reading the newspaper. His posture was very much like that of a lazy old man.

"I hope to go to class normally..." Blaise grinned at the excitement, "That would be really interesting."

Owen nodded in agreement, listening to Harry whispering to him the centaur prophecy with a serious face, showing a somewhat perfunctory expression of surprise.

He was not surprised at all that Voldemort would return. With Grindelwald behind it, it was only a matter of time.

But when he heard Harry mention the Twin Stars of Destiny, Owen raised his eyebrows, wondering if this was referring to him, right? If he was destined to tangle with Harry or something...

He looked at the stupid-looking Harry critically for a while, then turned his head in disgust: "Hey - I must be overthinking."

"Is this what kept you awake all night?" Owen slowly took a bite of grilled sausage and changed the topic.

When this matter was mentioned, Harry's expression became resentful and tangled. He hesitated for a while, then sighed, leaned over and lowered his voice: "You don't know, yesterday I actually used the Cruciatus Curse on Peter Pettigrew! At that time, I just thought that it was the best thing at the time. solution, so I used it subconsciously..."

He smashed his fried eggs with a fork dejectedly, and the black hair on his head seemed to be drooping listlessly.

"Is it because of this kind of thing?" Owen looked at the depressed little wizard in a funny way, thinking that this guy was really cute, "You are so... pure and kind." He sighed with emotion.

"Isn't this a very serious matter?" Harry said seriously. He felt that Owen's mentality was very bad. If this guy continued to have an attitude of not taking the use of terrible black magic seriously, he would be sent to Azkaban sooner or later.

"Didn't you fail to release it?" Owen said casually. He watched the battle between Harry and Peter Pettigrew last night, and the Cruciatus Curse couldn't really be considered a success. "And you didn't hit anyone."

"But in the future, after using this kind of magic spell, remember to recite some other spells, or use another wand directly to prevent someone from saying the flashback spell on your wand." He taught the counter-reconnaissance skills with a smile. "When the time comes, you won't be able to argue."

"Then thank you..." Harry said with a dark face.

"You're welcome." Owen said in a good mood, without pursuing the other party's weirdness.

Harry didn't want to talk to this guy anymore, and angrily stuffed the fried eggs on the plate that he had smashed into pieces into his mouth, his cheeks bulging. He didn't want to review what happened last night, especially when he understood that the reason why he stayed awake all night was not just because of this incident, but more... Whose scream was it that echoed?

The sound echoed in his ears again and again, causing him to wake up from his dreams again and again. Even the brief slumbers were filled with cold, rotten hands and frightened pleas.

Harry wiped his face and tried not to think about it anymore.

By the time breakfast time was over, the story of several people swapping bodies had spread among the students. The little wizards were very curious about this. Some of them finished their breakfast in a hurry and went around to the school hospital on the way to class to compete with Madam Pomfrey, just to join in the fun.

Daphne had stayed far away from Owen and the others since she walked out of the campus hospital. She stayed with her sister, burying her fair and beautiful cheeks low, as if she would switch bodies with each other if she looked at them one more time. of.

Students have not received any news that any courses have been temporarily cancelled. Owen happily carried his schoolbag and went down the escalator with his friends into the damp and cold basement to rush to the Potions classroom.

As soon as they entered the classroom, they saw Sirius—no, it should still be Snape now—standing on the podium and looking at them gloomily, his eyes so gloomy and cold that he seemed to want to kill a few people on the spot.

Owen and the others exchanged glances quickly, lowered their heads and sat in their respective seats with their smiles suppressed.

The Potions classroom, which had always been as solemn as a funeral, was now filled with buzzing discussions, with students whispering to each other and laughing secretly. Only some students who still didn't know what was going on stared at the figure on the podium in surprise, wondering why Professor Black came to take over the Potions class.

Owen looked at the professor on the podium very naturally. The other party had already put on a loose black robe, the kind that Snape had not changed into for a hundred years. His long, glossy black hair hung down on both sides of his face. His slightly thin cheeks were pale and handsome, but his expression was... The pair of gray eyes that were always gleaming and sullen were now empty and cold, with a bruise at the corner of the eye.

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Seeing his godfather become the dean, he always felt extremely weird, and he didn't know how to face it. He was somewhat grateful that Professor Snape hadn't made Sirius' hair greasy.

Snape seemed to be in a bad mood. He walked around the classroom like a big bat throughout the class, finding various excuses to deduct dozens of points from Gryffindor, which made Hermione's eyes red.

Slytherin's little wizards weren't much better. Crabbe accidentally caused the potion in his cauldron to spurt out like a fountain, earning an unprecedented ten points from Professor Snape because Crabbe got every step wrong and made him think that this guy was following Against yourself.

Even Harry suffered a disaster. Because Sirius' face was staring at him, he was distracted and added the wrong medicinal ingredients to the cauldron, which aroused a long-awaited cynicism, and was immediately deducted ten points. .

Harry felt that he was offended, but since the dean had made him feel depressed, he might as well forgive him.

The fire Owen lit in the cauldron for warmth as usual was extinguished by Snape with a grim look. He blinked his eyes very innocently and watched everything with interest. Halfway through, she accidentally glanced at Daphne. The little witch let out a low scream, her cheeks instantly turned red, and she was so hurried that she almost knocked over the cauldron in front of her.

Owen looked away speechlessly. Was Daphne's reaction too much?

For most students, this Potions class seems extremely long. When the bell finally rang, the little wizards listened with tears in their eyes as Professor Snape assigned a lot of homework, and walked out of the Potions classroom dejectedly.

Owen was in a good mood and exclaimed with interest that this class went by so fast, which resulted in a lot of eye rolls.

The last class in the afternoon was Defense Against the Dark Arts. When they rushed to the classroom, the sky outside had become overcast, and lightning flashed in the clouds.

The students were talking in the classroom, looking at the professor standing in front of the classroom, talking and laughing happily. From time to time, someone would carelessly wave to Sirius and sincerely praise his outfit today, while a group of little witches covered their mouths and snickered.

In Sirius' class, the atmosphere was generally very relaxed and free.

Sirius still looked like Snape, but he deliberately changed into a red robe that was as fiery as fire. He looked completely different from Professor Snape.

The most important thing is that the always greasy hair is neatly and cleanly taken care of. It looks black and shiny, and a little fluffy. It is tied low on the back of the head with a hair rope, revealing the sallow face. face and a prominent hooked nose.

The face that was usually gloomy now had a lazy smile, and it actually looked more friendly. The light in his eyes, which were like dark tunnels, made him look much younger, even more melancholy and decadently handsome.

In response, Owen could only sigh and shake his head. Sure enough, being handsome or not is not just a matter of appearance, but also a matter of people. People who like to be clean, well groomed, and have temperament are different.

No wonder Professor Snape was so angry...

Harry looked at Sirius like this and laughed, his eyes narrowed with laughter. Although he felt that this red dress was very inappropriate for the dean, he had to say that it was quite refreshing.

Sirius raised his eyebrows playfully at Harry, and was about to grin before he hissed slightly. The corner of his mouth was broken. He had obviously had a fight with someone.

He clapped his hands and announced the start of class.

This class was no different from usual, except that the professor was smiling the whole time, which made the young wizards who were afraid of Professor Snape feel chilled in their hearts. Although he understood what was going on, Snape's face still gave people an extremely weird feeling.

"I feel like I'm going to have a nightmare tonight." Blaise groaned, and then was knocked out by Owen's spell.

Owen laughed and shook his head, pulled Blaise up, and turned to look at Sirius, who was correcting the students' wand-waving postures.

But just for a moment, Sirius was stunned for a moment, the words in his mouth were stuck, and the smile on his face faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, the sallow face elongated and became gloomy and indifferent.

The friendly and naughty energy completely disappeared in an instant, as if another person woke up from this body and slammed the windows behind those black eyes, making them cold and empty again. .

The little wizard who was being pointed out by Sirius stared blankly. When the other party stared at him with eyes that seemed to freeze people, he shivered and almost dropped the wand in his hand.

Silence spread quickly to everyone like it was contagious, but after a while, the classroom became silent, and everyone stared blankly at their professor.

"Hiss—replaced?" Harry breathed softly.

"Obviously." Draco raised his eyebrows.

Owen blinked slightly. Only exchanged for half a day? Pity.

"I'm surprised that this kind of unstructured classroom can be allowed to exist in Hogwarts." At this time, Professor Snape began to speak, with cold sarcasm in his voice, "If it's just a small fight like this, If so, I’m sure any idiot can be qualified for this position.”

The students were silent and stood there helplessly.

Professor Snape's dark eyes swept over everyone's face, and said in a cold tone: "There is no structure, no changes, no innovation... I think this can easily give you the illusion that a dark wizard The invasion is like a child playing house..."

"I don't think this is your class, Snape." The classroom door opened with a bang, and Sirius stood at the door, glancing at Snape with a haughty and disgusting look. He was still wearing the black robe, but he looked nothing like a big bat.

"Perhaps your Professor Black will find this kind of childish trick amusing." Snape just twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a sneer. Sensing the tit-for-tat tension between the two professors, the young wizards moved away timidly, not daring to express their anger.

"I don't think it's the Potions Master's turn to judge my course yet, even if he's too idle to do it." Sirius said with a smile, his lips moved, and he mouthed something to the other party silently. "have a finger in the pie".

"I think it is necessary to let this group of students who are easily satisfied and easily deceived see the reality clearly." Snape mocked in a smooth voice.

"So, it seems that Professor Snape wants to prove that he is qualified?" Sirius stared at him and pulled out his wand.

"I also want to witness how professional Professor Black is." Snape curled his upper lip and took out his wand almost at the same time.

"Everyone retreat outside the classroom." Sirius said to the students, "Today you can see a high-end showdown between wizards. I hope your Professor Snape deserves this praise..."

The students quickly shrank into the corridor outside the classroom, stretching their necks excitedly and nervously to look into the classroom.

Harry felt that the two of them were going to fight to the death. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but Owen and Draco grabbed his arms and pulled him out of the classroom.

Sirius and Snape moved around the classroom half a circle, their expressions were exactly the same cold and hateful, their wands in their hands pointed steadily at each other.

In an instant, they took action at the same time.

A curse shot out from the tip of Snape's wand and shot towards Sirius in a weird trajectory.

Sirius waved his wand, and the invisible light curtain blocked the spell, flicked it aside, and shattered the glass on an entire window. Amidst the clattering sound, a beam of bright firelight had already jumped in front of Snape, exuding scorching heat.

Snape just raised his wand slightly, and the beam of fire was deflected to one side and lit the curtains. He pointed the wand at the curtains with a cold expression, and the red curtains came to life in an instant, turning into long colorful snakes with shining scales, dancing wildly and biting at Sirius with their big mouths. .

Sirius just waved the wand in his hand with a sullen face, and the previous fire began to spread rapidly. They quickly covered the hard scales of those long snakes, burning and making a "squeaking" sound, like a group of mice screaming.

The long snake and the flame began to attack each other anxiously. The two stood between the intertwined snakes and the flames, their robes fluttering, and they pointed their wands at each other again.

Sirius waved his wand widely, and Snape seemed to be trapped in an invisible cage, making all movements difficult. All kinds of debris on the desk were suspended, and the surface was covered with a red shimmer, shooting towards Snape's back like bullets.

At this moment, Sirius's feet softened, and the ground seemed to turn into a soft swamp, sinking his feet into it. Several long snakes that had been ambush early sprang out from the ground beside him, baring their sharp fangs at him, like rows of swords flashing with cold light.

Amid the screams and exclamations of the little wizards, the two professors waved their wands at the same time. After a loud and ear-piercing explosion, thick black smoke filled the classroom, blocking all sight. Only flickering lights flickered in it, like lightning flashing through thick dark clouds.

When the smoke cleared, the classroom was in a mess, with charred potholes everywhere. The figures of the two people gradually emerged. They were still moving rapidly across each other. The wands in their hands flipped freely and shot out sparks. Sirius had a deep bloodstain on his face, and Snape's robe became tattered. .

They stared at each other fiercely, Sirius bared his teeth like a big dog, and Snape's mouth was turned down. The two of them once again shot magic spells at each other at the same time.

The invisible blade flashed past, and Sirius hurriedly stepped aside, adding another bleeding scar on his neck. The mat behind him was cut into dozens of pieces.

Snape was blown away, hit hard against the blackboard, and was engulfed in a thick puff of smoke.


Several little witches covered their eyes and screamed. Someone shouted outside: "Go to the school doctor! Go to the principal!"

Harry jumped directly into the classroom, stood between the two people, raised his hands and shouted: "Sirius, Professor Snape, please stop fighting!"

Sirius gritted his teeth, finally regained his composure, and gave Harry a quick smile. But he did not put down the wand in his hand, and his eyes were still staring at Snape's position warily.

Following the sound of footsteps, Snape walked out of the smoke, clutching his chest. The corners of his mouth twitched and he stared at Sirius coldly for a while.

Slowly, they lowered their wands.

The get out of class bell rang at this moment. Sirius wiped the blood on his face and shouted to the students outside: "get out of class is over!"

"Don't worry, we are just discussing." He added.

"Yes, let's compare." Snape said tiredly, "It's time for you to understand what is real."

The students packed their schoolbags at a loss and left the classroom one after another. Along the way, they were still arguing with excitement and fear whether they were really just competing.

"It's true that they're fighting each other, and it's true that they have deep hatred for each other." Draco said in a long tone, "Look, they look at each other with eyes that make them want to tear each other to pieces and eat them!"

His gray eyes flashed with excitement: "I think the dean is more powerful, right? He wasn't hurt at all!"

"You go first, I'll wait for Sirius." Harry walked a few steps worriedly and stopped at the end of the corridor.

"Okay, I'm optimistic about you." Owen nodded and left. He had no desire to get involved in the mess between Professor Snape and Sirius.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, after all the students had left, and seeing Snape turning to leave, Sirius stepped forward and pressed him against the blackboard, and said aggressively: "Don't think that the evil you did before can be done." Wipe it off, snot-nosed guy.”

Hearing this title, Snape's face flushed with annoyance. He sneered: "I think you should run to the hospital in a hurry now and cry and call mother twice, instead of barking like a mad dog in front of me."

"Don't think about getting away with it. Do you want me to remind you? That ugly little thing on your arm?" Sirius grabbed his left arm hard, his expression solidified with deep hatred and disgust, "I am I don’t understand why Dumbledore is willing to let someone like you stay at Hogwarts?”

Snape's arm twitched and he jerked it back. He raised the corners of his mouth with his usual sneer, and said lazily: "You have to ask Dumbledore about this kind of thing."

This time it was Sirius's turn to blush in anger, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Ah, I asked. Although he insists on believing you..."

"But I will keep an eye on you." He gave Snape a hard push.

"I can't guarantee whether someone will lose their life while following others." Snape rolled down his sleeves, turned around and left the classroom, his robes swirling in the wind.

When he passed by Harry at the door, he didn't even look at him and left as if he didn't exist.

Harry was dismayed to find that the relationship between Sirius and Professor Snape had become even more tense. Frustrated, he waited until Sirius came out of the classroom and the two of them walked side by side.

"Sirius, your injury..." Harry said worriedly.

"It's okay, just a minor injury." Sirius grinned at him indifferently, but Harry saw that the wound on his neck was still bleeding.

"I'll accompany you to the school hospital." Harry insisted.

"Okay, if you insist..." Sirius couldn't resist him and shrugged.

"Sirius, you and Professor Snape..." Harry said dullly.

"We have been having conflicts for several years." Sirius obviously didn't want to say more about it. His expression suddenly became serious: "But you have to stay away from Snape, Harry."

"Why?" Harry asked slowly. He always thought that the dean was a cold person on the outside and hot on the inside.

"I just found out today that he was once a Death Eater." Sirius's face turned gloomy again.

"Wha...what?" Harry's eyes widened in disbelief.

"He was a follower of Voldemort, and I saw the Dark Mark on his arm." Sirius said gloomily.

"But...but why is he in Hogwarts?" Harry opened his mouth.

"That's the problem. I went to find Dumbledore at noon today, but he stubbornly believed that Snape had changed his ways..." Sirius clicked his fingers.

"Listen, Harry, I have no objection to you associating with your group of Slytherin friends, even if some of their elders once supported Voldemort. After all, Voldemort has fallen." He looked at Harry and said, " But you have to be careful with Snape, because he is a Death Eater himself! You can't guarantee whether he will bear a grudge against you."

Harry nodded confusedly, but he was thinking about something else. If Voldemort really comes back, how many of his friends will be left?

They walked in silence, their footsteps echoing hollowly in the deep, silent corridor.

"By the way, Harry, didn't you say you wanted to practice the Patronus Charm?" Sirius suddenly broke the silence, "I thought about it, you can't practice it on Dementors, so I found a Borg Special. I remember there was one in the house in Grimmauld Place... You can practice in my office at night."

"Great!" Harry felt a little better. (End of chapter)

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