A broken Hogwarts

Chapter 202 Prisoner of Azkaban


There was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground, mixed with the muffled cry of Sirius.

"Hahaha... That's how it should be! Let this bastard get out of my house! Hahahaha..." The high-pitched laughter of Mrs. Black's portrait was like the shrill cry of a night owl.

"No! Sirius!" Harry jumped up, took out his wand and rushed out like a gust of wind.

Owen pursed his lips and stood up straight, his dark eyes narrowed dangerously. He paused, then raised his feet and chased after him.

While walking quickly, he waved his right arm vigorously, and a straight black wand slipped out of the cuff and was held firmly by pale and slender fingers.

By the time he left the living room, Harry's figure had turned the corner of the corridor and was out of sight.

Owen walked slowly on the soft carpet in the corridor, while chanting the Disillusionment Charm to himself. When you don't know what's going on downstairs, you need to be cautious.

By this time, Harry had hurried to the landing of the second floor and looked down anxiously through the railing. Below was the dim foyer, where the scream of the portrait was particularly loud.

He saw Sirius lying on his back on the floor with a painful look on his face, his wand dropped in the corner, his mouth wide open, and his body twisted and twitching. By now he could make out Sirius' screams above the din.

The situation near the front door was blocked, and Harry could only see half of Sirius' twitching body. He tried to crane his neck to get a better look, but he could only see half of the wand pointed at Sirius.

Then he heard it, mixed with the hysterical laughter and curses of Mrs. Black's portrait, the raucous laughter of another woman.

"Sirius..." Harry gritted his teeth and rushed towards the stairs, but before going downstairs, his brain, which was dizzy with worry and anger, finally managed to calm down a little.

"We can't just go downstairs like this, we'll be seen..." Harry tried his best to keep his brain spinning, "I have to hit it right."

He took a deep breath, recited a half-baked Disappearance Charm to himself, and then ran downstairs, clenching the wand in his right hand and ready to go.

His ears carefully discerned useful information in the noise. He heard the woman's laughter stop, and amid Sirius's drawn-out screams, faint voices could be heard.

"...I was so happy when I heard that you were released from Azkaban. As soon as I came out of there, I couldn't wait to see you. Your old friends were also happy to come and visit you." The woman said When he was reminiscing about old times, his voice was full of arrogance and madness.

"It seems that you are doing well, do you need to add more ingredients? My dear cousin..."

"Heart-breaking and bone-cutting!"

Sirius' howl became more and more pitiful, and the woman burst into laughter again.

Harry finally saw the woman standing next to Sirius. The cheeks were sunken and gaunt, like a skeleton, with a creepy grin on his face. He was wearing a tattered black robe, with messy black hair, and his whole body was wet with the salty smell of sea water.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry recited his best spell without thinking, and a dazzling red light shot through.

The woman reacted very quickly. She suddenly raised her wand: "Armor for protection!"

The red light bounced back so fast that Harry could barely avoid it. He quickly pressed against the wall, and the spell flew past his ears, singed a bunch of his hair, and knocked off a portrait hanging on the wall.

Under the interference of the magic spell, the phantom spell on him failed, and his figure emerged from the air swaying like water waves.

A beam of white light shot towards him almost directly connected to the previous beam. The woman released the spell too fast. Harry hurriedly muttered "Armored Protection", and blocked the attack by a narrow margin. The invisible light curtain of the Iron Armor Curse in front of him also shattered at the same time.

Another spell followed, not giving him any chance to breathe. Harry had to throw himself down behind the corner of the stairs in embarrassment, curl up his body, and rely on the stairs to protect himself, gasping for air.

"Whose little one is this?" The woman played with her wet hair with her left hand, tilted her head in confusion, and said in a pinched voice. At the same time, she raised her right foot high and kicked Sirius hard in the jaw as he was trying to reach the wand by the wall.

Sirius groaned, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He lay limply on the ground motionless, only his chest was still rising and falling.

Harry, who witnessed this scene through the gap in the stairwell, gritted his teeth and felt his temples jumping. He suddenly leaned out half of his body and said "fainted" to the woman bitterly.

The spell was still bounced back, and Harry quickly retracted and turned to look upstairs anxiously. He can't deal with this woman at all. When will Owen arrive? Even Dobby will do.

"Harry Potter? Little Harry, I saw your scar." The woman's eyes widened in surprise, and her skull-like face looked even more terrifying. She stared straight at where Harry was hiding, licking her thin lips with the tip of her tongue, a violent and crazy look flashing in her sunken eyes.

She suddenly lifted Sirius off the ground and held him in front of her. She poked his cheek hard with the tip of her wand, and said in a baby-like thin but penetrating voice: "Do you value Sirius very much?" Extra baby?"

Harry's breath caught.

The woman tilted her head and showed an evil and arrogant smile. She waved her wand impatiently, and a beam of light hit the shouting portrait beside her, and the two velvet curtains closed with a "swipe".

The deafening noises and shrieking laughter suddenly disappeared, leaving only the woman's deliberately shrill voice to coax: "Let's discuss it, little Potter. Come out of your trembling corner, How about you give me your wand and I give you your dear Sirius?"

"Impossible!" Harry's mind was racing. He didn't believe that this woman would let Sirius go. Once he threw away his wand, he would really have no ability to resist. In this case, he must not let the other person know how much he cares about Sirius, otherwise Sirius will be really in danger.

He gritted his teeth and stared at Sirius' face through the gap between the stairs. Sirius struggled to open his eyes, his expression twisted in pain, but his mouth opened and closed silently, telling him "leave".

Harry held down his slightly trembling palms and warned himself not to panic. He forced his voice to cool down and said, "I have only known him for two months. Do you think I will value him more than myself? You are dreaming."

"Did you hear that? My poor cousin." The woman said in a soft and artificial voice, "No one cares about you, you are just a dirty worm."

She looked at Sirius' somewhat relieved look, showed a scary smile, and said softly: "Then, let's play a game. If Potter doesn't come out, I will cut off your tongue. If Potter doesn't hand over him, With the wand, I will poke your eyes out. Isn’t it interesting? I’ll count to three..."

Harry clenched his fists suddenly, and his heart seemed to jump out of his throat. He was really panicked, his mind was in a mess, and he almost couldn't help but jump out.


"What should I do? What should I do..." Harry bit his finger. Anyone can come and help him, save Sirius, no matter who it is!


Just when Harry was about to stand up and try to delay time, Kreacher's surprised voice came from downstairs: "Miss Bella, are you back?"

The old house elf walked into the hall through the doorway on the other side, holding a locket in his hand. After seeing the situation in the hall clearly, the expression of surprise and expectation on his face turned into surprise. Looking at Sirius with a look of despair and pain, he hesitated for a moment and said in a pleading tone: "Miss Bella, please..."

Just when the woman was slightly distracted by Kreacher, Sirius, who was controlled in front of her, mustered up the remaining strength in his body, tilted his head back hard, and the back of his head hit the woman's nose with a "bang".

The woman loosened her arms in pain, and blood gushed out from her nose. Sirius's body slid sideways, but he was caught by the woman just as he slid halfway.

Taking advantage of the gap where half of the woman's body was exposed, Harry saw the opportunity and cast a stun spell. But it was useless, an iron armor spell bounced the spell away in time.

Harry felt despair and tears welled up in his eyes. Then, he heard another low voice of incantation coming from beside him.

"Passed out!"

A brighter beam of red light shot out from his side, heading straight downstairs, and headed towards the woman's chest, which was not blocked by Sirius.

The light curtain of the Iron Armor Curse passed through as if it didn't exist, and for the first time a look of surprise and panic appeared on the woman's face. Facing the curse that was so close, she was caught off guard and had no time to escape.

In the critical moment, she could only drop Sirius in her hand and try her best to turn her body to the right. But the curse was so powerful that she couldn't escape it.

Just as the curse was about to hit her, a dark shadow quickly jumped out from her right pocket and headed straight towards the red light.


A gray mouse whose neck was tied with a rope screamed and fell limply. Then it rolled its eyes and was hung by the rope next to the woman's calf. The mouse's limbs hang down limply, and you can vaguely see that a toe is missing from its right front paw.

After the tricky spell was blocked by the mouse, the woman quickly escaped through the front door. Before leaving, she turned her head and looked at Harry's hiding place and shouted: "You can't escape!"

With a "pop" sound, she apparated directly on the steps. Another red light that followed was gone, leaving a scorched hole on the steps.

Harry sat down on the stairs in a daze. It took him a long time to react, and he rolled and crawled towards Sirius who was lying on the ground. Kreacher stood aside helplessly, holding the locket tightly in his hand.

Owen's figure slowly appeared from the stairs. He actually rushed over early, but Sirius was being held hostage at the time, and he had been waiting for a good opportunity to take action.

Just now, he used the soul version of the coma spell without hesitation, just to defeat the opponent with one blow, but he did not expect that there was more than one enemy, and the inevitable blow was blocked by the mouse transformed by Peter Pettigrew.

But it is normal for this guy to make such a choice. After all, he is chained. If he does not want to be sent back to Azkaban again, his approach is very wise.

The woman also ran away decisively, and her movements were crisp and clear, causing Owen's second spell to fail.

Owen looked at the direction in which the woman was escaping and whispered: "Bellatrix Lestrange."

He didn't know how Peter Pettigrew escaped from Azkaban and brought Bellatrix out. This is a lawless mad woman, a fanatical fan of Voldemort, extremely vicious, cruel and violent, and does things regardless of the consequences. She is the most dangerous person among the Death Eaters.

Just now was actually the best chance to catch her, but unfortunately she ran away. Such a crazy character hides in the dark, and no one knows what crazy things she can do.

Fortunately, he hid himself well when he took action just now. Owen didn't want to be targeted by such a madman.

He hissed lightly and couldn't help grinning: "Hiss, is this the prisoner of Azkaban? I can't afford to offend him..."

Owen thinks, Harry is probably going to die this year... (End of chapter)

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