Chapter 268
Please bear with me, I will try my best to make it up before the end of the month.Thanks.

In the tower room deep in Maegor's Tower, Sansa threw herself into total darkness.

She drew the curtains on the bed, fell asleep drowsily, cried when she woke up, and fell asleep again when she was tired from crying.When she couldn't sleep, she curled up in bed, mourning and trembling.Servants came and went, bringing her three meals a day, but she could not stand the sight of food.So the plates of untouched food piled higher and higher on the table by the window until they became sour and smelly and the servants took them away.

Sometimes she sleeps leaden, dreamless all night, and wakes up exhausted, even more tired than when she closed her eyes.But that's not bad, because if she is dreaming, it must be related to her father.Sleeping or waking, all she could see was him being pinned to the ground by the gold-cloaked guards, Ser Ilyn striding towards him, drawing "Ice" from the scabbard on his back, and... Then... At that time, she just wanted to turn her head away, she really wanted to turn her head away, but her feet were already weak, so she fell to her knees.And somehow, she just couldn't look away.The people around were yelling, didn't her Prince Charming smile at her just now?He actually smiled, and she thought everything was all right, but only for a moment, and then he said that.Her father's feet... all she remembered was a jerk in his feet... when Ser Ilyn... when his sword...

Let me die too, she told herself, and she found the idea not at all frightening.Had she thrown herself from the window, all her suffering would have ended, and years later bards would sing of her sorrow.She will be poured in pieces on the stone slabs below the tower, pure and innocent, shameful to all who betrayed her.Sansa walked across the bedroom a few times, opening the windows... but her courage left her just then, and she ran back to bed crying.

The waitress tried to speak to her when the food came, but she ignored it.Once Grand Maester Pycelle came with a case of bottles and jars and asked her if she was ill.He stroked her forehead, ordered her to undress, and asked the maid to hold her hands and feet, while he touched her whole body.Before leaving, he left her a potion of honey and herbs, and told her to take a sip every night.She obediently complied, and then went back to sleep.

She dreamed of footsteps on the stairs of the tower, an ominous sound of leather against stone.Someone was slowly walking towards her bedroom step by step.All she could do was curl up behind the door, trembling, listening to him getting closer.She knew very well that it must be Ser Ilyn Payne with Ice in his hand, ready to take her head.But she had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, no way to bolt the door.Finally, the footsteps stopped, and she knew that he was standing outside the door, silent, with a long pockmarked face and a pair of dead eyes.Only then did she realize that she was completely naked, so she quickly lay down on the ground and covered her body with her hands.The door opened slowly, creaking, and the tip of the giant sword pierced in...

When she woke up, she couldn't stop muttering: "Please, please, I'm very good, I'll be obedient, please don't kill me." But no one paid any attention to her.

When they did come, Sansa heard no footsteps.It was not Ser Ilyn who opened the door, but Joffrey, her once Prince Charming.She was on the bed, huddled into a ball, unable to tell whether it was noon or midnight because the curtains were closed.She first heard the door slam open, and then the curtain was yanked open. She quickly stretched out her hand to block the sudden bright light, and found them standing high beside the bed.

"You're coming to court with me this afternoon," said Joffrey. "Go wash, change, and dress up like my betrothed." Sandor Clegane stood beside him, in a simple His brown coat, his green cloak, and his burnt face looked even more hideous in the morning light.Standing behind them were the two Kingsguard, wearing long cloaks of snow-white brocade.

Sansa pulled the blanket up to her chin to cover herself. "No," she begged, "please... please let me go."

"If you don't get up and change quickly, I'll ask my dog ​​to do it for you," said Joffrey.

"Please, my prince..."

"I am the king. Dog, drag her down."

Sandor Clegane grabbed her by the wrist and lifted her off the feather bed, letting her struggle feebly.The blanket slid to the floor, and she was wearing only a thin nightgown. "Son, do as he says," Clegane said. "Put on your clothes." He pushed her toward the closet with gentleness.

Sansa pushed them away. "I did as the queen asked, and wrote a letter, and it was written as she said. You promised me to be merciful. Please, let me go home. I will not betray you, I will be very happy. Good, very obedient, I swear. There is no traitor in me, really. I just want to go home." Remembering that she should pay attention to etiquette, she lowered her head. "If it pleases you," she said weakly.

"I'm not happy at all," said Joffrey. "Mother says I must marry you anyway, so you must stay here, and be good."

"I don't want to marry you," cried Sansa, "you cut off my father's head!"

"He is a traitor. I never promised to spare his life. I only said that I would be merciful, and I really did. If he wasn't your father, I would have cut him up and skinned him, but I let him die simply. .”

Sansa stared at him blankly, seeing him clearly for the first time.He wore a padded crimson coat embroidered with lions, a gold cloak, and a high collar to match his face.She couldn't help wondering why she thought he was handsome?His lips were red and soft, like worms found in the soil after the rain, and his eyes were false and cruel. "I hate you," she whispered.

King Joffrey grimaced. "Mother said the king shouldn't beat his wife. Ser Meryn."

Before she could react, the knight pulled away her hand that was trying to cover her face, punched her hard and slapped her across the face.Sansa didn't remember falling, but when she came back she was on one knee on the straw mat, dazed.Ser Meryn Tran stood above her, bloodstained at the knuckles of his white silk gloves.

"Are you obedient, or do you want me to let him teach you one more time?"

Sansa couldn't feel her ear, and when she touched it, her fingertips were wet with blood. "I... am at your service, my lord."

"It's 'Your Majesty,'" Joffrey corrected her. "I'll see you at court." With that, he turned and left.

Ser Meryn and Ser Arys followed him, but Sandor Clegane gave her a rough hand and lifted her to her feet. "Little sister, for your own good, do as he thinks."

"What... what does he want? Please, tell me."

"He wants to see you smiling and fragrant, as his beautiful fiancée," hissed the Hound. "He wants to hear you recite those beautiful words, just like the nuns taught you. He wants you to love him." ... afraid of him again."

(End of this chapter)

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