Chapter 265
Sorry, I thought it was a common cold, but it has become more and more serious these two days, and I can't write many words. Please bear with me, and I will make it up as soon as possible in the next few days.Thanks.

"Ouch!" Princess Myrcella yelled, stumbled out of the box, and ran towards her little brother.

Sansa found herself filled with an odd and flippant courage. "You should go with her," she said to the king. "Your brother may be wounded."

Joffrey shrugged, "So what?"

"You should pick him up and tell him he's riding well." Sansa couldn't help herself.

"He was thrown off his horse and fell to the ground," the king pointed out. "How can that be a good ride?"

"You see," interrupted the Hound, "this boy is brave, and he's going to try again."

The squires were helping Tommen to mount the pony again.If Tommen were the older brother and Joffrey the younger, Sansa thought, I wouldn't mind marrying Tommen.

At this time, there was a sudden sound from the front of the city gate, which startled everyone.The iron chain creaked, the gate was raised, and the door was slowly opened with the sound of hinges. "Who told them to open the door?" Joffrey demanded.Due to the constant turmoil in the city, the gate of the Red Castle has been locked for many days.

Amidst the clash of metal and the clatter of horses' hoofs, a group of horses and horses rode through the iron gate.Clegane stepped up to the king and put one hand on the hilt of his longsword.Although the visitor was travel-stained and tired, he held up the red-backed golden lion banner of the Lannister family.Only a few of them were Lannister soldiers in red robes and armor, more free riders and wandering warriors, with different armors and sharp swords in hand... Besides, there were some people who seemed to be drawn from Old Nan's stories. Grotesque savages—Bran’s favorite story ever—come out in ragged hides and hard leather, with long hair and beards, some with bloodstained bandages on their heads and hands, and others with missing eyes and ears , even missing a few fingers.

Among these people, riding a tall red horse, surrounded by a strange raised saddle, was the Queen Mother's dwarf brother, Tyrion Lannister, nicknamed "Little Devil".His newly grown long yellow and black beard covered his flat and sunken face. The beard was tangled and as thick as iron wire.A black and white striped shadow lynx fur cloak fluttered from his shoulders, and he held the reins in his left hand, while a white silk suspender hung from his right.Otherwise, Sansa saw him as deformed as he had been at Winterfell: with a protruding forehead, eyes of different sizes, and still the ugliest man she had ever seen.

Still, Tommen kicked his spurs and galloped across the field on the pony, shouting with excitement.A tall, steady-footed savage, whose beard almost hid his face, lifted the boy from the saddle, fully armored, and placed him on the ground beside his uncle.Tyrion patted his back, Tommen's breathless laughter echoed from the walls, and Sansa was surprised to see that they were the same height.Myrcella ran after her younger brother, and the dwarf spun around her around her waist, making her squeak happily.

Then the dwarf let her go, kissed her forehead lightly, and limped across the square toward Joffrey.Two people followed him: one was a black-haired, black-eyed mercenary with the demeanor of a civet stalking prey; the other was a haggard youth with an empty eye socket.Tommen and Myrcella followed them.

The dwarf knelt on one knee before the king, "Your Majesty."

"It's you," Joffrey said.

"It's me." The little devil replied, "But when speaking to uncles and elders, you should be more polite."

"I hear you're dead," said the Hound.

The little man glanced at the big man.One of his eyes is green, the other is black, and both eyes are cold. "I'm talking to the king and I don't have time for his vicious dogs."

"I'm glad you're not dead!" said Princess Myrcella.

"My dear boy, we are quite on the same page." Tyrion turned to Sansa. "My lady, I am sorry for what happened to you. The gods are cruel."

Sansa didn't know what to say.Does he really feel sorry for her?Or are you mocking her?It is not the gods that are cruel, but Joffrey.

"I too am sorry what has happened to you, Joffrey," said the dwarf.

"Encounter? What encounter?"

"Forgot about your father? Big man, black beard, super strong, think hard, you should be able to remember. He was the king before you."

"Oh, him? Yes, sadly, he was killed by a wild boar."

"Your Majesty, is this the 'official' statement?"

Joffrey frowned.Sansa felt as if she should say something.What had Septa Mordane taught her before?Courtesy is a lady's armor.Yes, that's it.So she put on her armor and said, "My lord, I am very sorry about my mother's arrest of you."

"I'm afraid a lot of people are apologizing for it," Tyrion replied. "Until it's over, I'm sure some will regret it... But thank you for your concern. Where's your mother, Joffrey?"

"She is in council with my lords," the king replied. "Your brother Jaime has been losing battles." He gave Sansa an angry look, as if it was all her fault. "Now that he has been captured by the Stark family, not only have we lost Riverrun, but even her stupid brother has become king himself."

The dwarf chuckled, "Anyone can be a king these days."

Little Joe didn't know how to respond, but he looked very unhappy and suspicious. "Yeah, um, uncle, I'm glad you're not dead, too. Did you bring me a name-day present?"

"Yes, it's my ingenuity."

"I'd rather have Robb Stark's head." Little Joe gave Sansa a malicious look. "Tomen, Myrcella, let's go."

Sandor Crigando stayed for a while, "Small man, I advise you to be more careful in your speech." After warning, he strode away with the king.

Now only Sansa and the gnome and his monsters remained.She tried to think of something to say, "Your hand is hurt." Finally she managed to say.

"When I was fighting by the Green Fork River, I was hit by your northerners' meteor hammer. I fell off my horse and was not killed by him." He examined her face, and his smile softened. "Condolences for your lord father, don't you? You mourn."

"My father was a traitor," Sansa said immediately, "and my brother and mother were traitors." It had become a reflex. "I am absolutely loyal to Joffrey, whom I love so much."

"No doubt as loyal as an elk surrounded by wolves."

"It's a lion," she whispered without thinking, and looked around nervously when she finished, but luckily no one was around.

Lannister took her hand and gave it a small squeeze. "Son, I'm just a little lion, and I assure you, I will never bully you." After speaking, he bowed, "Now, please allow me to leave, I have something important to report to the Queen Mother and important ministers."

(End of this chapter)

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