Chapter 259
Sorry, I thought it was a common cold, but it has become more and more serious these two days, and I can't write many words. Please bear with me, and I will make it up as soon as possible in the next few days.Thanks.

Sansa heard the nobles whispering around her, but the whispering died down quickly.Pycelle continued to chant: "For the loyal captain of the King's Landing City Guard, Janos Slynt, His Majesty the King also wishes to elevate him to the rank of nobles immediately, and grant the historic Harrenhal and all its fief taxes His descendants will inherit this honor from generation to generation, forever. Therefore, Earl Slynt will immediately become an important minister of the court to help him rule the state affairs. His Majesty has an order, and the important ministers agree."

Out of the corner of Sansa's eye, she caught a glimpse of Janos Slynt walking in.This time the discussion was louder and mixed with angry voices.Many proud lords with thousands of years of family history were reluctant to step aside, so that this commoner with a balding head and a frog-like face could pass by.His black velvet gown was trimmed with pure gold scales that jingled softly at every step, and around his shoulders was a checked cape of black and gold brocade.Two ugly boys walked in front of him, staggeringly holding up heavy metal shields that were as tall as them, they must be his sons.The sigil he had chosen for himself was a golden bloodstained lance with an underside as black as night.Sansa got goosebumps on her hands when she saw it.

After Lord Slynt took his place, Grand Master Pycelle continued: "Finally, in this crisis of intrigue and turmoil, our much-loved King Robert has recently died, and our lords think that Joffrey The life and safety of the king here is the most urgent thing..." He looked at the queen mother.

Cersei stood up. "Ser Barristan Selmy obeys."

Ser Barristan stood at the bottom of the Iron Throne, motionless like a statue, but now he knelt down on one knee, bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, I am at your service."

"Arise, Ser Barristan," said Cersei Lannister. "You may remove your helm."

"Your Majesty?" The old knight got up and took off his high white helmet, but he was at a loss.

"Sir, you have served your country so long and faithfully, and every good man and woman in the Seven Kingdoms is indebted to you. However, I am afraid that your service must now come to an end, and the king and our lords wish you to release you heavy burden."

"My...burden? I'm afraid I...I don't..."

At this time, the new aristocrat Janos Slynt spoke with a heavy tone and said straightforwardly: "Your Majesty the Queen Mother means that you have been relieved of your position as the captain of the Imperial Guard."

The tall white-haired knight stood on the spot, his whole body seemed to shrink suddenly, he was out of breath, "Your Majesty," he finally said, "The Kingsguard is a brother sworn to serve you, and the oath is for life, only Only death can relieve the captain of the Iron Guard from his sacred mission."

"Ser Barristan, whose death may I ask?" Although the Queen Mother's voice was soft as silk, the words in her words shocked the audience. "Is it you, or your king?"

"You cannot protect my father," said Joffrey on the Iron Throne accusingly, "you are too old for anyone."

Sansa watched the knight look up at his new king. He had never seemed old to her, and now he was showing his age. "Your Majesty," he said, "I was chosen as a White Knight when I was twenty-three years old. And that was the only thing I asked for since I first wielded a sword. I renounced the inheritance of the family castle, and the girl I was going to marry Marry my cousin, I don't need land, I can't have children, all my life, but service to the country. Ser Gerald Hightower was the witness when I swore... I swore to protect the king to the best of my ability... for him Blood and blood... I fought alongside the White Bull and Prince Lewyn of Dorne... and Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Dawn. Before I served your father, I guarded Eyre King Lys, and his father Jaehaerys... I served three kings..."

"They all died in the end," Littlefinger pointed out.

"Your duty ends here," Cersei Lannister announced. "Joffrey needs young and strong men. It has been decided by the Queen's Council that Ser Jaime Lannister will succeed you as White Knight." Captain of the brethren."

"Kingslayer?" Ser Barristan said harshly, with contempt. "The false knight who stained his sword with the blood of the king he swore to defend?"

"Please watch your words, my lord," the queen warned him. "This man is my beloved brother, the uncle of the present king."

At this time, Earl Varys spoke, his tone was softer than others. "Sir, we are not ungrateful for your past contributions. Lord Tywin Lannister has generously agreed to set aside a large piece of land north of Lannisport as your domain, which is not only close to the sea, but also rich in minerals, Sufficient manpower to build a strong fortress and provide servants for all your needs."

Ser Barristan looked up sharply. "Give me a place to spend my old age, and someone who will die for me, right? My lords, I appreciate your kindness...but I spurn your sympathy." He reached out to unbutton his shoulders, and the snow-white cloak was gone It fell and formed a heap on the ground.Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "Keng!", and his helmet fell to the ground. "I was born a knight," he told them, unfastening his breastplate so that it fell to the ground. "And die like a knight."

"Like a naked knight, don't you think?" Littlefinger put in.

Everyone burst into laughter, regardless of Joffrey on the throne, the nobles at court, Janos Slynt, Queen Cersei, Sandor Clegane, and even the Kingsguard—the five minutes Brothers who lived and died with him before—they all laughed.Their laughter must be the most hurtful, Sansa thought.She saw the heroic old man standing there with a red face, his face was full of shame, and he was too angry to speak.Finally, he drew his sword.

Sansa heard the startled sound, and Ser Boros and Marlin hurried forward to confront it, but only a very contemptuous look from Sir Barristan made them freeze to the ground. "Fear not, my lords, your king is safe...but not because of your meritorious service. Even now, I can cut you five down like cheese. If you intend to serve Your lords, then none of you are worthy of this white robe." He hurled his sword at the base of the Iron Throne. "Take it, kid. Melt down this sword, and let another one sit on the throne, as you please. In that case, it will do you more good than the sword in the hands of these five men. And wait for Stannis After your lord takes your throne, you may be able to sit on this one too."

(End of this chapter)

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