Chapter 252
The wind is getting stronger.

The flag on the ancient oak city was therefore flying.

The golden tree flag was waved fiercely to inspire the soldiers of the Rowan family who were waiting in full battle, and the ballistas, bows and arrows, swords and long spears in their hands.

The oak leaf flag whistled, and the soldiers of the Oakheart family were summoned to gather and build a line of defense.

Renly's stag banner is also inspiring.

Only the golden rose banner of the Tyrell family was equally enthusiastic, but the soldiers didn't know whether to respond to its call.

After all, there were also golden rose flags flying among the enemy troops outside the castle.And it's the first.

Under the banner of the golden rose, the enemy army approached arrogantly, even within a hundred steps.However, the defenders at the top of the city still did not respond.

Not without reason.

In the past few days of being surrounded, these enemy troops wearing six-pointed stars have shown them terrifying magic power.

In the beginning, it was the "daily training" of the "artillery".

It seemed to be scruples, and it seemed that it was just pure pride. The power of the artillery did not directly fall on the ancient oak city, but chose to ravage the land around the castle.

Even so, the soldiers of the city can still see the horror of the artillery and the hopeless battle that may be encountered in the future from the miserable land and fortifications.

Then came the hasty approach of the "six-pointed stars".

Dozens of hundreds of enemies dressed in shining armor rushed towards the tall city walls and [-] soldiers on foot.It's just a stupid and ridiculous death.

Of course, Ancient Oak City counterattacked with all its strength.

However, all the soldiers who went out of the city for close combat were killed, but the six-pointed stars did not leave a body behind.

Obviously, many attacks fell on them!
Similarly, neither bows and arrows, stones, nor flames and hot oil can kill these six-pointed stars!As if they were really warriors of the gods!
The six-pointed stars walked down the city easily, made some marks at most, and then returned leisurely, as if the arrows and stone balls falling from the top of their heads were really just a drizzle, and he was on an outing.

What an obvious, what a glaring display of mockery.The soldiers on the city wall could only watch, helpless.

Undoubtedly, this dealt an unprecedented blow to the morale of Ancient Oak City.

Under such a situation, and with the spread of various rumors about King Joffrey, the soldiers in the city really did not want to resist anymore.

Anyway, no matter how you say it, you can't kill all these people.


Everyone in Ancient Oak has heard the term, and almost no one strongly disagrees.

Although the relationship between Duke Tywin behind King Joffrey and his family is not good, it is not to the point of killing life and death.There is no shame in choosing to give in when it is time to compromise.

Under the expectation of tens of thousands of soldiers, Earl Matus Rowan sent five peace talks teams, all headed by the wise and peaceful elder Earl.

But in the end, there was no news.

If they hadn't witnessed the emissary team walking into the camp of the army outside the city, people might have thought that the peace negotiation team was lost in the wilderness.

Unfortunately, no.

Duke Tywin must have known about Ancient Oak City's peace talks intentions, but there was no response.

People dare not think deeply, they can only send out the next team with hope, wait in the city with luck, and enjoy the stability, tranquility and active life at this moment.

The voice of "go out of the city and fight hard" is not absent, but it is also extremely weak and gradually dissipates.

Everyone with a normal mind should understand that human flesh and blood are not as good as straw paper under those iron balls and big explosions, and the weird hexagram fighters are no more laborious than killing a chicken.

What's more, even the number of people can't compare.King Joffrey's thirty thousand troops were outside the city alone, but what about the rest of the Seven Kingdoms?

Ancient Oak City has only itself.

The soldiers on the wall looked down.The golden rose flag in Highgarden was already very close enough for people to distinguish the figure below it with the naked eye.

The leading knight wore white armor, with gold roses embroidered on his cloak, and roses seemed to be engraved on his intricate breastplate.

"I am Garlan Tyrell, the second in line heir to High Court, the first consul of Ancient Oak..." The man's voice was unusually loud and somewhat familiar.

Many people know him, or have heard of him.

But few people can imagine the scene where the two sides are facing each other today.

Tyrell actually led the army to attack the ancient oak city?

He obviously raised troops for Gao Ting, why did he get this kind of treatment? !
shameful! !

Countless eyes of resentment pierced Garlan Tyrell at the bottom of the city, as if to shoot him into a hedgehog with his sight.

But at the same time, the soldiers guarding the city also noticed two rows of banners behind the golden rose banner: King Joffrey's stag and lion banner and the "guardian" six-pointed star banner.

Probably 1000 people.Ten times more than the hexagrams who attacked before!
And behind these people, the Golden Lion Banner of the Western Territory also swam wantonly, billowing up waves of smoke and dust.Duke Tywin's army is marching towards the ancient oak city!

Today is the end!From Count Matus Rowan to the lowest peasants and soldiers are aware of this.

"Storm's End has been recovered." Garlan Tyrell continued, "The main force of the rebellion has been destroyed under Storm's End. Renly and other culprits have either died or surrendered, and none of them have escaped..."

This news instantly shocked the entire Ancient Oak City!

King Renly failed? !

This is real?

Indeed, before the siege, Old Oak knew that King Renly and the Duke of Mace were both heading to Storm's End, preparing for a big battle or even a decisive battle.

So, the battle is lost? !

No wonder Highgarden abandoned Renly Baratheon for King Joffrey's arms!
Ah!As expected of "Lord of Highgarden" Tyrell!

How can it be surprising that he betrayed his lord for power 300 years ago, and now sells out his vassals in order to survive?
The honorable and ancient earls thought of the history of the Tyrell family's fortune, and understood the current situation with contempt.

"Ser Jon Fossoway's troops were also defeated and surrendered in Tengshi Town," Garlan Tyrell gave the news still extremely heavy, "now they have gone down the Mande River, suppressing the rebellion and appease the people along the way. Oak City is the last rebel army!"

Garland took a deep breath, and said, "You have no way out. Gaoting has sent [-] elite soldiers to take back Golden Tree City, and it will come soon. At that time, Ancient Oak City will no longer have any support!"

The Golden Tree City of the Rowan Family!
Everyone couldn't help looking at Earl Matus Rowan, only to see the Lord General's body trembling, and finally burst into a roar: "Garlan Tyrell! How dare Highgarden be so treacherous! Aren't you afraid of being cursed by the gods and scolded by thousands of people? ?!"

Garland turned a deaf ear, "The terms of the previous peace talks are unacceptable! In the name of my ancient Oak City consul, everyone immediately give up resistance and surrender unconditionally!"

"Those who dare to resist will destroy their families!" Garland raised his hand, "Attack!"


The heavy city gate was blown into pieces, the guards entered the city first, followed by tens of thousands of troops.

(End of this chapter)

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