Chapter 241 Judgment
Crow's Eye pursed his lips and smiled evilly, without saying a word.

Joffrey leaned back in the chair and casually tapped the solid wood armrest with his left hand: "None of your crimes will be forgotten. The trial begins now!"

The hall was silent.

The person who stood up looked around in embarrassment, then hurriedly retreated to the line and hid behind the crowd.

Joffrey chuckled, "Crow's Eye, you spoke disrespectfully in Pike City and dared to disobey your rightful king. I'll sentence you to cut your tongue and throat, and you will be silent and peaceful from now on, and you will not hurt anyone with your words."

Without a tongue, people can still make some simple syllables, and even recover some communication skills after long-term exercise.

But without the vocal cords, it would be difficult to make even the most meaningless um-ah sounds, and one would lose one's voice completely.

People looked at the Crow's Eye.

This guy is still "peaceful".No wonder he never opened his mouth!

Joffrey continued: "Even if you don't count the crimes you committed on Essos, the Iron Islands, the Fairy Isles, and the vast sea, you have insulted countless girls. Therefore, you are sentenced to 'castration'." punishment."

The two guards immediately kicked the Crow's Eye to his knees.

One drew a red dagger.

The other grabbed the chain on the Crow's Eye and pulled it hard.Chain immediately left the Crow's Eye with his clothes and trousers.

"Ah!" The ladies turned sideways one after another, refusing to look directly at this filthy scene, both curious and frightened of the upcoming horrific punishment.

Most of the noble officers were surprised, or deeply frowning, or disgusted, or secretly terrified.

Mia Xishan even refused to take a look away, her eyes were fixed on the naked and funny Crow's Eye, eagerly looking forward to the next good show.

Under the watchful eyes of the people.

Feeling the scalding heat, the Crow's Eye's eyes were clearly flustered for the first time.

He instinctively struggled violently.

But the result is obvious.The two burly men held down the weak Crow's Eye, and the blazing blade was getting closer and closer...

Crow's Eye tensed up!Both eyes were bright red and bloodshot, staring round!

He opened his mouth wide!But there was only an empty mouth passage inside, and the frantic shouts that made him put everything into it turned into silence!

Crack!The man who operated the knife waved his arm.

Phew~~ A heavy exclamation suddenly sounded in the hall, including the relaxation that was finally over, the surprise of witnessing the blood, and the relief of satisfying the weirdness...

The two men let go of the eunuch.

The Crow's Eye immediately curled up into a ball, trembling all over, and beads of sweat oozed from every pore, turning his whole body into a wet and shiny one.

At this moment, he wasn't stained with much blood.

When the lower body suddenly lightened, the soldier in charge of holding him sent a soft energy to stop the wound and recover.

The Crow's Eye even felt signs of growing there again!

But the soldier stopped!

I'm not a man anymore? !Eunuch? !
The Crow's Eye knew that this was Joffrey's wicked idea!Create despair, dangle hope in front of his eyes, but immediately take it back!

Joffrey!One day, you'll regret letting me live! !

you want my secret
OK.I'll give it to you slowly until the next game.Then, too, I will mercifully spare your life, and give you still longer entertainment.

And the Drowned God!

Shit Drowned God!Your prophecies deserve nothing but a filthy, fetid, maggot-infested cesspit! !
No matter what you have planned.I, Euron Greyjoy the Crow's Eye, shall thwart all your plans!
There will be no more Drowned Man in the Iron Islands!
One day, all ironmen will forget you exist!No one will believe in you, a false god!
Crow's Eye's hatred was seen by everyone.

A dog barked from behind.Crow's Eye changed his mind a little, and his face immediately became gloomy and suspicious.

Something fell to the ground and made a sound, like soft, like flesh and blood.

Little by little, the Crow's Eye turned around stiffly.

The big dog grinned fiercely at him, and the sole of the left front paw firmly pressed half of the meat column and a meat ball, vowing to protect his delicious meal.

Scarlet and sticky white on the ferocious canine teeth.

The Crow's Eye didn't move any more, but closed its eyelids feebly, like a deflated ball.

"It's not over yet," Joffrey reminded kindly.

"The Iron Throne forgave you and the Iron Islands during the last Greyjoy rebellion, but how did you repay it?"

Joffrey snorted coldly: "You actually tricked the siren into rebelling again, spreading hatred, destroying towns, and poisoning the people of the Seven Kingdoms! Say it yourself, what should you do!"

The Crow's Eye looked at Joffrey silently.

"By the way," Joffrey smiled, "I just remembered, and you can't say it. Then I'll make the decision for you."

Joffrey motioned to the two guardsmen.

"Cut off the limbs to show that you give up killing and fighting. Gouging out your eyes, Zhaoming will never peep at the land again."

The two approached the Crow's Eye at the same time, one in front of the other.

The soldier in front of him was still using that dagger. Although it was no longer blazing red, the traces and residual heat on the blade still made the Crow's Eye extremely reluctant to see it, let alone touch it again, with his eyes!

But the sword is ruthless.

The only thing the Crow's Eye can do is to try its best to keep calm and maintain the remaining dignity and pride.Although these things are about gone in the bark.

The Crow's Eye squeezed his eyes shut.But I can still feel the difference between the two kinds of darkness.

The soldier moved very quickly.Before the pain came, the Crow's Eye felt as if someone had closed the curtains at night when he was sleeping peacefully, and suddenly it went dark, and the world turned into nothingness.


Accompanied by the sharp pain like needle pricks, there was also a clear and bleak consciousness: the eyes were taken away.

No time for sentimentality or anger.

The icy wind behind him had already been conveyed to the Crow's Eye through his skin.

It felt dull, like being punched four times.

He falls to the ground.

The wounded soldier sent energy again, warm and soft, but showing a cold and hard boundary—his body stopped at the shoulder blades and thighs!

Limbs gone!
The sticky and rough ground was full of dust and blood.The Crow's Eye tried to straighten himself, but couldn't.

Ironically, he can still hear it.

"You killed the Farman family and tortured Fairy Island. It is an inhumane act! You are punished with permanent confinement, three months cycle. One month in water prison, immersed in ice water! One month in stone prison, unable to move an inch! One month in mud prison, dung sludge!"

The Crow's Eye heard people screaming.

That's it!Wake up and realize what a crazy monarch you are following!
"Finally. Crow's Eye, you really like to hear the wailing of innocent people begging for mercy. How can you bear it?!"

The Crow's Eye heard footsteps approaching from ahead.

"Then deprive you of your hearing."

Two needles came in through the ear holes, but it made the Crow's Eye feel like the most violent thunderstorm!

no more sound...

(End of this chapter)

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