Game of Thrones: I Created the Magic Web

Chapter 234 The first contact

Chapter 234 The first contact

Joffrey tried to talk to him.

The will linked to by the runes is indeed different from the previous sea monsters, and it is also very different from all the humans and creatures under the magic net.

He also has a corresponding information rune.The original mirror image has become His unique power.

The two sides fought in court.

"You call me a newcomer?" Joffrey asked tentatively. "Are you also a messenger sent by the gods? Ordered to fight against evil gods and doomsday?"

The depth charges are being dropped continuously, and the stock can last for a quarter of an hour.

"Who knows, I forgot a lot of things." There was a touch of laziness in his "words": "Please do me a favor and tell me, which god sent you here specifically? With a name, Maybe I can remember something..."

The sea monster's pursuit didn't slow down.

Joffrey's little tricks didn't work either.But at last the conjecture just now can be confirmed: His intelligence is far superior to sea monsters, at least not worse than humans.

Add this timeless power and wondrous ability.

"Unfortunately, like you, I have forgotten a lot." Joffrey tried to appear sincere.

"Maybe we were old friends once."

Joffrey conveyed the emotion of sadness and regret, "Why did it become like this? You hit me, I hit you, and all I got was hurt."

He seemed a little moved: "Indeed, why?"

Negotiations appeared harmonious.

But the secret confrontation between the two sides did not stop for a moment.

The sea monster blared from time to time, trying to trigger every fuze that controlled the shells and bombs, thereby removing obstacles on the way forward, and even directly detonated the "Divine Grace".

Joffrey tried to expand his control over the magic of information.

The impact of the previous changes was huge.

Information runes can be said to be the core of the magic net construction system.Most props and weapons are controlled by information runes, and the light curtain is also a product of information flow.

There are also various preset magic powers, such as fire, light, solidity... all kinds of stored energy are also triggered by the magic power of information.

It is no exaggeration, information is the brain of the magic net.

But the mirror image on the sea monster lost control and became another independent brain.

What a disaster.

Both parties got the "remote control" for a large amount of magic power preset under the magic net system.The fully armed "Divine Grace" has also become a dangerous crater, ready to erupt at any time, destroying everything it encounters.

The situation reversed in an instant.

The sea monster keenly got into the loopholes of the magic net system, controlled some abilities with the information rune, stole a great immunity, and could do the greatest damage to the magic net internally.

Caught off guard at first, the sound of the sea monster even spread to the entire fleet, and the magic power in it destroyed the entire "fishing net".

But it only lasted a moment.

After reacting, Joffrey ran the rune, and finally stabilized the dominant control in most of the area.

He is also the master of information.

Except for the range of 1000 meters around the sea monster, that is its territory.

But 1000 meters away from the sea monster, the magic power in its voice was suppressed, unable to trigger the fuzes on the shells and bombs, and the flames were able to exert their original power.

It can be a full 1000 meters apart, what use can it be?

At most, it can only slow down the sea monster's footsteps, but it cannot cause fatal damage to it.

Even more worrying.

The sea monster's control area did not gradually decrease due to the shortening distance between the two sides, it was still 1000 meters.


What will happen when it approaches within 1000 meters?
Not hard to imagine.

In order to prevent the "Divine Favor" from exploding into a big fireball in an instant, Joffrey could only try his best to regain the dominance of the magic power, compress the sea monster's domain, and call for the rune image that had lost its sense.

He still had to delay him, "For friendship. What do you want? I can help as much as I can. We are not enemies, are we?"

"Of course." He said, "I have no ill intentions towards you, just curiosity."

Joffrey didn't believe it.Out of curiosity, the sea monster and the crow's eye were sent to spy on them secretly, and they are still chasing after them at this time?
"What is strange to you? This ship?"

Joffrey smiled back.

"Although my real body is not here, I can still make the decision. Why not send it to you?"

This is indeed an acceptable price.

And also expressed his confidence.At least it will make him seriously consider whether it is worthwhile to provoke a powerful enemy that has not been destroyed.

He didn't seem to care at all.

"I believe you also know that I am not the ignorant little guy before. I have passed the age of loving toys."

Are sea monsters considered little ones?
"The 'little one' is your pet?" Joffrey asked curiously.

"It's hard to raise. You have to eat several whales a day. It's hard to imagine that there are still whales in the world."

He replied: "There is no need to worry about a pet that has been sleeping all year round. Besides, it has just woken up."

Joffrey asked, "Is it because of magic?"

He responded: "It can also be said that, some people call it this way, magic power, magic, spells."

Joffrey immediately understood: "No wonder. The magic power has just recovered, and it hasn't officially opened yet. It's too early for your pet. But I can help you 'feed' it with my savings."

He seemed to be a little interested, "I can see that you have accumulated a lot. Although the method is very risky."

At this time, the sea monster was only 2 kilometers away from the "God".Even if you continue to drop excessive bombs to stop it, it will take up to [-] minutes.

But Joffrey's attention was already on him.

"Adventure?" Joffrey couldn't help questioning, "What's the adventure? They are all my family."

"Family? Newcomers, it's best not to use this word lightly."

He asked back: "How do you think I helped it get rid of your control, the fake 'proof of hero' you gave it?"

Joffrey understood at once that the rune was what he called "the proof of a hero".

He humbly said: "Please clarify."

He smiled with satisfaction.Even the sea monster no longer pressed on, keeping a safe distance of [-] kilometers.

"I have to thank you first for allowing me to experience this wonderful power." He said.

"Looking at it now, Valyrian wizards are really a bunch of idiots! They can only use this kind of power to do those things. They are really uncreative and deserve to be destroyed. It's you..." He chattered.

Joffrey waited quietly.

He finally got to the point, "...but you're just getting started, rookie. The proof of a hero is just the first step."

Joffrey thought about it.

He continued, "Your soul aura is too complicated, obviously you have dabbled in too many fields. However, none of them have really taken shape yet."

"It's your body, which is very thoughtful and useful."

He smiled, "That's right, you are far away in Storm's End, so you are naturally safe. Relax, I won't do anything to you."

"I want to help you."

(End of this chapter)

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