Chapter 227
The night fell completely.Beyond the light of the fleet is a dense darkness, bottomless.

Don't wait any longer for an answer.

Joffrey stretched himself, and returned to the cabin with Miss Desmera of the Redwyne family in his arms.

After knowing his true identity as the "Dragonborn Knight", the innocent girl became more enthusiastic, which is worth tasting carefully.

Theon respectfully watched the king leave, and then turned back to the direction of the battlefield.

He knew that King Joffrey's departure represented not an intermission, but the real beginning, the final hunt.

The signal from the light curtain is so timely and clear that everyone can understand the changes in the situation.

No further orders are required.

The huge fleet is already in motion.


Hundreds of warships formed six ring-shaped arrays, with three layers inside and three layers outside, like a maelstrom on the sea.

It's not just about looking good.

Theon's attention was still on the light curtain's battle map.The latest and most critical information can always be seen here.

The dark blue undertone has not changed.

But now, the center of a large white arrow is a pulsating black sea monster pattern, without pointing.

This is reasonable.

Underwater sea monsters are of course much more flexible than ships at sea.Even if its head is facing you, it doesn't affect it to jump up, down, left, and right in the next moment, and even spray water on you to stay away.

This is true.Sea monsters in the sea do have incomparable natural advantages.

The legendary sea monsters have always been terrifying monsters.

Ships floating on the sea are just dull targets for it to play with.

It can launch a surprise attack from the bottom of the ship;

Appeared suddenly from the front, rear, left, and right sides of the ship, dragged the entire ship straight to the bottom of the sea, drowned everyone on board, and collected the ship into his "treasure house";
Or play hunting game leisurely, playing with weak humans until they die in despair.

If the ship is too dangerous and has weapons that can pose a threat to sea monsters, it can ignore it and sneak into the deep sea to sleep or stay away.

Perhaps Uncle Euron thought so too.

Rely on the deep sea.

But Theon knew better that King Joffrey's fleet was by no means just watching.


The fleet's countermeasures—depth charges—are appearing on the map.

The circumnavigation of the fleet is for this.

Theon stared at the map.

The sea monster's position has not changed, but it has already been surrounded by dense orange-red light spots.Those were heavy and ferocious bombs.

Theon had seen their power.

One shot can tear apart the flesh and steel in the surrounding waters of more than ten meters, creating violent air bubbles, whirlpools and waves.

Even if a sea monster takes one, it will definitely not feel good.

And these bombs have filled all the sea area around the sea monster.The number is so large that several large warships can be spelled out.

Want to escape from the bottom of the ocean?

This is also impossible.

The ocean floor is indeed deep, but not so deep that depth charges are useless.

Just set up a few more bombs in the same direction to successfully block the underwater gap.After counting the depth, the extra bombs can still be tolerated.

It was also because of this that Theon finally knew the depth of the Shield Islands.

The deepest point is only more than 50 meters.

King Joffrey said that the Shield Islands lie within the continental shelf of Westeros.

The depth of sea water on the continental shelf generally does not exceed 200 meters.The Shield Islands are closer to land and have shallower waters.

"Continental shelf" is an unfamiliar term that only scholars know.

But Theon has figured it out:

Even the deepest depth of more than 50 meters can be blocked by dropping three depth charges.

The result is very clear. Once the "fishing net" is successfully cast, the prey trapped in the middle will really never escape.

The sea monster just remained motionless, allowing the battleship to swim around it.

It's like a ignorant deer targeted by hunters.

Theon sighed silently and made up his mind that he would never let himself fall into such a pitiful situation in the future.


Theon had never felt the importance of intelligence so clearly.

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.

Theon has seen the opposite of this teaching firsthand.

Euron Crow's Eye, uncle, does he know his own power?Does he know the power of the king?What exactly is his expectation?
No wonder it became the way it is now.

Another crisp beep sounded.The first round of deployment of the fleet has been completed.

There is no gap around the sea monster, and the orange-red light spots are connected together, forming a dense ring.

The "fishing net" composed of bombs is very tight.

The heaviest depth charges lay among the sand and rocks on the deep seabed, and the lighter bombs were tied more than ten meters above, and went up one after another until they reached the hollow buoy floating on the sea surface.

The sea monster's breath has been marked on the bomb, as long as it gets close, it will trigger an explosion.With surveillance, commanders and security agencies can also trigger proactively.

The fishing net is woven.Theon knew.Then it's time to catch the fish.

A fleet broke away from the encirclement and approached inward.


The piercing whistles spread into the sky and the sea, waking up the peaceful sea monster.

The Crow's Eye immediately opened the sea monster's huge eyes.

He was resting just now.

Controlling such a huge and intelligent sea monster is no easy task.If it weren't for the help of the gods in the dark, I'm afraid it would be impossible.

Fortunately, the Crow's Eye also had a magical black-pupil blood eye, which barely suppressed the resistance of the sea monster. Coupled with other means, he finally turned the sea monster into his own power.

Even so, the Crow's Eye can still often feel the tearing and collapse of Blood Eye and the mental confusion.

The sea monster's pain will be doubled to him.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, he will not let the sea monster move too violently.

Especially nowadays.

The Crow's Eye had begun to wonder if he had really tamed the sea monster.

Gods help.

The prophecy of the gods has expired, so it is possible that this kind of help can be withdrawn?
Can't get an answer yet.

The Crow's Eye could only control the sea monster more carefully, trying his best not to make it resist.

Fortunately, the sea monster is quite obedient now.

The Crow's Eye manipulated the huge head and looked around.The next moment, it spit out a fierce stream of water!

So many iron balls!

Is it the fire on the water? !
Crow's Eye's heart sank, knowing that his prediction had completely failed.

The deep sea can't protect sea monsters!
Must leave immediately!The Crow's Eye made a decisive decision.


It goes in circles.

But it still stays at the bottom of the sea.

The Crow's Eye's anger and surprise were clearly reflected in the sea monster's eyes.

There are iron balls in all directions!
It's like a big net!
The Crow's Eye looked up.A fleet is cruising in the sea above itself, with strings of iron balls hanging from the bottom of the ship, and they keep dropping them!
Obviously, the Kraken side will no longer be safe either.

which way to go?
The Crow's Eye turned his thoughts quickly.From above the iron grid?No.The iron balls on the ship are more ferocious and numerous, and their power near the sea surface is still huge.

And it takes longer.

Only try to break through the iron grid!Fastest speed!

The Crow's Eye saw the direction.

But the next moment, a cold and rough will squeezed into his soul!
The sea monster chirped long and loudly with obvious excitement.

The Crow's Eye fought hard!

The sea monster's hundred-meter-long tentacles broke out of the sea, and released the crow's eye between the suckers into the water.


It looked at the most eye-catching steel battleship.

(End of this chapter)

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