Chapter 218 Choice
The lively castle is peaceful.

People wearing armor, sackcloth, and silk walked back and forth on the hill and the surrounding grass, either busy or comfortable.

Iron forks, sticks and stone pots were set up in front of the tents, and charcoal fires were lit.

People look forward to dinner.

Looking outside, the road connecting the castle with the outside world was originally only two people wide. Now the trees growing on both sides of the road have been cut down and turned into charcoal for fire, tent brackets, materials for building various equipment, and boards for padding. .

The new road is four or five times wider than the original one.

The almost non-stop trampling and crushing also made this road more dense and hard, without any grass, like an old road that has been accumulated for many years.

At this moment.

There was still a heavy and long stretch of horses and carriages on the road, heading south, toward Renly outside Storm's End.

They also owe their allegiance to the "King".

Little did anyone know, Renly no longer needed these supplies.

Fallen Wood City has also been surrounded by 2000 people.

We arrived last night, so why didn't we launch an attack earlier, and insisted on waiting for Storm's End to finish?

Jon Snow thinks for himself.

No, two hours after the battle of Storm's End ended, the Security Bureau, which had spare manpower, updated him with the latest information about Fallen Wood City.

Fallen Wood City is completely devoid of secrets or unknowns.

With such combat conditions, it can be regarded as the most surefire opportunity to start the war.

Intelligence comes first.

Jon Snow has learned a lot from the battle examples provided by the light curtain.

The wars of the past have become the past, and the wars of the present are the real future.Intelligence, equipment, planning, not luck, intrigue or attrition.

Time to start.

After ordering the assembly of the artillery and correcting the orientation, Jon shared the information with the vanguard, Sir Hart Fell.

After reading the message, Hart Fell understood that it was time to make a decision.

Fallen Wood City.

The castle had become the terminus of the supply line for Renly's army.

It used to be quiet and crowded. There were as many as [-] merchants and civilian husbands, countless supplies and luggage, and there were more than [-] soldiers and horses left behind.

And it was his dear uncle, Earl Heywood Fell, who presided over the situation in Fallen Wood City.

yes uncle.

Hart Fell's father was Heywood Fell's eldest brother, but unfortunately died in his early years.

When the grandfather was seriously ill, his eldest grandson had just turned one year old.It is said that he was seriously ill and probably died soon.

Even so, according to the ancient tradition and the legal line of succession, as long as he still exists in the world, even if it is just a baby, even if he is stupid and paralyzed, there is no doubt that the new earl should be him.

But in the end, the fief and title of the Fair family were all in the hands of the uncle.

Apparently, not many people were determined to stand up and fight for the baby.It's only been half a year since my father passed away.

It was only later that Hart Ferrer faintly realized that at that time, his father's confidants were almost disposed of or digested.

Lord Heywood Fell was very skilled.

But no matter how you say it, within half a year, the heir of Fallen Wood City and the earl passed away one after another, and the uncle unseemly took away the legal rights of his nephew who was still in his infancy.

Such a major change obviously cannot make everyone shut up quietly.

There have been many rumors about this.

When Hart Fell grew up, he never took the initiative to inquire about any news.

But he also knew.

People secretly speculated that the deaths of the two old earls were all murdered by Heywood Fell, for the glory and status he didn't deserve.

And in the days when Earl Heywood took over the throne, there were indeed unusually frequent personnel transfers.

But this is not a crime at all.Many earls also made similar moves, just to promote their confidants.Can't everyone be conspiring to usurp the throne?

Rumors are just rumors after all.

Uncle's rule is peaceful and stable, Fallen Wood City is developing well, and the family is stable and wealthy just like the past thousands of years, slowly accumulating glory and fame.

Hart Fell grew up safely and quietly, and was canonized as a knight by his uncle himself.

For many years, no one deliberately made things difficult or ridiculed him, and he never mentioned his so-called "inheritance".The Fair family is harmonious and harmonious.

A loving family.

Putting aside those unknown rumors, Hart Fell is very satisfied with his situation.

In the name of "Jazz", he travels to the Seven Kingdoms, and countless grand events will open his arms to him.Delicious wine and food, soft beds, cheers and admiration, and the favor of girls, the wonderful things that countless people can only dream of are his daily life.

He will also form friendship with the lords, receive courtesy and hospitality from the lords everywhere, and have the honor to meet the noble king and queen.

When I was in my 20s, I gained a little fame and grew a beard.

Uncle will arrange marriage for him.

He will marry a noble wife who is also of high birth.She will bring up her children and teach them by precepts and deeds, so that they can become respectable nobles.

He will also have wonderful encounters with commoner women from all over the world. If he is lucky enough or not, many illegitimate children will be born.He may or may not remember their mother.

When these little guys grow up, they may come to the door crying and making noise, begging him to recognize them and take care of them.

At this time, he was also an adult in his teens.Tired of playing, he decided to return to the family.

Uncle probably already has gray hair.

He will be given a territory worthy of a knight by his uncle - a village or two.

He will spend his later years in peace in his own domain.

His sons and daughters will continue his honor, inherit the title, be knighted, or marry into various noble families.

Years later, a descendant would achieve greater glory, win the promotion, and make the line from Sir Hart Fell into baronets, earls, and even dukes.He is also satisfied.

Everything should develop like this.

But things took a completely different path in the second step.

War broke out!
Duke Renly is crowned King and declares war on King Joffrey and House Lannister on the Iron Throne!
Fallen Wood City had to make a choice.

A prince, or a king?
His uncle had chosen the lord and rightful king of the Stormlands, His Grace Renly.

Hart Fell had no choice.He can only be involved in the war, no matter whether he is excited and looking forward to it, or apprehensive and fearful.

All he can do is fight bravely and strive for victory.

Maybe it will make a great contribution?
But that night at the Cape Marseilles had shattered his illusions.

King Joffrey, blessed by the gods, is victorious, and King Renly and many lords are stepping into the abyss.


Hart Fell finally had a choice.

He can take revenge.


The sky of Fallen Wood City resounded with thunder.

The artillery blasted the rocks, plowed the fortifications, broke the roads, and destroyed the Hyogo...

God's punishment! ?
Everyone in the castle couldn't help trembling and panicking.

"I am Hart Fell! Heywood Fell killed his own father and brother, usurped the title, the gods will not tolerate it! Storm's End has ended, and Renly's rebellion has completely failed! In my name, the Earl of Fallenwood City, everyone put down Weapons! Otherwise..."

Someone recognized the voice.

The horrible explosion is still going on, and it is getting closer and closer to the crowd.

"Long live King Joffrey!" The first man unbuttoned his armor and fell to his knees. He was a recruit.

And then the whole city...

(End of this chapter)

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