Game of Thrones: I Created the Magic Web

Chapter 207 Littlefinger's Mission

Chapter 207 Littlefinger's Mission
They were expecting a kill.

"Kingslayer" knew it in his heart.A killing as bloody and unforgiving as in countless battles past.

He's been through that.

Conscripted soldiers died in groups, painting with flesh, wailing and soul, depicting a grand and exciting chapter of war.

The knights in full armor are invincible on tall war horses.Unlike ordinary soldiers, they will die in a glorious duel, by an equal enemy general, or by surrendering or being surrendered with honor.

Most died, but a handful survived.

This is the result that these active speakers really want in their hearts.

James himself was used to it and was addicted to it, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.This is what war is like. People are bound to die, and death in battle is a good ending.

However, Joffrey said to "forgive".

Jaime Lannister has also understood what the word refers to.

exactly the opposite.

Those who should have died in batches in the war, Joffrey wanted to "forgive" them.But the lords and knights, who were supposed to be in the safest situation, were not accepted by the king.

The vast majority of people will live, and the dead will be very few, so few that even if the corpses are abandoned in the wilderness, it is absolutely impossible to cause a plague.

Of course, these distinguished and noble corpses had their own luxurious coffins to treat them.

Warlocks accompanying the army will ensure that there are enough coffins.

I just don't know when the time comes, who will mourn for him, and who will avenge him?
And, who killed them?
A few faces flashed in "Kingslayer"'s mind.Joffrey's arrogant smile, his father's majestic gaze, and Cersei's haughty eyes.

He finally looked at the "black fish" in the light curtain.

"Black Fish" Brynden Tully, younger brother of Duke Hoster Tully, Knight of the Bloodgate in the Vale.

"Heiyu" is vicissitudes and calm.

"Blackfish" is the common opinion leader of these valley and river cavalry.

It wasn't supposed to be him.

Clarissa Tully would not send a stronger figure, and the Tullys of the Riverlands hid the heir to Riverrun.

"Heiyu" was the only one from the duke family.

Although some other earls and knights came, but in terms of prestige and power, there is really no one more suitable than "Black Fish".

Jaime Lannister was not disappointed.

He and the "black fish" used to talk about everything.He knew the knight, and Brynden Tully was a true warrior and general, and he was safe to send him into battle.

As long as the "black fish" is one of their own.

Is he?
"Kingslayer" looked at "Black Fish".

It was a sharp-edged face, with deep lines chiselled out of an older, weather-beaten face than before, beneath the matted, stiff gray hair.

But the charm is still there.

Reminds Jaime of the great knight who captivated his young squire with the story of the nine-penny king.

Before the "Kingslayer" had the title, or even a knight, his father took him to visit Riverrun, where he dined with two generations of the Tully family for many days.

James was placed next to Lysa.

At that time, Lysa was still very delicate, not as neurotic as she is now, she could be regarded as a lovely and pitiful beauty.

But the young servant James only pays attention to the "black fish" who made a great reputation in the battle of the Nine Copper Kings, and persistently pursues various exciting stories of bravery.

"Heiyu" was also willing to satisfy his curiosity.

Until leaving Riverrun, James was still immersed in those exciting stories, full of joy, as if he had made friends with his idol.

What a naive lad.

Always holding unrealistic fantasies, dreaming of all the good things.

James belatedly realized the purpose of the journey.His father wanted to marry Lysa Tully for him.

After understanding this, James felt even more grateful.

Whether it's for Cersei or purely personal preference, Lysa obviously doesn't like him.Even the original little girl Lysa.

Squire Jaime has nothing but his sister and honor in mind.

So, when the "Mad King" asked him to be the honorable Kingsguard, and when Cersei asked him to stay in King's Landing and stay with her, Jaime didn't even think about the terrible reaction his father would have. agree to come down.

His father was really angry, and he resigned from his duties as "Hand of the King" and returned to Casterly Rock.

The "mad king" also began to reveal his true colors.

It is said that every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air and choose madness or greatness.

If this is the case, then the "Mad King" Aerys II will undoubtedly get crazy coins.

"Mad King" is so obsessed with wildfire and relies on spies.Any action in the Red Keep that does not suit the king's wishes may lead to great disaster.Burning at the stake, fighting to the death, or a prison cell, no one survived any kind of punishment.

Sir James in the white robe saw the "mad king" torture the poor queen with his own eyes, but he could only do his duty and guard silently.

The Throne Hall is just an execution ground for the "Mad King".

Countless lives died in agony under the Iron Throne.

Here, Lord Rickard Stark of the North is on fire, while Stark's son Brandon looks on with a noose.

Brandon struggled, the noose became tighter and tighter, and finally died one step faster than Duke Rickard.

Later, someone finally raised the flag of rebellion.

Targaryen is about to be destroyed, and the "mad king" is still unwilling to let go, and actually wants to use wildfire to have the entire King's Landing buried with him!

Ser Jaime of the Golden Armor slew him.

Eddard Stark looked at him that way!It seemed that he was immediately sentenced to a serious crime!
People in King's Landing call him "Kingslayer"!
Ah!I saved all of your lives!Just repay your benefactor like this?
But like Eddard Stark, no one wants to hear his defense.The lion's pride also made him disdain to make too many excuses.

Let them talk!

So people obeyed obediently.

The name "Kingslayer" is getting louder and louder.Robert Baratheon called him that often to his face.Others whisper, or confide in casually.

Fortunately, "Black Fish" hasn't called him "Kingslayer" yet.

Looking at the "black fish", James Lannister knew that he had to act like this, and couldn't help feeling complicated.

Broken oath, conspiracy, framed.

Ha, it really looks like what a kingslayer would do.

"Kingslayer" had no choice.

Littlefinger heard the beep from the light curtain.

At last the great Ser Jaime Lannister could not bear to signal him.

"Black fish".

This is also an old acquaintance.

Littlefinger looked at Brynden Tully in the light curtain.The older Knights of the Bloodgate wore mail and leather armor.As always, his cloak was fastened by an obsidian brooch in the shape of a black fish.

Almost identical to Riverrun's last appearance, save for the wrinkles.

But things have turned upside down.

Littlefinger spoke in the light curtain, "Sir Brynden, if possible, could you please share your views on combat?"

He decided to incorporate his mission into combat.

(End of this chapter)

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