Game of Thrones: I Created the Magic Web

Chapter 181 The Awakened King's Landing City

Chapter 181 The Awakened King's Landing City
It has been less than a month since the Royal Fleet set sail.

King's Landing City has completely become a stranger.Prosperity, grandeur, cleanliness, miracle.

"Little Devil" Tyrion walked swaggeringly on the street, admiring his masterpieces along the way, including tall buildings, squares, sculptures, halls, and the most inconspicuous sewers.

Passersby paid tribute to him one after another, expressing their respect for the hard work of the Chancellor of the Exchequer and their gratitude for the great achievements of the Engineering Bureau.

ha!My little devil, a short, misshapen dwarf, is finally getting some proper treatment!

He was quite proud of it, but he couldn't help laughing at himself.

It turns out that Tieshi's heart can also be moved by Yinlu, and Rushan's prejudice will also be dissipated by mighty power.It turned out that my previous experience was just because I was not strong enough.

Tyrion shook his head and sighed.

He laments not only his own narrowness and ignorance, but also the ignorance, selfishness and fickleness of the world.

In any case, there are many more smiling faces in the city, and the air is full of harmony and relaxation.The haze of war seems to have been completely dispelled, and there is no trace of it anymore.

The reasons couldn't be more obvious, and the transformation of King's Landing has benefited almost everyone.

Farmers, fishermen, merchants, craftsmen, prostitutes, no one can ignore the changes in King's Landing, and no one can stay out of it.

People watched King's Landing change day by day.

The first batch to be completed are the major core buildings designated by His Majesty the King.

Army barracks are built like the strongest fortresses.Its whole body rock structure is two feet wide at its thickest point, and its highest point is enough to touch the clouds.

Its walls are seamless without gaps.

There are no city gates at all, and people have to rely on rows of sunken holes on the city wall to get in and out. Climbing with bare hands is just a training subject.

In the office areas of various departments, hundred-foot-tall buildings and vast halls rise from the ground, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people to work and live at the same time.

If comfort is not considered, almost every building can hold the entire city.

In addition, the originally disgusting flea nest that you just want to stay away from has completely disappeared, and the dirty shack has been replaced by the magnificent, fantastic and magnificent King's Landing Academy.

High towers, buildings, long halls, and air bridges are connected with each other to form a gorgeous dream palace.

The academy is not high above and cannot be touched.

Many buildings and colleges around it are open to civilians, children can receive education for free, and adults can also enter school for a fee.

Only the research institute built on the most central low ground is in a stately order, making it difficult for outsiders to peep.

People only know that the predecessor of the research institute was the research department with many terrifying rumors and strange objects. Dr. Marwin and the alchemist from the academy city lived in it, as well as the subordinates of the "ogre" Qyburn. .

Fortunately, "Ogre" himself has gone south with His Majesty to fight.He was not in the city, which seemed to brighten the background of the academy.

Gradually, some people were promoted to bachelor or even master through hard work and luck.

Some of them joined the academy, and then lived in seclusion, and it was difficult to see each other again.Even if they meet occasionally, their temperament is completely different from before, either indifferent or weird and crazy, and they cannot communicate normally at all.

But most of the wonderful creations and changes in the city came from the research institute, which benefited everyone a lot.

The image of the institute became more and more mysterious and strange.

After the completion of these magnificent buildings, various projects that have a more direct and huge impact on the people in the city were started.

The entire eastern half of the city was bulldozed!

Before that day, everyone in the eastern half of the city was living in peace.

Although the owners of the property and houses became the royal family, the king still allowed everyone to rent or buy and sell in the original place with little or no fees.

Many people who were about to pay the rent were secretly happy because of this, and they were no longer dissatisfied with the actions of the royal family.

But on that day, all the civilians and merchants who rented here were isolated outside the eastern half of the city. They took all their belongings with them, and watched as a large number of houses and towers melted and collapsed, turning into a floor of wood. and rocks.

Junlin City, which took hundreds of years to build, is gone now? !

Look around.

Prosperous urbanization turned into a desolate wilderness.The silver and white cloaks are dotted with dots, but they seem to be just a few white stars in the boundless night, and the ignorant birds and beasts in the mountains and forests are insignificant.

People stared at the bare hills and land, imagining how the place they lived was built bit by bit, and gradually there were people and markets.

At this moment, what appeared in their minds was the lively scene half a day ago, crowded with people, laughing and shouting, but what their eyes saw was silence and desolation, desolate hills and flat land, forests made of wood and stone.


Before people mourned and cried, and memories were blurred, the eastern half of the city moved.

The silver-white cloak flickered slightly, and the wood and rocks all over the ground flowed smoothly, like clear water and silt.

Whirlpools formed around the silver-white cloak, and wood, rocks, and soil gathered in the center of the vortex in circles, and then rose from the ground, growing taller and taller.


After the great shock, people quickly left the gloomy atmosphere just now.

It's not that they haven't seen similar scenes.

Yes, it's just a rented place.Now after rebuilding it again, the place everyone can use will definitely be bigger and more convenient.Why are you so hypocritical?
A huge building complex gradually took shape.

People cheered instead, excited for being able to witness such a spectacular scene, feeling joy and anticipation from the bottom of their hearts for a better future.

Their expectations were not disappointed.

The eastern half of the city opened up the constructed areas one by one with half a day as a cycle, and it was completely completed in two days.

They moved in again.

But the huge crowd plus many other refugees couldn't even fill the first area.

The Eastern half of the city has completely changed.

A square and tall building is enough to accommodate thousands of people, the number of which is innumerable.

The stone roads are wide and straight, intersecting into crosses, dividing the dense buildings into simple and clear squares.

Sculpture squares and fountain gardens are arranged in each area, surrounded by shops of various structures, which makes businessmen excited, but entangled in choosing which kind of shop is more suitable.

People have also noticed the numerous sentry forts scattered throughout the area.

A few people favored by God proudly narrated the news they got from the light curtain: the Ministry of War will be stationed in a team of ten people, responsible for maintaining peace, handling disputes, and fighting crime.

Everyone immediately felt relieved and praised His Majesty's wisdom and justice.

A more exciting decree came immediately:

All legitimate rental applications will be approved.The residence application is free for three years, and the commercial application fee is free until the end of the year, and half price next year.

With a decree, the people in the whole city went crazy, and even the fishermen and merchants outside the city couldn't help being moved.

Live in this one-of-a-kind place for free.

Where can I find such a good thing! ?

The crowd then surged towards the eastern half of the city, trying to fill every position in it.

The newly built buildings were revived and more prosperous than even the similarly transformed western half of the city.

Tyrion was here at the moment.

Obviously, facing the Minister of Finance who presided over the situation in the eastern half of the city, how could people not be respectful?

After seeing people's compliments.

Satisfied, Tyrion headed towards the Red Castle to meet "Your Majesty".

(End of this chapter)

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