The Ominous Lord of the Skaven

Chapter 166 Education System and Departure

Chapter 166 Education System and Departure

Although the overall manufacturing process is not difficult, the territory still cannot escape the reality that manual processing is required.

It is easy to file wood and the like with a file, but it is very time-consuming to file iron.

What's more, in order to ensure its strength, the first magic motor in the territory cannot be light.

Therefore, the work of the magic machine can only wait for his subordinates to finish, and Ickert will use this free time to arrange more important tasks.

For example, the improvement of the education system.

The prerequisite for a person to become an industrial talent is that he must at least have basic literacy and mathematics skills.

In the past, the education classes in the territory were very short of teachers, and the only educated people in the territory had to take turns.

Now, the three-month education has enabled many Ratmen to have the ability to read and write and count, and basically bid farewell to the era of finger computers.

Eckert believes that it is also time to popularize primary education in the territory.

So following the love education camp, its affiliated love primary school was also established.

Due to the shortage of rats, Ickert did not separate labor, military training and learning.

After alleviating the rat people's work load, Ickert asked Genier to plan the working time and study time for them.

And during the slack season, all the Ratmen have to receive training in military skills, and they usually conduct militarized management as much as possible.

Eckert also adjusted the food system.

In the love education camp, the standard of food for the rat people is not very good. It mainly consists of various carbohydrates, which is enough to satisfy the hunger, but it is not delicious.

But if a ratman graduates from the "Love Education Camp" and officially enters the clan society, his treatment will be further improved, and he can also exchange materials and gold and silver for better food.

If the mouse still has a primary school degree, then the door of the Ministry of Industry will be open to him at any time.

Or he could be drafted into the army, where an elementary education would make him stand out from the Ratmen in no time.

As for the principal of Love Primary School, Shakespeare will be the principal. While serving as the principal, the mouse also needs to do various propaganda and brainwashing work.

Under Ickert's behest, Shakespeare has begun to lead the elementary school mice to write slogans around.

Basic education is like this, and military education cannot be left behind. All professional military rats can receive primary education according to their quota.

Or use the learning materials distributed to the troops by Ickert to become talents on your own, and you can get a degree just by passing the exam.

After graduating from elementary school, these Ratmen can receive specialized military officer education.

Ickert mobilized excellent ratmen from various units to form a training team of ten rats, and established the Guards Officer Academy.

Ickert was the principal and was in charge of the training of the [-]st Guards Support Battalion, the only technical arm in the territory.

The other Ratmen are responsible for their respective areas of expertise.

The reward system for the leadership of military academies is also linked to the quality of talents cultivated by individuals, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be responsible for collecting data for evaluation.

The education system was thus established, but in order for this system to operate officially, a material foundation must also be in place.

Blackboards, chalk, and plenty of paper and ink, without which basic, industrial, and military education would be meaningless.

So after arranging the work on the structure, Ickert was ready to set off for the Pride Territory to see if he could get the materials he urgently needed there.

By the way, try to invite some talents to come and develop.

The territorial caravan, which has been silent for a long time, can finally come in handy.

Aris was very excited about this. After all, he was the first to follow the young master in the "conquests and wars". He has been unable to get an appointment, as if a woman was thrown into the cold palace.

Obviously he came first
When preparing to set off, Ickert also rarely felt the ardor of the caravan leader.

"Sword oil, slime shower gel, towels, your honey, and wine. Three bottles are not enough. For the first two days, eat some soft bread, and bring some bacon and salt."

Aris sorted out the items for Ickert, and stuffed all the things that could entertain the boredom on the road into the backpack.

"Uh, Aris, we're not going on a tour, just bring a sword and dry food."

Ickert complained that loyal subordinates are sometimes just like women, who can't stand being left out.

"No, no, young master, it's my job to arrange everything on the road for you, or else, I'll ask two mice to perform fencing for us on the road?

I know two mice who are very skilled at fencing, Romeo and Juliet, I think?Shall I go and call them? "

"Let's forget it, my caravan captain."

Ickert patted Aris on the shoulder.

"Instead of bothering about these things, why don't you go pick the coriander in the back garden of the castle and feed it to my good girl. She has ignored me for several days."

"Did you mean cilantro? Yes, of course that's fine, I'll feed her now!"

After Aris finished speaking, he ran out excitedly to pick coriander.

Even feeding the horses seemed to Aris a kind of trust, just like when the nobles boasted, many great nobles served the emperor as servants to show their closeness.

However, there was a discordant voice sounding at this moment.

"Teacher, I planted those parsley."

Sasha said with two deep dark circles under her eyes.

As the pioneer of the territory's agriculture and livestock industry, this little guy can never rest.

Ever since Eckert taught her about plant reproduction, she has been trying to carry out what Ickert called magic seeding.

"I haven't even eaten yet!"

The little girl was very dissatisfied that the horse ate her coriander.

"Hey, there are many opportunities in life, but coriander doesn't live as long as you."

Regarding Sasha's request to try coriander, Eckert can only say that next time he will definitely.

However, Ickert decided to give some compensation to this apprentice who worked from dawn to dusk and maintained food security in the territory.

"Be patient, I'll go to Pride to buy you some delicious food, and grab a few magicians to help you with your work."

"Catch? Shouldn't it be please?"

Sasha didn't understand Ickert's thinking very well, why did she always feel that the teacher went out this time as if he was robbing a house.

"Please, slip of the tongue, all I wanted to say was please."

Ickert corrected, hiding his true thoughts in his heart.

How can the magic industry lack magicians?He could hardly bear the life of being a magical cow and horse all day long.

We must find a way to get some people to liberate him.

As for the virtues of these magicians, Ickert himself is very clear.

As a privileged class, Transcendents are mostly extremely arrogant, expecting them to take the initiative to give up the big cities where they are dreaming and dreaming, and work outside?
This is unlikely, even if Ickert can provide enough research funds, he will not be able to gain the loyalty of a mage, and he will have to take huge risks.

A promising mage tends to be self-centered, and who knows what he's researching.

So Ikert had to find another way out.

(End of this chapter)

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