Game of Thrones' opening sold the gods

Chapter 203 202. Where there is oil, there is an empire

Chapter 203 202. Where there is oil, there is an empire
Eureka's eyes widened, and he suddenly understood what Tyrion meant.

Looking at Eureka's expression, Tyrion nodded in satisfaction, a child can be taught, the empire spends tens of billions of Changsharon every year to research various technological weapons, not just for viewing.

He hopes that Eureka can use the sharp blade of the empire reasonably. The annual expenditure of the empire is not only for weapon research, but also for various other scientific research projects. There are also a large number of imperial projects that need to be invested. How can there be money to buy oil.

Although no one knows that oil is valuable, it does not prevent them from raising prices on the ground.

Buying with money is the most disadvantageous method, and "buying" with cannons is the most appropriate method.

The Shadowlands is a general term for a mountainous peninsula where the true center of human activity is the city-state of Asshai.

The city of Asshai is located at the southwestern tip of the Shadowlands peninsula; the peninsula meets the Daybreak Mountains to the north and northeast; the Isle of Ray and the Manticore Islands are located in the Jade Sea to the west of the peninsula.

To the south of the Shadowlands are the Saffron Channel, the Isle of Oos, and Ulters.

The River of Ashes rises from the Daybreak Mountains and flows into the Jade Sea through the Vale of Shadows.

The Valley of Shadows is extremely narrow, and the sun can only be seen in the Valley of Noon.

Ghost grass is all over the Shadowlands peninsula.

It is said that demons and dragons dwell in caves among the mountains.

The ruins of Staia, the city of the dead, lie in the middle of the peninsula, a place that even Shadowbinders fear.

There should have been giant dragons living in the land of shadows in the early years, otherwise there would not be so many dragon eggs in Asshai, so after the dragon disappeared, Asshai could still search for traces of dragon eggs.

The entire city of Asshai is huge. It is said that the entire city of Volantis, King's Landing, and Old Town can fit inside the greasy black stone walls, but the population is only as large as a small town.

Asshai was many months away from Qarth, the nearest place, and nearly two years to Volantis.

In the land of shadows, there is a river of ashes that runs through the mountains. The water in the river is black and poisonous, and the fish in it are all deformed. It is said that only shadowbinders dare to eat the fish in the river.

Therefore, many merchant ships will bring food and fresh water to the land of shadows to make transactions. This place is rich in gold and gems, and the people of Asshai will buy food and fresh water at high prices.

Overall, the Shadowlands are very mysterious, but judging from the River of Ashes extending from the Shadowlands, there is a high probability that there will be exploitable oil mines inside the Shadowlands.

As for the rumors of demons and monsters inside the Shadowlands, Tyrion didn't believe it at all. Even if there were, he would have to get out of the way before the empire's cannons.

So under the arrangement of Tyrion, an imperial fleet set out from Volantis. This fleet was composed of steam ships, and the first goal was to occupy Qarth.

As a transit point between the east and the west of the mainland, Qarth must be in the hands of the empire. There is no need to think about it. The reason why it has been delayed for so long is that the empire is busy digesting the nine major trading city-states. Hungry.

But now, with the possibility of oil appearing in the Shadowlands, the transfer station of Qarth is particularly important.

Qarth is a very special city, because it is ruled by the 13 giants, and Daenerys almost died here.

But times have changed now. The first time the transfer station of Qarth heard about Azenia was when Braavos was defeated.

The second time I heard about Azenia, the nine major trading city-states were defeated and occupied by Azenia.

The third time I heard about Azenia was now.

An Azenian navy is advancing beyond Qarth, and Azenia declares that Qarth intends to unite with the old slave owners in Freedom Bay to carry out a restoration movement.

Damn, look at this disgusting excuse, are the Azenians too lazy to make excuses?

The royal family of Qarth was very angry. They finally regained the control of Qarth from the hands of the 13 giants. Now that there is another Azenia, do you really think they are soft persimmons?
But when the warship of the empire arrived at the door, the people of Qarth greeted them with smiles: Your Majesty, please come inside!
In fact, they really planned to resist, but when several [-]-meter-long iron boats billowing thick smoke came to the door, they instantly fell silent.

Just kidding, it's not like they don't know the power of cannons. Such a big ship can obviously carry countless cannons.

Therefore, the royal family of Qarth directly chose to surrender. They were still alive after surrendering, and they could continue to indulge in luxury, but if they did not surrender, they would die. If they died, they would have nothing.

Just like that, the star dragon flag of the empire was easily raised in Qarth.

After occupying Qarth, the administrative system will be initially reformed. The most important thing is to send a special force to the Shadow Land to check the situation.

So a 12-member special warfare team code-named "Omega" disguised itself as a small caravan and went to the Shadowlands. The first thing to determine was whether the Shadowlands were really oily.

Otherwise, it would be a big loss if the imperial fleet sailed rashly and found that there was nothing there. As for the precious stones and gold in the Shadowlands, the Empire does not particularly need them at present.

Because these things are no longer the mainstream currency in circulation, and Essos still has a large number of mines such as gold mines, silver mines, and copper mines being mined.

The main need of the empire right now is oil.

(End of this chapter)

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