Game of Thrones' opening sold the gods

Chapter 196. Chapter 195. Westeros

When the Union Army was defeated, the Empire immediately organized its manpower to occupy Westeros.

Because the officials trained by the empire are not enough to cover the whole of Westeros, there is no choice but to let some management students from the Imperial University take the top.

Think of it as an early internship, but it doesn't really matter, it's just that the work intensity is about ten times greater.

Originally, if the management personnel trained by the empire were interns, it would be enough for one person to be responsible for the management of a few villages, but now at least one person has three towns and dozens of villages.

No way, Tyrion doesn't want to recruit local nobles to manage.

Although many nobles were unwilling, they honestly cooperated with the empire to take over the territory under the suppression of the powerful army of the empire.

Tyrion couldn't breathe under the heavy workload.

Different from the original rule of the Iron Throne, other places were still self-governing after surrendering, but now the empire has taken over, and the complicated and big things made Tyrion feel like he was about to die suddenly.

The Valley, the Royal Lands, the Stormlands, the Western Region, the Reach, and Dorne all need to send people to take them over, especially Dorne, where there are many deserts and the folk customs are tough, which is really a headache.

Moreover, there are still a large number of high-level nobles to deal with. Petyr Baelish is handed over to Sansa and Arya, but there are still a large number of nobles who are somewhat difficult to deal with.

Other nobles can be directly executed to save trouble, but Margaery Tyrell, the little rose of the Tyrell family, cannot be executed casually, so it is estimated that she must be sent to Theon Greyjoy of the Imperial City.

There is also the original enthroned king Tommen Baratheon, this one cannot be killed casually.

Rubbing his head with a headache, Tyrion could only deal with it a little bit.

Three months later, May 306, AC5.

Eureka re-established the calendar, and the AC calendar changed to May 1, 5 year of the Imperial calendar.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azenian Empire made a speech, establishing the correct leadership of the Azenian Empire over the Westeros continent, and at the same time established nine major provinces and regions and a large number of overseas special administrative regions.

Then the empire carried out planned reforms for the other six provinces, throwing out a lot of banknotes and confiscating a large amount of gold and silver reserves at the same time.

The aristocratic forces participating in the war were deprived of their titles of nobility, demoted to civilians, their wealth and land were confiscated, and distributed to local farmers.

Among the nobles who have been deprived of their titles of nobility naturally include several major forces such as several Tyrion families.

If they were not killed, the empire would already be lenient, and for those family forces that were unwilling to lose the glory of the nobility, the empire would naturally send them to see the Lord of Hell.

There are still nobles who are so naive as to think that as long as they protest collectively, the empire will not dare to kill them. After the empire massacred tens of thousands of nobles, the others finally became honest, and they finally knew why the Tyrell and Martell families were deprived of power by the empire. No resistance when the title of nobility.

If you resist, the whole family will be destroyed. If you don't resist, you can pass on the family, even though it is already a commoner family.

In Imperial City, Theon is helping Margaery correct her breast shape.

Margaery's eyes were blurred and she was panting slightly. She has now adapted to life in the Imperial City.

It doesn't matter, it's just being imprisoned, at least the family is still there, as long as the family is still there, sooner or later they will be together again.

Didn't the new nobles of the empire also come from among the commoners? Although the titles of the new nobles cannot be inherited, as long as the family produces a large number of talents, the title of nobles can always exist.

It's just that she didn't become the queen in the end, which made Margaery a little regretful, because of Margaery's status, she could only be Theon's underground mistress.

She had expected that such a day would come when the empire was so powerful that even the Slave Federation of Essos and the major powers of Westeros would be easily crushed together.

And speaking of Tommen, as Myrcella's elder brother, Theon waved his hand and entrusted him with important responsibilities.

In this way, Tommen was assigned to the Dothraki prairie of Essos to manage the Dothraki people. Of course, he was assisted, and Theon naturally couldn't let him go by himself.

Toman didn't object to this either. The times were changing too fast. He was forced to take the position, and he was always manipulated after he took the position. For him, it's really better to go to Essos and dawdle freely.

On the other hand, in order to prevent the aristocrats who had been demoted to civilians from rebelling, the empire gathered all the descendants of these aristocrats and sent them to the Great Wall for labor reform.

It only takes five years to offset the sins committed by the family. That is to say, after five years of labor, the family can get rid of the hat of war fighters, and the empire will recognize their clansmen as citizens instead of inferior civilians.

Five years is actually not a long time, but it continues. It just so happens that the empire can digest Westeros. At that time, these people who have been reformed through labor will be released back, but at that time their families will no longer be reactionary. possible.

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