The Bizarre Adventure of the Warhammer Elves

Chapter 296 Knight vs Wild Hunt

Chapter 296 Knight vs Wild Hunt
———Northern Territory, Wolf Forest
King Robert was riding his warhorse through the snow-covered woods, feeling the howling wind around him, and said with emotion:

"Seven layers of hell, I can't even feel the existence of my fingers in this damn bad weather. It's a miracle that those savages still have the strength to go south in this kind of weather."

However, it must be precisely because of this cold that those savages had to flee across the Great Wall, right?
Maybe I can think about it and let the wildlings and Westeros live in harmony?
Just when Robert was deep in thought, a knight in charge of exploring the road ahead suddenly patted his horse and came to Robert, and then said with an ugly expression:

"Your Majesty, the scouting knights have found the location of the caravan, but... the scene seems a little bloody and disgusting, please wait for us to deal with it before going over."

"Hahaha, young man, I didn't see any scenes when I led the army to fight against the Targaryen family. Maybe you were just a servant at that time!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the young knight's obstruction, laughed and rode in the direction the other party came from.

After all, on the battlefield of the usurper's war, he had seen with his own eyes the kind of human purgatory where limbs were broken and blood flowed like rivers, so he thought he was somewhat resistant to bloody scenes.

However, after he came to the scene of the caravan massacre in person, Robert realized that he was still short-sighted after all:
"Seven gods, have I witnessed the seven hells?"

Looking at the horrific blood-red forest in front of him, feeling the smell of blood and the biting cold wind in the air, even Robert could feel the despair of these people before they died:
Countless intestines stained with ice slag were hung on the branches, and the stumps and broken arms were randomly thrown in the surrounding grass. There was not a single corpse in the entire forest that was complete!
"Search for me! Those road knights who committed heinous crimes should not have gone far. I want them to experience the pain of the seventh layer of hell!"

In the face of such a tragedy in the world, even Robert could not help squatting on the ground with a heavy heart, the anger in his eyes was enough to make all the knights around him feel terrified.

Even Barristan, who came in a hurry, had never seen Robert so angry, so he could only choose to stand by obediently and wait.

"Let me know. Everyone is ready to fight. These road knights are no longer ordinary robbers and hooligans. We must punch hard!"

After finishing speaking, Robert squatted down next to a corpse, frowning and constantly looking at this poor corpse that was brutally mutilated:
"It's so miserable. The body was directly poked with a dozen holes with something like a spear, and there are still a few bite marks on the body. It seems that these bastards also brought hunting dogs?"

With years of hunting experience, Robert could tell at a glance that the scratches and bite marks left on the deceased were caused by the bites of dog-like animals.

For his own judgment, Robert is quite confident, but this conclusion still cannot explain other problems on the corpse:

"Barristan, if I remember correctly, there shouldn't be snow on this road, right? Why are there so many snowflakes physically?"

"Your Majesty, although the scholars in the Academy City have sent out ravens to remind Westeros that winter is coming, it will still be a few years later."

Regarding the king's question, Barristan couldn't help rubbing his chin to recall carefully, and then said firmly:
"Even in the northern territory, the cold winter will not come until next year. It is impossible for a blizzard to cover the entire corpse right now."

"So, did that northern guard kid lie to me?"

After hearing Barristan's description, Robert stood up a little angrily. As a king, what he hated most was when someone deliberately deceived him.

Barristan remained silent. From his point of view, the panic on the northern guard's face didn't look fake. Could there be something hidden in it?

tata tao~
While the two were thinking, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in the distance, which attracted everyone's attention, and then they saw a embarrassed Baratheon knight rushing towards them.

I saw that the knight's body was covered with blood, and the broken lance and shield with several arrows in his hand were telling his miserable experience.

"Your Majesty, our advance team has collided with those road knights who slaughtered the caravans in the north, and most of the patrols and soldiers have died in battle!
Moreover, a mage who can release magic appeared on the other side. For the safety of His Majesty the King, please take His Majesty the King away from here immediately! "

After all, the loyal Baratheon knight drew out his sword and shouted to the other knights around, ignoring King Robert and the Kingsguard who hadn't reacted yet:

"The knights of Baratheon come with me, we must buy time for His Majesty the King's evacuation, the rage is burning!"

"The flames of rage!"

Seeing the seriously injured knight leaving, the surrounding Baratheon knights who reacted immediately raised their lances and left the woods together, rushing towards the snowfield where snowflakes were falling in the distance.

Although they didn't know what happened, they still subconsciously believed in the fellow knights who lived with them day and night, and decided to use their lives to buy time for His Majesty the King's evacuation.

Not long after, there were only a few Baratheon's personal guards who were responsible for protecting the king, and King Robert and the iron guards who were still messing around in the cold wind.

The reconnaissance team... was wiped out?

A... mage who can unleash magic?
clap clap~
Robert couldn't help but patted his face hard, looked at the Baratheon knights who disappeared into the weapons in the distance, and asked Barristan next to him:
"Hey, Barristan, I'm not drunk now, am I?"

"Probably not. After all, your winebag was placed with Lancel Lannister, and he should be with the gold robe now."

Even Barristan looked uncertainly at the faces of the Kingsguards around him, and then silently walked to Robert's side and smelled it. He did not smell any alcohol.

Could it be... what the Baratheon knight who was about to sacrifice himself said was true, was there really a mage among the group of knights standing in the way?

Thinking of this, Barristan hurriedly brought King Robert's war horse, and then said seriously with his sword in his hand:
"Your Majesty, if the knight-lord is not lying, please allow us to escort you out of here now."

Looking at the horse that Barristan brought for him, Robert, who was still a little confused at first, immediately reacted, and then jumped on the horse angrily and shouted:

"What do you mean... Barristan, do you want me to abandon those Baratheon knights who cut off the queen for me? They are all members of my family!"

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to act impulsively, don't let down the sacrifices of those knights!"

"Those are my comrades-in-arms, I will not stand by and watch them fight bloody battles for me and remain indifferent!"


At this moment, the two who were engaged in a fierce quarrel did not notice that right at the place where the Baratheon knights disappeared, an increasingly intense blizzard was slowly spreading around.

———Northern Territory, near Seven City

The once vast lake and the grassland with a touch of greenness have long since disappeared, replaced by a white world of ice and snow.

The howling cold wind is constantly rolling up snowflakes from the ground, and sharp ice thorns are also rising from the ground. The strange scene is as terrifying as the arrival of strange ghosts.

However, even such a terrifying scene cannot suppress the praise of human beings for courage:

Nearly a hundred knights of the Baratheon family had been frozen in the snow field, but even the ice thorns piercing through their bodies could not shake the determination in their eyes before they died.

And behind them, more Baratheon knights in beige burqas bravely raised their weapons and rushed towards the black shadow in the middle of the blizzard!

"Come on, for Baratheon, for His Majesty the King!"

"Kill this magic bastard!"

"The flames of rage!"

At this time, they were like stags preparing to strike decisively. They raised the lances in their hands, which symbolized the sharp horns of the stag, and rushed towards dozens of strange skeleton knights in the middle of the snowstorm.

In the center of the skeleton knight, a skeleton warrior holding a white light staff is looking helplessly at these human knights who are advancing one after another, and can't help but whisper:

"It's really troublesome. If I had known that I would encounter human nobles going out, I wouldn't have plundered the caravan for a momentary desire."

"That's wrong, Caranthir. If I remember correctly, you drank a whole ton of beer. Don't you think it's worth it?"

"Hmph, the wine brewed by humans is as bitter and unpalatable as fruit juice mixed with water. I really don't know why they still enjoy it."

Facing the ridicule of his companions, Caranthir's words were full of disdain, obviously extremely dissatisfied with the wine-making technology and primitive way of life of the northerners.

After all, as a racist, he is full of prejudice against the low-quality life of human beings, especially for the weak.

Seeing those knights rushing towards him brandishing their weapons even after losing their horses, Caranthir could only sigh with emotion:
"However, the courage of these human beings is commendable. If it was the world where the blood of the ancients was born, I'm afraid they would have fled long ago, right?"

"That's just because they haven't seen our strength."

"Hahaha, I still remember when I was flying in the air, a human nobleman was so scared that he wet his pants!"

Hearing Caranthir's emotion, the Wild Hunting cavalry beside them also fell into memories, obviously nostalgic for the good life of bullying new humans.

It's a pity that this kind of chat didn't last long, and the spoiler came:
"Stop it, you bloody Highway knights and despicable mages!"

The resonant voice pierced through layers of snow and fog like thunder, not only made the remaining Baratheon knights put away their weapons subconsciously, even the Wild Hunt stopped to look at the approacher.

It didn't take long before they saw a fat figure holding a warhammer appearing in front of everyone under the escort of several knights in white robes through the fog.

Looking at Robert and the Kingsguard who suddenly appeared here, the Baratheon knights who were already preparing to fight the Wild Hunt to the death widened their eyes in shock, and then shouted:
"Your Majesty! Why haven't you left yet?"

"Go, Your Majesty, this guy will use terrible magic, let us stop this guy!"


However, facing the pleadings of the knights, Robert did not respond to them immediately, but instead focused on the frozen knights around him.

As Robert's personal guard knights, many of these people are mostly scattered children of the Baratheon family, and many of them are even old comrades who followed him to participate in the usurper war!
But now, they have been integrated into the damned ice cube, and they will be separated from him forever!
"Holan, Yadac, Collaton, Dontos... I'm so lucky to have followed me, the drunkard king, for so many years."

Seeing this scene, Robert felt as if a shackle had been released in his body, and even the warhammer, which was usually difficult to lift, became as light as ever.

Although he, Robert, is a irascible alcoholic, he is definitely not a lonely tyrant!

Everyone in the world thought that Robert was a fool king who wasted a huge amount of property to hold competitions, and even gave out ten golden dragons to every candidate who signed up for the competition.

However, who noticed that those members who participated in the tournament by name were basically disabled veterans who had followed Robert?
Although this kind of behavior will bring about a financial crisis in the eyes of the country, it can actually give discounts to those soldiers who have worked hard for him!

Just as Robert was feeling sad for the knights trapped in the ice, Wild Hunt in the distance also began to communicate secretly:

"Caranthir, did you hear what those human knights said, that fat pig is a human king!"

A Wild Hunt excitedly pulled out the long sword at his waist, and the blue eyes that symbolized the elves under the mask were shining with excitement.

Looking at this suddenly excited companion, Caranthir suddenly had an ominous premonition, and then asked:

"Hey, aren't you plotting against this human king?"

"Well, that's a human king. My sword has never shed the blood of a human king. Don't you want to try the pleasure of regicide?"

"Hey, wait!"

Before Caranthir could react, the Wild Hunt cavalry slammed the elf horse under his crotch and rushed towards Robert.

The head of a human king, what an honorable trophy!
"Don't mess around, the blood of the ancients is our first goal, there is no need to add additional enemies to ourselves."

Seeing this situation, Caranthir, who didn't want to cause trouble, was about to stop him, but was stopped by his companions:
"Let him go, can he still be killed by an obese human king and several human beings?"

(End of this chapter)

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