Chapter 163 Dragon Heart

Seeing that Ms. Mist had also come, Luo Han hurriedly pulled out the dagger stuck in his chest, and complained to the other party:

"Ma'am, I plan to inlay a rune on my heart, so can you please dig out my heart?"

"Uh...Actually, you don't need to be so troublesome. I'll teach you another way."

Looking at the bloody marks on Luohan's chest, Radlia couldn't help but frowned, and threw out a holy light to fill the hole dug so hard on Luohan's chest.

Hearing that Ms. Misty was going to teach him personally, Luo Han hurriedly put on his clothes and stood up, ready to listen to the other party's lecture seriously.

After all, Naggarond does not allow male elves to learn magic, so Rohan, who has been blessed by the gods and obtained magic power, has always been in a state of ignorance about this power.

Seeing Luohan standing there obediently, Radlia also picked up the pointer (wicker) in her hand like a strict teacher, pointed at Luohan and said:
"You first show me how you use magic on weekdays, and release a magic shield for me to see."

"Oh, like this?"

Luo Han originally planned to catch the system panel and release the blessing of the goddess as before, and the faint blue light instantly condensed in mid-air.

Unexpectedly, Radlia suddenly slapped the back of Luohan's hand with a willow stick, and then reprimanded with some dissatisfaction:
"If you want to be an excellent mage, you must use your own power to release magic instead of relying on external forces, understand?"

"But Naggarond doesn't allow male elves to learn magic. If the Witch King finds out that I study magic, I'm afraid the Kaine assassins will arrive at my door the next day."

Looking at the red seal on the back of his hand, Luo Han felt aggrieved and complained, after all, he had seen how those lords who secretly learned magic were cursed.

Any male Durucci who is found to be able to use magic will be planted by Malekith with a terrible curse called [Empty Curse], and his soul will forever wander between the mortal world and the realm of chaos!
Ladria obviously heard about this matter long ago, so she directly took out a walnut-sized ball and handed it to Lohan, saying righteously:

"Marekis just forbids male elves from learning any wind of magic spells, but if you become my God's Choice, you can use the advanced magic of the mist system."

"So I can be your God's Choice?"

"You... your recent performance is not bad, but you think too much, there is only one position chosen by God, and your current strength is still not qualified."

Radlia made no secret of her disdain for Luohan's strength, which instantly aroused Luohan's strong protest. How can he be said to be weak?

Although he may not be able to beat perverted players like Malekith or Tyrion now, he can still bully Alasta who can't use magic!

Besides, you didn't choose me as the god's choice, so why did you talk so much just now, are you internally harassing us to be workers?
Seeing the dissatisfaction on Luohan's face, Radlia showed a sweet smile at the corner of her mouth, pointing at the ball in Luohan's hand and said:

"Although you can't become theology yet, as my most promising believer, you can already start to prepare for learning fog spells in the future."

Hearing this, Luo Han finally realized that he had already been appointed by default!

Then Luo Han turned his attention to the ball in his hand. It was a small silver ball that looked like Mithril, and it should have good magic conductivity.

According to Ms. Misty, this ball should be able to help him practice magic power and lay the foundation for the future, but how should he use it?

Luo Han curiously injected the magic power in his body into this silver ball, and then he was surprised to find that this silver ball would actively absorb his own magic power!
Feeling his magic power constantly swirling inside the silver ball, Rohan hurriedly controlled his magic power, trying to control the operation of the magic power in the ball.

However, after only half a minute, Luo Han couldn't control the shaking ball in his hand, and even had to throw the ball because his forearm was too sore!

Ding Ding Ding ~
Looking at the silver ball rolling on the ground, there was a hint of surprise in Rohan's eyes, and then he asked the smiling Ms. Mist:
"Ma'am, what is this thing, why can't I control it for half a minute?"

"It's beyond my expectation that you can persist for so long. You must know that even Eltharion only persisted for a dozen seconds at the beginning."

Waving to summon the silver ball on the ground, Radlia first praised Rohan, and then proudly introduced:

"Because the god king Asuryan does not allow us to interfere too much in the human world, the gods cannot directly guide believers in the mortal world, and he even burned Hoss' library for this reason!
In order to avoid being sanctioned, most elf gods including me can only use indirect ways to strengthen their followers:

For example, Lilith often gave the artifacts she made to the elves in Ulthuan; Marselan would secretly contribute to the flames when believers were fighting. "

It was also the first time for Luo Han to hear the direct gossip of these gods, so he listened with relish, and then asked again:
"Madam, are you relying on these silver balls to guide believers by giving away fitness equipment?"

"Emm... You are right to understand this way, as long as you can hold on to him for 5 minutes, you can almost reach the level of an ordinary mage."

Since she already regarded Luohan as her own family, Radlia's consciousness lay directly in mid-air, and threw the silver ball in her hand to Luohan.

And Luo Han took the silver ball thrown by Lady Misty, and when he was about to continue trying, he suddenly noticed the puddle of dragon blood on the floor that had turned into blood, and suddenly remembered one thing:

Isn't my goal to be an enchanted heart? Why did I suddenly start playing with balls?
Putting the ball into the pocket of his clothes casually, Luo Han hurriedly half-kneeled at the feet of Ms. Misty, hugging her thigh with his hands and pretending to be pitiful:

"Dear lady, you see that I won't be able to master magic skills for a while, can you please help me take out my heart?"

At the same time, he felt Lady Misty's big white leg without leaving a trace, and then hurriedly withdrew the troublesome hand, pretending nothing happened.

Well, as expected of a goddess, her skin is smooth!

Radlia didn't seem to notice Luohan's hand, but moved her fingers, and took Luohan's heart out of her body.

puff~ puff~
Looking at his heart floating in mid-air, Rohan swallowed, and then put the heart in the center of the altar in front of Ladelia, muttering:
"]VaH: 9!] #JD"H

He didn't know what he was talking about, he only knew that as his speech speed gradually accelerated, circle after circle of bright red flames began to circle around his heart.

Not long after, orange-red runes appeared on the beating heart, and Luo Han took out a pile of white powder with a complicated expression.

"I don't know why Western magic always needs this kind of thing, and I never thought that I would need to sprinkle salt on my burning heart..."

As Rohan sprinkled the white powder on the heart, under the gaze of Radlia's strange gaze, a heart with a fragrance came out of the oven!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the characteristic: [Dragon Heart]!"

(End of this chapter)

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