Being a lord in another world begins with farming

Chapter 522 Beicheng shrouded in war

Chapter 522 Beicheng shrouded in war
The city defense troops who came with heavy equipment did not change anything when facing monster-like enemies. All they could do was let the accompanying artillery fire directly to blow up everything, whether it was their own people or the enemy, or use cluster grenades to attack the enemy. Cause some obstacles, here life becomes a consumable like ammunition.

The limited military strength and the gap in combat power allow Joan of Arc to use the most rational thinking to make the best use of every life. It can be sacrificed, but it must be worthy of death. Only in this way can it last longer, and only in this way can it be allowed to survive. The city is not destroyed.

More and more Chaos warriors are being teleported over. Joan of Arc holds the flag tightly and converts her magic power into defensive power, blessing it on the Templar Knights. As the main force, they cannot die now. No matter what kind of enemy they face, now They all need to persist.

Fortunately, the city defense army has received strict training in street fighting and is not afraid of death. They can use all conditions to block the breakthrough of those monsters. Otherwise, hundreds of Templar Knights alone would not be able to block it.

Fortunately, this is Beicheng. Not only soldiers, but also equipment is not lacking. With the continuous mobilization of the rear, more and more combatants are arriving. Infantry artillery, tanks, and even the 88mm anti-aircraft gun, the treasure of the town, are all ready. Being moved here, especially the latter, even the Templars would have to lie down if hit by a shot from the front, let alone the Chaos Warriors.

At this time, the armed helicopters had also replenished their ammunition and fuel and came to support. The six-barreled machine gun had only an average effect on the huge Dread Dragon. It was still a big threat to Chaos warriors and flesh-and-blood creations, not to mention that it could also be loaded with some bombs and dropped directly. .

A large amount of heavy firepower was unleashed without scruple, and the scope of buildings destroyed together with the enemy was gradually expanding. Both sides were investing more troops and constantly consuming them. The cruelty of war was vividly reflected here.

In order to avoid harming innocent people, Maya mobilized a group of grassroots managers to brave the flames of war to guide the civilians in the war zone to evacuate to safe areas. The current situation was not bad enough to treat them as expendables.

Because it was a systematic population transformation, the operation was very smooth. There were no delays, no wrangling, and no disputes. Everyone gave up all their belongings and only carried a small amount of food and drinking water. A large number of civilians crawled out of cellars or air-raid shelters in the war zone. , helping each other and evacuating with the injured, which is very efficient. This also avoids attracting those monsters and causing greater casualties.

Although Joan of Arc's defense line has not collapsed, it is impossible to intercept all monsters 100%, not to mention that there are evil professionals with all kinds of strange abilities, many of whom have entered other urban areas.

This is also the reason why only a few hundred Templars came, and why tens of thousands of city defense troops could not arrive in one go. They needed to eliminate these unstable factors and maintain security in the city.

In fact, even the Roots and the Sisters were involved, otherwise Beicheng would have been in chaos.

It is because of the efforts of these people that although the scale of the war continues to expand, plunging the long-peaceful Beicheng into the flames of destruction, except for the war zone, other areas are very calm, and everyone is doing what they should do, reinforcing Defend, clear the ruins, rescue the wounded, without panic or fear.

Adult men silently picked up weapons and joined the patrol team to fill the vacancy caused by the departure of the city defense army. Once they discovered the Chaos warriors and evil professionals, they would use their lives to delay the arrival of their own super soldiers.

Women have more arduous tasks, taking care of the elderly, children and patients, cooking, cleaning, bandaging, and even cleaning up debris. They all need to do these things, and only they who are careful can do so well.

Because of the concerted efforts to maintain the stability of order, Maya was able to mobilize the power of Beicheng to the maximum extent, otherwise there would be no continuous supply of reinforcements to fill the battlefield.

But there was finally good news. Maya finally waited for the castle's response.

The news that Joan of Arc applied for the support of the Thunder Guards has been passed on for a long time, but there has been no response for a long time.

Without Irving's direct order, it was up to the Thunder Guards to decide whether to take action or not.

Secondly, the North City was invaded, which made the Thunder Guards vigilant, and they would not be dispatched easily.Thirdly, many evil professionals have sneaked into the North City. In order to prevent the castle from being invaded, the Thunder Guards are concentrating on guarding the castle.

For the Thunder Guards, the importance of the castle is higher than that of the North City, which is why it is difficult for them to mobilize.

But they still have to listen to Maya's orders, at least until Owen takes back his command.

But it was impossible to mobilize the entire army. Even Maya would not make such a decision, because once someone took the opportunity to invade the castle, even she would not be able to accept it.

However, the Thunder Guards have just completed part of the equipment change and have just put it into actual combat for testing. However, after all, it is new equipment and it will take some time to debug.

The ground was filled with war, but the underground city was still peaceful. Although a few little mice were lucky enough to sneak in, this was also the beginning of their misfortune.

It's hard to describe how big the underground city is now, because as an underground transportation hub, it connects many important cities and locations in the territory, and it even undertakes many functions such as scientific research, training, production, defense, etc. Its complexity is far higher than that of Beicheng.

But don’t think that the large area makes it difficult to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. In fact, the countless traps and mazes are enough to collapse any army, not to mention that this is the headquarters of the Roots and the Sisters. Even Owen has forgotten all the other messes. Things are also a huge threat to intruders, such as poisonous snakes and slimes, as well as magical plants that serve as landscape plants.

After continuous reproduction, how many venomous snakes are there in the dungeon and how many varieties have evolved? Even the roots are not clear, at least they cannot be consumed as psychic beasts.

As for slimes, they only know that there is a slime kingdom underground in the territory, but it is not clear how big it is there, because the queen of the slime kingdom is Owen's shikigami, which is beyond their control. Yes, all I know is that the slime maid is responsible for the health and services of the entire dungeon.

With these two major groups present, there are no dead ends in the entire dungeon, and there are no chances of luck. All intruders are discovered in the shortest possible time, and what follows is a journey of survival for the intruders.

Ethan felt that it was a mistake to enter here. Although he instinctively felt that there was huge wealth hidden here, how to obtain it and how to survive were the biggest problems.

"Hell!" He kicked away the poisonous snake that climbed onto his shoes. Ethan was disgusted by this.

It's not that he's afraid of snakes, it's because there are too many snakes here. No matter where he goes or where he looks, he can always find venomous snakes twisting and crawling, and snakes even fall down from time to time.

But the strange thing is that these venomous snakes are not aggressive, lazy, and often ignore his existence.

After hesitating for a moment, due to the problem of quantity, Ethan did not take the initiative to attack, but focused on finding the exit, but this place was too big. He had walked for so long, don’t say it, even the same scenery was He didn't see it, which meant that he wasn't running around in circles, he was still on the outskirts of this huge underground building complex, which made him feel a trace of despair in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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