Chapter 398 Two Eggs and One Fishy Fish

While Si Luo was preparing dinner, Ouwen pulled himself together, put down his thoughts of not wanting to work or move, and began to disassemble this deadly aggrieved old black dragon.

Although the performance of this old black dragon is a bit anticlimactic, it cannot change the fact that it is a legendary creature. Even if the blood and vitality decline, the body infiltrated by magic power is still a treasure. It can be said that even the body in the large intestine Dragon dung can be used as magic materials, so it cannot be wasted.

Owen first drew all the dragon's blood. The black-red and viscous blood lacked vitality, but it contained powerful magic power. It can be seen that what restricted the old black dragon was not the magic power, but the old body and the little that was left. Vitality, otherwise unless Irving himself takes action, he still has to fight.

First extract the dragon's blood that is not easy to maintain, then the perishable internal organs and bone marrow, and then the skin, flesh and bones.

When the root of the tail was removed, Owen curled his lips and smiled disdainfully.

Don't look at the size of the old black dragon, but that thing has shrunk a long time ago, not as big as him, but recalling the tiger whip wine and roasted kidneys at the barbecue stall in his previous life, Owen's eyes gradually became strange.

Although the black dragon is not the largest dragon, its body length is more than 20 meters, so it is not an easy job to dismember it all. In the end, even Si Luo who was cooking was pulled by Owen to work, but Owen was the main one. Because Siluo's resistance is too low, and her strength is too weak.

The blood of the black dragon is very corrosive. It is not impossible to be invulnerable after showering with dragon blood, but it requires quite complicated treatment. Even so, the success rate is quite limited. Most of the time, dragon blood is used as alchemy materials, such as dragon blood steel, It is not uncommon for people to drink or smear dragon blood potions directly, but very few survive, and most of them turn into monsters.

In addition, the black dragon's internal organs are also poisonous, even if the drow's resistance to poison is not low, I'm afraid it can be tolerated.

Fortunately, Si Luo has unique insights into planing, and with the butcher's knife made of black iron in her hand, it is no problem to break tendons and bones.

As the dismantling came to an end, the tender tenderloin was carefully removed by Owen and soaked in the lake water to remove the blood stasis inside. As a result, many fish and shrimp were poisoned to death, and only a small amount absorbed the essence of dragon blood and became A member of the huge dragon blood biological system in the main world.

Owen chopped the soaked tenderloin into large pieces and neatly stacked them around the large stew pot. On the middle plate were two eggs, a fishy fish and a huge heart, then poured in strong wine, spices and detoxifying and nourishing potions, and finally boiled over high heat. Stew for a full six hours.

The bitter taste in the fishy sweetness made Si Luo's face change greatly, but she didn't make it, and was caught by Owen and forced to pour three bowls of coquettish soup. He died, and passed out foaming at the mouth.

Owen looked at the haha ​​and was happy, picked up the huge iron fork, and directly forked out the meat from the pot to bite. Only then did he realize that he seemed to have forgotten to remove the tendon mucous membrane or something, and the catheter in the whip had not been removed. , no wonder Si Luo couldn't bear the taste, it's not surprising that stones came out after drinking it in one gulp.

Owen, who was afraid of biting a stone, simply rewarded the whole pot of soup to the drooling goblin, and the result was unanimous praise.

Owen, who had no luck, chose to eat a specialty of the underground world, a giant snail with the size of a fist. This kind of food is not delicious, but it is the easiest source of protein to get.

In addition, it is a kind of mushroom with thick rhizome, and the root contains starch. In addition to being hungry quickly, the feeling of satiety is still good.

Filling his stomach indiscriminately, Owen wandered to the Dragon's Cave, not caring about the copper and silver coins, and fell asleep when he lay down, but he didn't notice that Si Luo, who was already familiar with his routine, had quietly got up.

She poured water into her belly, then vomited, back and forth three times, Siluo breathed into her palm, and frowned when she heard it. There are botanical dry chews that clean breath.

While clearing the taste in her mouth, Si Luo recalled the previous battle.

Siluo was caught off guard by the hidden strength of the old black dragon, and at the same time, she was shocked by the strength displayed by the ogre.

In fact, this is normal. The black dragon itself is a cunning and evil creature. Especially in old age, in order to maintain its status, when its own strength declines, it must use more brains, and it is normal to hide a few hands.

At that time, Si Luo was full of thoughts about turning over and becoming the mistress of the drow, so it was normal for her to be negligent.

But what really shocked her was the ogre, which was so strong that it had a legendary combat power.

This is both an advantage and a hidden danger, it depends on whether she can grasp it in the future.

Fortunately, the original goal was achieved. Silo occupied this dungeon. Even if there was only a newly dug dragon lair and the honeycomb-like cave where goblins lived, it still couldn't change the fact that it was a dungeon.

Next, Siluo will continue to trap that ogre, and then expand the population here, train soldiers, attract some underground merchants, and borrow a few drows to breed offspring, and when the wings are full, the ogre The ogre is also old and fading. When the time comes, find a way to kill which damn ogre and become the mistress of the drow.

Dreaming of a bright future, Si Luo, who had exhausted a lot of physical strength, also fell asleep, but soon her dreams became serious, which can be seen from her legs that were twisted into twists and almost squeezed out of water.

Not to mention the different dreams in the same bed that night, Owen, who got up early, did not torment Siluo, but worked hard to run the ogre's brain, thinking about what to do next.

I wanted to be an ogre gourmet, but compared to exploring the underground world, this small goal seemed insignificant.

Owen doesn't know how big the underground world is, and there is too little information about it, so he plans to stay and explore it. In case the underground world wants to invade the surface, he has a defense.

If there is no war, he intends to try to see if it can develop into a new trade market, just like the mountains in another world.

Now that he decided to stay, he had to plan carefully. Although he was too lazy to think about it, Owen was very experienced in farming, so he exchanged the main body for the caveman in Heroes without much thought.

The caveman looks like a fusion of rotten potatoes and mutant frogs, and has a small tail. Anyway, it can be ugly, and its combat effectiveness is negligible.

The place where I live is also not very good. If you don’t look carefully, it’s just a pile of mud covered with mushrooms, and you can’t see it unless you look carefully.

But the caveman is an upright underground creature, very adaptable to the underground environment. He is also a farmer and builder in the underground world. As soon as he is summoned, he starts to grow mushrooms and raise large snails in captivity. He works very quickly.

Best of all, cavemen are extremely cheap.

Just as Owen was about to exchange the bird pavilion, Si Luo was about to wake up with a hum.

(End of this chapter)

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