Martial arts start from the visualization of tortoise breathing

Chapter 414; Akabane tribe, Heibei tribe [5 words]

Chapter 414; Akabane Tribe, Black Embarrassed Tribe [[-] words]

The first rays of sunlight in the morning.

Everything revived, and the mist lingered.

Fang Ping walked out of a stone house with a height of only one foot and an interior space of only a few feet.

The Akabane Tribe is just a small tribe with a population of just over 3000. Women, children, and children account for more than half of the tribe. Adult men are responsible for hunting, while women are responsible for cooking food and taking care of children.

At daybreak, people in the tribe woke up early. The women gathered together to cut and process the ingredients. The men also discussed where to hunt today.

In the center of the tribe, there is a stone platform made of stones. On the stone platform is enshrined a totem several feet high, with feathers, bird heads, and human bodies. This is the ancestor of the gods worshiped by the Akabane tribe for generations.

"Big brother is awake."

A group of children who were only five or six years old and seven or eight years old rushed to Fang Ping in a dense mass, followed by a little one who had just learned to walk and had milk stains on his mouth. His eyes were big and bright. , staring straight at Fang Ping.

Fang Ping smiled. He has lived in the Chibane Tribe for three days. He was a bit unfamiliar when he came here on the first day, but after only a few days, he became acquainted with the people in the tribe, especially this group of simple and honest people. A naive and easy-to-fool child, he likes to pester him to listen to things other than the extreme northern prairie.


After saying hello, Fang Ping took dozens of children to a small natural lake outside the Chibane Tribe.

The green grass outside the small lake is clear and crystal clear, sparkling like emeralds.

The children were sitting on the ground, Fang Ping was also relaxed and comfortable, with long hair and shawls sitting on the ground, coughed dryly, and said: "The book continues from the previous chapter, today I will tell the story of Kua Fu Chasing the Sun.

According to legend, in the prehistoric age long long ago, there lived a giant with infinite strength and a height of [-] feet, named Kuafu.He lived a peaceful life in the depths of the mountains...

At that time, the land was full of poisonous insects and beasts, and natural and man-made disasters continued. One day, the sun hung high, scorched the crops, scorched the trees, dried up the river, and withered all things. Kuafu was very sad and decided to catch the sun, so he called his people I went with him, but none of the clansmen dared to go, so he ran chasing the sun alone, crossing mountains and opening mountains, and crossing water when encountering water.

...He ran desperately, desperately ran..."

The story has twists and turns, and the children's expressions also range from anticipation, curiosity, and amazement at the beginning, to sadness and silence.

Among them, the little pudding with milk stains on the corner of his mouth cried out loudly when he heard that Kuafu was dying of thirst and sunburn.

"Why are you still crying?" Fang Ping threw out a fragrant and sweet spiritual fruit speechlessly. Little Pudding's crying stopped abruptly, making all the children salivate enviously. He straightened his posture, Asked: "The story is finished, now it's time to move on to the next session, take turns to talk about your feelings, who will come first?"

A child with a thick head and a thick head raised his hand, stood up and said: "This Kuafu is just like my barbarians, he is an unparalleled warrior!"

His words have been recognized by many children.

Fang Ping shook his head: "Why do you say that?"

"The sun is so high and so hot, yet the giant Kuafu dared to catch it and chased it for nine days and nine nights. Isn't he a warrior?"

"Sit down first." Fang Ping pressed his hand and scanned around: "Is there anyone who expresses a disagreement?"


There are a few children who are thoughtful, but they are also silent and ignorant.

"Okay, then let me tell you." Fang Ping said: "This boy said that Kuafu is a warrior, and he is right! But the warrior is dead, and his people are still alive and well. Kuafu just doesn't understand this truth, you It can be said that he is ambitious and ambitious, and dares to think and do, or he can be said to be self-sufficient, like a fly can shake a tree! From my personal point of view, Kuafu belongs to the latter category."

"The sun is baking the earth, so does he need him to stand out? He jumped out before someone more capable than him did anything. Isn't this just seeking his own death? To balance, only by being alive can you do what you want to do but can't do."

The children looked at each other and gasped.

After three days, they had heard several stories told by Fang Ping. After each story was told, they would be taught some strange knowledge that was diametrically opposed to what they knew.

"I object. A true barbarian warrior must dare to face death!"

"Objection is useless!" Fang Ping decisively suppressed the thorns of opposition, and said: "How can a real warrior only know how to fight and kill? People are sophisticated, tricky and sophistry are indispensable!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Ping also thought to himself, the barbarian tribes on the extreme northern prairie don't have so many intrigues and intrigues, and some are just blood and fire, straight-forward killings. A few promising heroes who can dominate the extreme northern prairie.

It's approaching evening.

Only half of the more than a hundred warriors from the Chibane Tribe who went out to hunt came back, and a dozen of them were seriously injured, and the rest were covered in bruises. It was obvious from a glance that they had narrowly escaped death after a brutal fight.

In an instant, the gloom in the Akabane Tribe was bleak, and the cries rose and fell.

"What is going on!"

The crowd dispersed, and the white-bearded old man walked out, leaning on crutches, but he was hale and hearty and dignified.

The Akabane tribe is small in scale, and it is one of many small tribes on the extreme northern prairie. Leaving aside women, children, old and young, there are no more than 1000 warriors who can go out to hunt. Each one is extremely precious, and dozens of them were lost at once. , For the Akabane Tribe, it was already a big loss.

"Patriarch..." The strong man who was leading the hunt, his shoulders were blood red, and his eyes were bloodshot, he growled: "It's the people of the Heilang tribe. They ambushed near the water source. We, if we hadn't retreated fast enough, I'm afraid none of us will be able to come back."


The Akabane tribe gathered around opened their eyes wide and clenched their fists. Even the children's eyes were red and they shouted for revenge.

The old patriarch sighed, why didn't he want to pay with blood, but the Chiyu tribe is too weak, and the black embarrassing tribe is a large tribe with tens of thousands of people, with nearly ten thousand warriors, and there are even supernatural powers and warriors. If he loses Be rational, and lead your clansmen to attack the Heilang tribe, there is only one end, and that is the death of the clan.

"Take the injured back to the house first, don't go out hunting for a few days." The old patriarch waved his hand, and comforted everyone, raised his head, and looked at the man who came to Akabane not far away a few days ago. Tribal aliens.

He still remembered that at dusk a few days ago, a young man dressed in black and with black hair and shawls stood outside the tribe as if he had appeared out of thin air. The tribes on the extreme northern prairie rarely welcomed foreigners, and some would still welcome foreigners when they saw them. Bringing them back to the banquet, the Akabane Tribe did not have that habit, the main reason was that the Akabane Tribe was too weak.

"I'm going to laugh at the distinguished guests." The old patriarch stepped forward and said with a wry smile.

Fang Ping gave a salute indifferently: "Where is the old patriarch? How does the old patriarch plan to deal with this black tribe targeting the Chiyu tribe?" From the old man's handling of this emergency, it can be seen that the old man is not as straightforward as other barbarian warriors , Reckless, stubborn, he is a guy who knows how to judge the situation, the enemy is strong and we are weak.

He lived in this Akabane tribe for three days, and forged fate, karma.

If the old guy asks him to make a move, he will not refuse within his power.

"I plan to..." The old patriarch took a deep breath and said, "I plan to go to the "Baichuan Tribe" tomorrow for help."

If the small tribe wants to survive, it must depend on the big tribe.

The Akabane Tribe is attached to the Baichuan Tribe, and every year they try their best to send some tributes and treasures.

"The old patriarch means that the Baichuan tribe will stand up for your Chiyu tribe and attack the Heibei tribe?" Fang Ping nodded.

The old patriarch was stunned for a moment: "How can it be, the strength of the Baichuan tribe and the Heilang tribe are almost the same, and they will not go to war easily."

"The old patriarch, you..."

Fang Ping suddenly realized that the Baichuan tribe would not attack the Heibei tribe for the sake of the Akabane tribe, but the Akabane tribe was attached to the Baichuan tribe after all, and the Baichuan tribe would strongly condemn the Heibei tribe verbally!
But is this condemnation useful?
This is when someone beats you to your house, kills your brother, ruins your sister, and when you finally beat the enemy out, someone tells you that you have to repay your grievance with virtue. Also lend a helping hand.

It's a bit of a stretch, but the point is the same.

On that day, the old patriarch brought a hundred warriors of the Akabane Tribe, and some treasures accumulated in the tribe, such as gorgeous feathers, animal skins as soft as cotton, pearl-like bone strings, and shining ore crystals , rushed to the Baichuan tribe not too far away.

Not long after leaving.

More than 5000 black tribe warriors wearing black animal skin shorts, with totems painted on their faces and wielding bone sticks, surrounded the Chibane tribe densely with loud shouts.

There is no doubt about the stone hammer. Yesterday's provocation and attack by the black embarrassing tribe was to lure away the old patriarch. The old patriarch is a fighter at the level of a martial arts master. The old patriarch, [-] Heiyu tribe fighters, and two Heiyu tribe leaders at the level of martial arts masters can easily crush the Chiyu tribe.

For a moment, the Chibane tribe ushered in a catastrophe, and women, children and children trembled.

Hundreds of Akabane tribal fighters looked at the man who was second only to the old patriarch in strength after the old patriarch left.

The thick-browed and broad-nosed man, whose cultivation base is around the three qi masters, was a little at a loss in the face of the sudden disaster, and suddenly recalled what the old patriarch had said to him before leaving, and hurriedly pushed away the crowd , walked to the stone house where Fang Ping was, and shouted, "How is your honored guest?"

Fang Ping walked out of the stone house.

He smiled slightly; "But you want me to make a move?"

The man was stunned, and said: "There are several thousand people in the Heilang tribe, I will take the lead in charging later, make a hole, and invite the distinguished guests to escape with the women, children, old and young in the tribe, and go to join the old patriarch, the great ancestor Will bless you."

"That's it?" Fang Ping was surprised: "Why didn't you ask me to do it?"

He couldn't understand it, neither the old patriarch nor the man in front of him seemed to be begging him to solve the trouble.

This is not to see that someone from the other side has the power to catch the stars and catch the moon, look down on the world, or look down on the someone from the other side.

The man had no intention of explaining, and called out to the women, children and children in the tribe to flee with Fang Ping later, while he and hundreds of warriors in the tribe stayed behind to hold back the army of the Heibei tribe.


The horn sounded, representing attack, killing, and destruction.

Five thousand warriors from the Heibei tribe rushed towards the Chiyu tribe, roaring wildly and brandishing bone sticks.

Hundreds of warriors from the Chibane Tribe trembled and looked heavy, but none of them backed away, all of them were determined to die.

"You don't even ask me, do you? Then I will make a move!"

Fang Ping flew into the air with some depression in his chest.

"Big brother has gone to the sky." The children in the Chibane tribe were all taken aback when they saw Fang Ping, who had come to tell them stories for a few days, standing upright and standing in the air. .

The martial arts system on the extreme northern prairie is not much different from the 33 kingdoms of the human race. Everything is revived. After the arrival of the golden world, the vitality of the world is sufficient, and the martial arts master can take off for a short time. Fang Ping can stand in the air as if walking on the ground. , which means that Fang Ping is at least the cultivation level of a martial arts master.

The Heilang tribe warrior who launched the attack stabilized his body and did not dare to step forward rashly.

A pitch-black arrow that looked like iron but not iron, with a texture like rock, shot at Fang Ping clearly.

bang rumble

Along the way, the arrow devoured the vitality of heaven and earth in a large area, and a black phantom with a size of more than ten feet condensed in the facing space.

Hei is like a wolf, with sharp fangs, sharp claws, and a long howl that is deafening.

On the grass in the distance, a leader of the black tribe with the cultivation of a martial arts master held a large bow made of animal skin and animal bones in his hand. He was the one who sent the arrow. It can threaten martial arts grand masters, and it is also possible for ordinary martial arts masters to be instantly killed by an arrow.

But what changed his face in astonishment was that the handsome young man in black standing above the Chibane tribe didn't even look at him. At the very moment, he casually and calmly stretched out his right hand, and followed that with his index finger which was much longer than ordinary people's. , lightly, impartially, and accurately clicked on the arrow that pierced the air.


The arrow is so powerful that it shatters rocks, like a train traveling at high speed, hitting the impenetrable and indestructible city wall. Fang Ping doesn't need to use force, just under the action of inertia, from the arrow, to the arrow shaft, to the arrow tail, from the head to the arrow. The tail shattered into bits and pieces of debris.

The immortal golden body has not yet functioned, but Fang Ping's physical body is still invulnerable to all magic, and the diamond is indestructible. To him, this arrow is not as good as a mosquito bite.

"Hiss, how is it possible..."

"...The Akabane tribe actually hides such a super strong man? Huh? He doesn't look like a barbarian like me."

Witnessing the blow he sent out, the leader of the Heibei tribe who wanted Fang Ping to block it with a snap of his fingers, sensed the clue, and roared: "Today is a war between my Heibei tribe and the Chiyu tribe, and foreigners have no right to intervene. , breaking the rules of the extreme northern prairie, is to be an enemy of all the barbarians on the extreme northern prairie!"

The voice fell.

The space outside Fang Ping collapsed into a huge black hole, and at an unbelievable speed, he appeared in front of the leader of the black embarrassing tribe who was a great master of martial arts in one step.

The wind blows.

Especially under the impact of the oncoming majestic and invincible force, the leader of the black embarrassing tribe who was a martial arts master, fell to the ground with a big bow in his hand, his body was also limp, he staggered down, and sat down on the ground.

The leader of the Heibei tribe next to him, who was a great master of martial arts, saw that something was not going well, so he subconsciously swung the bone stick in his hand, and smashed it against Fang Ping's forehead with overwhelming force.


When this stick went down, the man's jaws burst open, and the bones in his arms were crushed. The bone stick that hit Fang Ping's forehead was ten times, dozens of times harder than steel. A bone fragment.


The leader of the Heibei tribe, whose mouth was bleeding profusely, was dying. He realized that the foreigner in front of him was an unfathomable superpower. Said: "My lord... If you want to protect the Akabane tribe... let's go."

The leader of the black embarrassing tribe, who was limp on the ground, grinned and glared at Fang Ping indignantly.

"You can go." Fang Ping nodded, and the next moment he pointed to the leader of the black embarrassing tribe with a face full of rebellion: "You can't go."

"Why! Do you still dare to kill me? Foreigners are not qualified to meddle in our barbarian affairs on the extreme northern prairie. You violated the rules on the extreme northern prairie..."

"The rules are not in order, it's not your turn to tell me." Fang Ping turned the yin and yang supernatural power seeds in his body slightly, and a black and white divine light flew into the sky like a sky sword, beheading the head of the leader of the black embarrassing tribe.

A barbarian leader at the level of a martial arts grand master, just like that.

The leader of the living Heilang tribe, terrified, fled here with thousands of Heilang tribe fighters.

When Fang Ping walked into the Chibane Tribe in Shaoqing, the women, children, old and young, men and women in the tribe saw earth-shaking changes in the way they looked at him, which is also reasonable.

Wherever the strong go, they are eye-catching and worthy of respect.

"Thank you for beating away the army of the Heibei tribe. It must be the great ancestor gods who blessed us and sent you here."

I don't know that it was the old stubborn who was deeply poisoned, and the men and women in the Akabane tribe began to worship the totem statue enshrined on the stone platform in the center of the tribe devoutly.

Fang Ping;? ? ?
He took the initiative to save people, but the one who got the gratitude was the illusory totem god?
"Faith? With faith, there will be cohesion..."

"But it's also a double-edged sword."

Fang Ping shook his head with a smirk, and he didn't care about it. He didn't expect anything in return for this shot.

into the night.

Akabane Tribe held a grand, unprecedented worship ceremony.


(End of this chapter)

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