Lu Mingfei Returns from Monster Hunting

Chapter 223 Her Majesty's Partner

Chapter 223 Her Majesty's Partner (5.2k)

Lu Mingfei's original intention was to go directly to Black Swan Port, but Su Enxi thought that the turmoil in Japan had just subsided, and Black Swan Port would definitely strengthen its security, so he proposed to go to Zero's hometown Moscow to rectify for a few days before going to Black Swan Port.

Moreover, there is an old friend of Black Swan Harbor in Ling's hometown, who should know it well.

This proposal was approved by several other people, and Lu Mingfei reluctantly nodded in agreement, but even though he was not a person with little experience, he was still shocked when he saw the Pacific Fleet submarine surfaced.

It wasn't until the submarine lowered the inflatable pontoon and the handsome non-commissioned officer in navy uniform came to pick them up at the end of the pontoon, that Ling stretched out his hand and asked the officer to help him symbolically, as a way of showing him face.

This little girl who looks like a 14-year-old loli is really a noble princess in the old Russian society!

He thought Su Enxi was joking when he called Zero the "Princess".

Emotional Chinese don't lie to Chinese people, and the potato chip girls are telling the truth.

Then they were sent to Moscow by submarine.

Two Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow sedans produced in the 60s picked them up at the military port and sent them all the way to the classical European-style castle.

They took two cars with Ling Fen, which also showed that the other party took them for the sake of Ling Fen's face, they are just a dispensable pendant...

There may even be Russian oligarchs blowing up their cars halfway at any time.

And whenever Lu Mingfei wanted to ask some questions, the driver always smiled and told him in fluent English that he only spoke Russian.

The sky outside the window was blue, with a hazy golden shimmer on the clouds.

In the distance, the whole of Moscow is full of hazy gray, but there is no shortage of majestic city walls and gilded architectural domes.

There are soldiers in uniform patrolling back and forth on the square without a circular arc.

On one side of them is the red palace wall, on the other side is the colorful Basil Ascension Cathedral.

Lu Mingfei knew that it was the famous Red Square, beside which Comrade Lenin was buried. It was the oldest square in Moscow, and it was also the place where festival gatherings and large military parades were held in Moscow.

The place where they settled was not far from Red Square.

It was already the third day since they arrived in Moscow.

Lu Mingfei wobbled downstairs.

The building was indeed large, with paintings hanging everywhere, and a few servants running to and fro.

This place is more advanced than any five-star hotel he has seen.

He shared alone a large two-bedroom suite of at least four or five in the building.

At first, he regarded this place as a big hotel transformed from an ancient building, because there are many such hotels in India, and they were all the mansions of local princes and nobles.

Later, during the meal, Lu Mingfei asked Ling where this place was, and the other party only replied him with two words.

"my home."

The tone is very light, but noncommittal.

Only then did Lu Mingfei know that the old Russian aristocrats had their own fiefs in various places, and being able to own such a big house in Moscow shows that the title of the zero ancestors is not low.

But this is also normal, like the traditional mixed-race family, they are all prominent figures in the secret party, and their identity as a mixed-race is doomed that their status will not be low.

And the rest of them are able to live the addiction of nobles because of the glory of the princess.

Just as a person who can fly a private jet does not necessarily have a plane at home, a brother who lives in a palace near Red Square does not necessarily have land in Red Square.

The first floor is wider than the second floor, which is probably the characteristic of Russian architecture, which always makes the first floor look very large.

But this place is not deserted, there are fireplaces burning everywhere, fresh fruits are placed in the fruit bowl, paintings and paintings scattered everywhere are cleaned up spotlessly, and there are still half-read Russian books with gold bookmarks on the table .

There is definitely a strong team hidden in this building. It is composed of strong housekeepers, efficient cleaning staff and very aesthetic gardeners. Serve the distinguished guests, but rarely appear in your field of vision.

Lu Mingfei went through one door after another, and when he was about to get lost in this layered house, an arched door appeared in front of him.

The girl is lying at the desk under the arch, writing something, and the blue hydrangea is blooming in the malachite vase on the table.

It can be seen from the back that it is Zero, but the clothing is very different from when he was in the academy, a blue-gray thin coat, a mink fur cap, and brown high-heeled boots.

She was obviously a petite girl, but this dress made her look slender, revealing a mistress-like posture.

Lu Mingfei sat down on the round stool beside the table.

Ling knew that he was coming, but he kept writing without raising his head.

"If you live in such a luxurious place, won't you be watched?" Lu Ming was not limited by his education level, and he couldn't understand her writing, so he glanced curiously and then looked away.

"No, this is Russia, a country once managed by the KGB, and Kassel's shots are not very useful here." The petite girl said confidently.

Lu Mingfei scratched his head: "I never heard of your family being so rich before."

"You didn't ask, of course you don't know." Zero said.

Lu Mingfei was taken aback, and then realized that he had known Zero for almost a year, but he didn't even know the other party's family background.

This girl with the majesty of a princess will be the focus of everyone's attention wherever she appears, but Lu Mingfei gets along with her with a normal attitude.

For those boys who adore Zero, Lu Mingfei is the most annoying, because he can always invite the princess for supper.

But the straight man of steel always complains at the dining table that there are too many snacks, and he is almost exhausted.

There is an inexplicable sense of familiarity between the two, which seems to be natural.

So Lu Mingfei subconsciously felt that he knew the identity and background of the other party, and never asked.

"Do you know my last name?"

"Yes, Romanov."

"The Romanovs are the emperors of the Romanov dynasty. My lineage can be traced back to Elizabeth I. She is the daughter of Peter the Great and Catherine I."

Zero's tone was like that of an ordinary person registering for a household registration, but every name she uttered once held the kingship of this ancient country and shocked the European continent.

"Of course my original surname was not this. After the October Revolution, even the descendants of the Romanov family did not dare to claim that they had czarist blood. However, at the end of the twentieth century, we were allowed to restore the Romanov surname. Also return part of the palace to the descendants of the Romanov family, as long as you have the financial means."

"Then we..."

"What we are standing on is one of the former palaces of the Tsarist Russian royal family, the Elizabeth White House. As long as I live in it, it will enter a state of refusal to visit, so you can rest assured in terms of security."

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth in an O shape.

Poor children who grew up in small third-tier cities in southern China have also heard the names of Peter the Great and others.

But to him, those people are just characters living in oil paintings and history books, far away in the sky, and have nothing to do with ordinary people like him.

But last night he slept in the room where a certain emperor or princess once slept, separated by hundreds of years.

"I haven't seen my uncle or aunt since I've been here for a few days. Are they not at home?"

After the shock was over, Lu Mingfei immediately showed a caring look, with a feeling of "I'm committed to you as a friend".

"They passed away when I was very young, and it's just me living here, and the housekeepers and cooks and all."

"That's how it is, sorry."

"It's okay, I don't have any impression of them."

When Ling said this, the expression on her face was a bit complicated, and Lu Mingfei could tell that she was not as unemotional to her parents as she said.

"Black Swan Harbor is now a military restricted area. Without special permission, it is impossible to enter that area. I can only use some high-level connections to ask first."

This is also the reason why Su Enxi insisted on coming to Moscow.

It is probably because the explosion of Black Swan Harbor once let some high-level officials in Russia know what was hidden in it, so that it is now strictly controlled by the government army.

Zero finished writing the letter, sealed it in a sky-blue envelope, sprinkled it with wax, picked up the copper medal with his name from the table and covered it, and then rang the small bell beside him.

The door opened, and the well-dressed butler hurriedly came to Ling. He also drove to pick up Lu Mingfei and his party the day before yesterday.

He took the letter from Zero.

The girl instructed: "You have to hand over this letter to Mr. Minister of Defense, just say that Zero Razumovsky Romanov wants to invite him to dinner."

"Yes, Your Highness." The butler bowed and exited the room.


In the evening, Ling personally drove the car, carrying Lu Mingfei and Jiu De Mai to the suburbs.

Old Tang and Su Enxi were left behind.

According to Zero, the place they are going to is not absolutely safe, and the fighting power is not high enough, so it is safer to stay in the Elizabeth White House.

Old Tang readily accepted, he wished he could sleep for two more days in the royal bedroom comparable to a ten-star hotel.

So the three set off, and the Rolls-Royce crossed the Volga River and entered a hilly area along the silver road.

The road is getting narrower and narrower, and there are no houses on the side of the road. It is rare to see a soldier guarding the roadblock occasionally.

"To see the Minister of Defense, shouldn't we go to the Kremlin?" Sitting on Lu Mingfei's left with long legs, he asked curiously.

"He invited us to his house. He lives in the suburbs of Moscow." Zero replied, "You will understand when you see him."

Lu Mingfei didn't speak, kept silent, and looked out the window.

The seemingly uninhabited place can frequently see the white light passing through the woods on the hillside.

Someone pointed a sniper rifle at them!

He looked back calmly, this place is exactly the same as what Zero said, it is not as simple as it seems.

Not long after, the Rolls Royce stopped outside the yard.

Unpeeled birch trees surround the small building, and the sound of chopping firewood echoes in the yard.

Zero walked in front, pushing the door open and entering with ease.

The remaining two followed closely behind.

In the howling wind, an old man in an army green vest was wielding a large axe, splitting the wood into two neat halves.

Lu Mingfei realized that this old woodcutter was the person they were going to visit on this trip.

Although it looks like a veteran, the majesty of the old man belongs only to those who once held high positions.

They can decide the fate of thousands of people with a wave of their hands.

Jiu De Mai also tensed his nerves and became very vigilant.

However, Ling was indifferent to the old guy's prestige. She walked behind the old guy to watch him chop a few pieces of firewood, and she whistled loudly before noticing the arrival of the visitor.

The old guy put down the ax in his hand, turned around, his eyes lit up when he saw Zero, and Zhang stuck his hands.


"No, I don't want to get sweat on your body." She refused with zero dislike.

The old guy scratched his head helplessly, then saw Lu Mingfei and the others behind Ling, and greeted them: "Hi! Are you friends of Ling?"

Lu Mingfei nodded on behalf of several people: "Yes, this time we came here because we had something to ask for."

"Oh! Don't talk about such serious things when we first meet, everyone, please go in first."

Several people followed the old man into the house calmly.

Before closing the door, the pile of fallen leaves on the hillside squirmed twice.

Everyone in this place knows it well, and of course Zero knows it too, but so what?

Even when a storm falls, there is somewhere to welcome it.

In the same way, if someone sets up a banquet here, someone will come to the banquet.

"General Vatutin, who used to be the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Soviet Union, is now an old man under residential surveillance."

Zero took off the leather gloves and threw them aside, and added fresh coals to the stove.

After she finished speaking, she looked at the things stewing on the fire and couldn't help frowning.

"Canned beef stew again?"

This familiar posture, this wooden house is more like her home than Elizabeth White House.

"There are also stewed potatoes with mushrooms and red cabbage soup. These are the only dishes that my humble house can handle."

Vatutin added some more coals to the stove.

The cabin, which was already warm, became even hotter.

The broth on the pot is gradually boiling, and Tchaikovsky's symphony is playing in the old record player, which is a bit of the life style of Russian veterans at the end of the last century.

Vatutin stood beside Lu Mingfei, standing shoulder to shoulder with him, his thick eyebrows raised.

"Chinese? Japanese?" Vatutin asked in a low voice in his poor English.

"Chinese!" Lu Mingfei pointed to Mai Shutoku who was helping to chop potatoes, "She is Japanese."

"Nice little girl, her butt is in line with our Moscow aesthetic." The old man whistled very frivolously.


"Are you here to buy a plane?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer him.

Is it possible that Zero didn't tell the former Deputy Minister of Defense their purpose in the letter?Or did the old man not read the specific content of the letter at all?
He thinks the latter reason may be more likely.

"All the Chinese people I know come to buy planes." Vatutin shrugged. "You like our planes very much."

No, that's because your planes are cheap.

Lu Mingfei knew that the old man might have been imprisoned for too long, and it had been many years since buying fighter jets in large quantities.

Now that their country has a new type of fighter developed by itself, it no longer needs the help of these military powers.

"You seem to be a trustworthy child." Father Vatutin secretly gave Lu Mingfei a thumbs up.

Lu Mingfei continued to be dazed.

"This is the first time she has brought a boy here, which means that you have a high status in her heart. I want to help her take care of you.",

When the old man is not joking, he is still very serious.

"Young's easy to be fooled by that kind of good-looking man. You seem to feel more secure."

Lu Mingfei's fingers holding the peanut suddenly froze.

I rub!

You, an old man of a fighting nation, will die if you turn a corner when you speak!

He complained wildly in his heart, but there was still a friendly smile on his face: "Ha ha."

"For our encounter!" Vatutin raised the small bottle of vodka on the table, spit out a sentence in broken Chinese, and drank it boldly.

Lu Mingfei didn't have wine to accompany him, but the men of the fighting nation never needed someone to accompany them, they could sit alone and drink all night.

"How did you meet Her Royal Highness?" Vatutin put down his glass and continued to ask.


"You're a very lucky boy, remember to curry favor with her, there is nothing she can't do in Russia." Vatutin poked Lu Mingfei with his elbow, "One of the keys to a man's success is to work hard Sticking to capable women."

Isn't that licking a dog...

Lu Mingfei was in embarrassment and couldn't stop answering, but was interrupted by Vatutin's bold laugh.

"Of course, if you want to curry favor with her, you have to pass my test first. I am reluctant to hand her over to you. After all, you are too insecure."

Vatutin put his arms around his shoulders, like a polar bear hugging a Chinese pastoral dog.

However, the old man didn't know that this Chinese pastoral dog had a strength comparable to that of a lion.

He only regarded the boy in front of him as a child.

Dinner was ready in no time.

Mai Tokuku's craftsmanship is unexpectedly not bad. She cooperated with Ling Erren to make stewed potatoes with mushrooms into mashed potatoes with mushrooms...but the beetroot soup is still almost perfect.

The aroma of braised beef in a pot is exuded, mixed with the rich aroma of red cabbage soup, which greatly increases the appetite.

This is an authentic Russian family dinner.

It's like a granddaughter who studied abroad came back to visit her grandpa and brought her classmates, and grandpa dedicated his "lifelong learning" to them in high spirits.

After two gulps of strong wine, old man Vatutin had already begun to tell old stories.

The "granddaughter" had zero dislike and didn't want to hear it, and drank the soup with her head down. Jiu De Mai had to listen to it with a smile, and from time to time, she praised and marveled in Russian.

Lu Mingfei also felt very happy, he hadn't enjoyed this kind of family banquet atmosphere for a long time.

In the past, even if it was New Year's Eve, at most he would have a moderate New Year's Eve dinner with his uncle and aunt's family, and when they went to visit relatives the next day, he would be left alone at home.

The atmosphere of the banquet that he feels the deepest is probably still in a different world, and the guild will hold a group banquet after every successful hunting of a large monster.

The atmosphere is very lively, but it is an open banquet, everyone can participate, and it is very different from a family banquet with such a few people.

According to Vatutin's account, Zero was actually his business partner.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, he raised a large sum of money from his former military colleagues, used the military's relationship to enter the market, and soon became one of the few oligarchs in Russia.

He sold airplanes to China, bought oil to Europe, and sold diamonds all over the world. He was once a powerful man.

And the Romanov family is the biggest help to help him become an oligarch.

But the good times didn't last long, government control came like a blizzard, and the oligarchs fell one after another.

Someone fled overseas, and Vatutin was confiscated of all assets and is under surveillance to this day.

If it wasn't for Ling's help in the back, maybe he has already passed through the prison.

After experiencing such ups and downs, Vatutin doesn't seem to care much about it. What he talks about most is that he is a politician
(End of this chapter)

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