Genshin, but the real world

214 Chapter 213 - Good Future

214 Chapter 213 - Good Future

Before finding the sage, Dadalia thought of many kinds of excuses.

There is only one main task for the Fools, which is to collect the hearts of gods.

But the plan of the doctor and the stragglers was also approved by the queen, and among the top three seats, except for the [girl] who didn't care, both the clown and the doctor chose to support it, and Dadalia naturally also supported the god-making project.

Within the plan, it is nothing more than to collect the heart of God, and then give the heart of God to the Queen of Ice.

Although scattered soldiers also need a God's Heart to ascend to the gods, Dadalia doesn't care about it.

He didn't think that the stragglers could keep this God's Heart in front of the Queen. Since the Queen agreed to the god-making project proposed by the doctor, it was only a matter of time before the God's Heart returned to the Queen's hands.

So what the fools still need to do is to collect the God of Grass God's Heart.

Dadalia wasn't worried either.

Out of respect for the gods, fools often set up quite complicated plans in order to win the heart of the gods, and enlisted people from all walks of life to assist their plans.

He's a warrior, but serious about plans.

But Sumi really doesn't need it.

Because the god of this country was imprisoned in the depths of the Jingshan Palace, although Dadalia did not witness the current situation of the God of Grass, he believed that the doctor would not lie in such a place.

In other words, in Xumiyidi, the only person they need to deal with is the Holy Order.

Only the Holy Order... It doesn't mean that the Holy Order is not worth guarding against, but the usual precautions of the fools will actually take the gods into consideration.

Because the heart of God is the spoils of the Seven Gods, the spoils of the gods, and the reward of Sky Island, this kind of thing will only be placed in the hands of the Seven Gods.

Wanting to take the treasure from the hands of God naturally requires a thorough plan and the courage to sacrifice one's life at any time.

Only Sumi doesn't need it.

The god here is a young god who has not yet grown up, and will even be imprisoned by the sages of the Holy Order.

Dadalia was simply pleasantly surprised.

The absence of gods means that the biggest trouble of winning the heart of God has been solved.

Strictly speaking, there was only Barbatos, the god of wind, who violently snatched the heart of God from fools.

Morax's God's Heart was given by himself, and the ownership of Balzebu's God's Heart was circulated back and forth, and finally became the cornerstone of Daozu's development.

The woman Barbatos was able to succeed that time, looking back now, there is a high probability that she was let go by others.

But this time, maybe the situation is different, maybe there is really a chance to violently seize the heart of God.

It's not an exaggerated rhetoric. In Dadalia's eyes, the two God's Hearts that are still in Sumeru are actually in his pocket. Right now, there is still a god-making project that needs to be prepared, otherwise it can be brought Get away as soon as possible with two hearts of God.

He wanted to leave very much, because Xu Mi had two acquaintances.

"We must leave as soon as possible with the heart of God."

Dadalia made up his mind when he heard that Jiang Qing and Ying had arrived in Sumeru.

For a moment, he felt that it didn't matter if he gave up the god-making project.

In the original world, although Yingmei repeatedly shattered the plans of the Fools, in fact the Fools got what they wanted every time.

Although Dadalia in that world was also worried about Yingmei, an enemy whose life goal was to destroy the plans of the fools, she would not give in directly.

It was Jiang Qing who really made him helpless.

It's not strength, but the feeling that every step is under the nose.

In order to capture the heart of the gods, the Fools spent a long time planning, using money to clear the way, using force to assist them, and fighting for valuable big men who can be driven everywhere.

Before the relevant plans were implemented, not to mention the foolish soldiers at the bottom, even the executive officers who were directly in charge of the plans were given the power to drive them before departure.

Even so, the person directly in charge does not mean that all the staff can be obtained.

For example, during the Liyue period, Dadalia was mainly responsible for the mission, but the authority of the lady was higher than that of Dadalia, but he himself didn't know about it.

Besides Rosalind and Dadalia, Pantalone also arranged her own "small plan".

It can be said that although the main power of the Fools is within the authority of the person in charge, the person in charge himself does not know whether he is the holder of the highest authority, let alone know the petty actions of his colleagues.

With such a level of secrecy, Dadalia himself didn't know the whole plan, but Jiang Qing knew it and got what he wanted from it.

And in Dao's wife, he directly became the savior of the fools, and traded the heart of God to the fools.

But at the same time, he almost single-handedly destroyed the plans of the fools.

Daozuma's version of Ying was brought directly to General Leiden by Gan Yu, and had no chance to destroy the plan of the fools, but just took the route of Yae Shenzi and embarked on another path.

Facing Jiang Qing like this, Dadalia once wanted to kill him by force.

He didn't know how far Jiang Qing's "Future Foretelling" could go, but he knew very well that dead enemies could not use this power.

He came to Hazard, naturally for this purpose.

Of course, because of the appearance of Yingmei, it is basically difficult for Fools to recover their investment.

If it is Ying who wins, because those who stand with her are often the enemies of the Fools, so every time the matter is over, the Fools will be liquidated.

Just like the army of fools under the rocky abyss, they did nothing themselves, but because of the plan of the fools, as ordinary soldiers attached to Zhidong, the responsibility of Zhidong was also thrown on them, So Yelan and Ningguang demanded to kill the soldiers of the fools under the rocky abyss.

They are too clear that these people did not destroy Liyue, and even charged into the battle in the stratum rock abyss, reducing the damage rate of the Qianyan army.

They don't pursue their identities, but these people are Liyue's allies.

But because they were fools, neither Ye Lan nor Ning Guang cherished this favor, but resolutely chose to wipe them all out.

Still have to kill.
Because liquidation does not pay attention to justice, but cleanliness.

This kind of reckoning will not involve a higher level, and the fools probably know that their actions are not pure, so they can still keep silent about the deaths of these ordinary soldiers.

This is the counterattack and revenge that they took the lead, and then there was nothing the fools could do.

Not only soldiers, any activities carried out in other sovereign countries, and the manpower responsible for the activities, when the other party has already developed disgust and vigilance, as long as the other party is willing to pay the price, the fools can pay a more painful price.

The failure of the fools is not just this time.

After Mond's plan, they lost Mond's market.

In Liyue's plan, Seven Stars began to specifically target the Zhidong merchants.

After Daozuma's plan... Daozuma locked up the country, and at this moment in that land, the remnants of foolish people naturally have no chance to return to their own country.

Following this trend, by the time Ying arrives at Zhidong, Zhidong will be the enemy of the whole world.

Dadalia is not unable to accept this ending.

Capturing the heart of God would incur hatred. These rulers who are attached to their own gods, no matter whether the gods actively or passively give up the heart of God, they always have to express their attitude.

These losses can only be said to be within the acceptable range, and the overall situation is the most important.

But Ying's appearance increased the expected loss countless times. Without Ying, they should have been able to get more retreat and buffer space.

After achieving this level, the Fools still didn't specifically target Ying.

Of course Dadalia knew that the queens and executives at the top had their own ideas, but every time the plan was implemented, they were then crushed by the Justice Legion, and then the fools lost all their footholds in a country-this The price is too high.

The Northern Bank of Pantalone was originally a blood vessel that traveled through the seven countries and carried the flow of money.

But now, the Monds are guarding against them, and Liyue Qixing is also guarding against them. Dao Wife simply seized the Beiguo Bank.

No matter how strong the background of Beiguo Bank is, after all, it is doing business on other people's territory.

As long as Ningguang and Qin are willing to pay the price, of course Beiguo Bank can pay a more painful price.

Fools have great fortunes, but it is not such a method of expenditure.

If you can't complete a country's plan, you will lose everything you have laid in this country, right?

Instruments, real estate, manpower, contacts... Lose one after passing one?
What kind of top prodigal son is this!

Now that the Heart of God is already in his hands, Dadalia wants to get more.

The most basic thing is that after the end of Sumeru's God's Heart project, at least part of the property of the Fools in Sumeru must be preserved, right?
It is very difficult to think about this matter. After all, the God's Heart of the Grass Department is the core to maintain the [Void], and the [Void] system is the cornerstone of the establishment of Sumeru's academics today.

At least half of the research projects of Xumi scholars need the support of [Void].

Losing the Void means that they have to work twice as hard to obtain something that could have been easily obtained.

The fools stole the heart of God. If Azar and the others are still in power, I am afraid that a big debt will be liquidated next.

Of course, there are also some possibilities. They are afraid of Zhidong's national power and plan to grit their teeth and suppress the matter.

This is not impossible.

The sages of the Holy Order, who imprisoned the gods, are actually skeptical of most of the established rules in the Tivat continent.

They are the biggest rule breakers, let them believe that the seven gods do not interfere with each other... why?

We don't have gods and you have gods, you tell me you can't interfere with Sumeru's affairs, isn't that wrong?
They broke the rules, so naturally they don't believe that the rules can protect them.

If the rules of Tivat are absolute, then why can the Six Sages imprison or even create gods?

The person who closed the [Void] in the timeline is Nashida, and the scholars of Sumeru lost the [Void], but they got a god.

So they don't have any emotions.

Moreover, Naxida in that timeline is the only grass god of Xumi who automatically took over the fate of the tree king after the disappearance of the great compassion tree king.

When people see Nashida, they will automatically think of him as the "Little Auspicious Grass King" 500 years ago.

This is the Little Grass King who has temporarily lost his strength, and he will surely become a great god recorded in history in the future.

No one knows the future of Little Auspicious Grass King because he is just a weak god imprisoned for 500 years.

But everyone knows that the Little Auspicious Grass King, who inherited the fate of the Great Mercy Tree King, eventually became the "Little Auspicious Grass King" because of historical records about the Great Mercy Tree King.

Naxida closed the void, and scholars could understand it, and those who couldn't understand it died, so everyone understood the good intentions of the God of Wisdom.

Although it is very inconvenient to lose the void, this is the decision of the great God of Wisdom!

If it is Hazard, they do not have such ability.

The Six Sages are not irreplaceable. If what they do is to fight for the interests of scholars, everyone will naturally support them, but if they want to betray the interests of scholars, they will naturally be hit head-on.

El Hesen and Sano can beat the Six Sages for the sake of the overall situation and turn their backs on the Holy Order, so more scholars will beat the Six Sages for their own benefit.

"[Void]... is indeed a trouble." Dadalia murmured in a low voice, "But if the doctor's plan is successful, the stragglers will go straight to the gods, and the reaction of the Sumeru people will not be important at that time. "

It's not that the stragglers have become gods... The stragglers have become gods is nothing more than the strength of the fools' force, but they directly use violence to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. If this kind of thing spreads, the next work will not be necessary dry.

What is important is that the stragglers' ascension to the gods was carried out in accordance with the plan of the Holy Order.

In other words, although Soldier is the executive officer of the fools, he is also the god of wisdom of Sumeru.

Zhidong's military intervention in Xumi will attract the prying and hostility of the Seven Kingdoms.

But the god of Xumi integrates Xumi, this is Xumi's internal affairs.

This is the same behavior, but the name is different, and the result is different.

A teacher of justice is grandiose, and his actions always have to be reasonable.

Sumeru will become another vassal state of Solstice Winter.

Dadalia is hot inside.

He knew very well how much the addition of an extra Seven Kingdoms in the world as a vassal would improve Zhidong.

It is no exaggeration to say that the gains this time can completely make up for the losses of the previous three countries, and even double the previous gains.

This is a plan that is beneficial to the entire Solstice, and Dadalia has no reason to refuse.

He was desperate for a smoother implementation of the plan, so he approached Hazard.

These two people must be stopped.

If they really can't be killed, then let them do something else. In short, just don't interfere with the god-making project.

After the stragglers ascend to the gods, the god of Xumi controls Xumi to transfuse Zhidong's blood. Isn't this a good future?

(End of this chapter)

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