Chapter 340 Fighting in Hangzhou
In February of the third year of Xuanhe, the weather in Tokyo was different from previous years, it was still a bit cold.

As soon as the northwest wind blows, the sky is covered with dense clouds, gloomy and fluttering, and then there is a heavy snowfall of goose feathers.

The magnificent Miyagi suddenly turned into jade towers and jade pavilions. The city of Tokyo was covered with silver, and thousands of trees and silver flowers bloomed. Pedestrians lost their way, and refugees from outside with nowhere to hide were cold and hungry and passed out in the imperial street. above.

Emperor Daojun enjoyed the snow in Yanfu Palace, and he was accompanied by some young concubines Yiyuan. scene.

The women saw the heavy snowflakes fluttering in the air, like a rain of pear blossoms in March, or like silver butterflies flying in the sky, so they giggled, stretched their wide sleeves lightly, and waved their jade hands in the air to catch snowflakes for fun.

Emperor Daojun was also in high spirits, catching snowflakes in the air with his hands, feeling as if he was 20 years younger.

"It's caught, it's caught! Your Majesty has caught it!" a Wanyi screamed, and a dozen women gathered around to watch.

Emperor Daojun stretched out his hand proudly, holding a snowflake in his palm, which was shining with crystal light.

"It's so beautiful! The snowflakes caught by His Majesty are big and beautiful, and they are hexagonal!" The concubines all admired.

After a while, half of the snowflakes in the palm of Emperor Daojun melted away.

"It's a pity, the slaves melted before they saw it!" The woman standing at the back didn't wait to see it clearly, and the snowflakes melted.

The Emperor Daojun smiled and said: "My dear concubines, I want to watch you compete to catch snowflakes. To see who catches the biggest and brightest snowflakes, I will definitely reward you."

All the concubines became excited when they heard the words, stretched their skirts and stretched their sleeves, and fluttered around, and for a while, butterflies danced wildly on the Shengping Building, making the emperor laugh out loud.

The emperors and concubines were having a good time, little Concubine Wu Xian came forward and said: "Auspicious snowfall from the sky is an auspicious sign of a good year. Why don't your majesty arrange a banquet to appreciate the snow, and dance and dance to cheer you up?"

The Emperor Daojun nodded: "Aifei's performance is exactly what I want!"

Then the decree was ordered to prepare the imperial dining room and the teaching workshop. After a while, the servants led the emperor to the Paiyun Pavilion. The concubines were already waiting there.

Da Si Le Liu Yu ordered Jiao Fang Si kabuki to sing "Yang Chun Bai Xue" first, dubbed by the four major music, and the dancers danced.

Inside the carved corridors of the halls and pavilions, the singing is as melodious as orioles and willows. Between the jade towers and Qiongyu, silk and bamboo are curling up, and the lingering sound lingers around the beams. After dancing for half an hour, the dance of ninety-three changes is over, and the conductor pats the circle. Just stopped.

The Emperor Daojun was watching the excitement. Seeing that the dancers stopped dancing, he suddenly felt lost. He turned around and said to Xiao Wu Xianfei: "I heard that when Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Concubine Yang Guifei stole the jade flute of King Ning and played it for Xuanzong on the Zhengzheng Building of Qinghua Palace. Liangzhou music, the sound of the flute is very beautiful, can my concubine play it for me?"

Little Concubine Wu was originally versatile, good at singing, dancing and music, when she heard the words, she lightly moved the golden lotus, she stepped forward and said: "I'm afraid I can't play well, I hope your majesty will forgive me."

Emperor Daojun shook his head and said: "You don't need to be humble to love your concubine, I just listen to the flute."

Little Concubine Wu Xian took the flute, came back and stood on the lower right of the Emperor Daojun, and skillfully held the jade flute with jade fingers like bamboo shoots and spring onions, and played the Liangzhou tune.

The sound of the flute is crisp and melodious, lingering and pathetic, hovering between the palaces, or crisp and bright like birdsong in the mountains, or high-pitched and heroic like broken jade, the lingering sound is intoxicating.

After the little Concubine Wu Xian finished playing the Liangzhou tune, the Emperor Daojun couldn't help praising: "The Emperor Tang has Concubine Yang Gui, and I have Concubine Wu Xian too!"

The little Concubine Wu Xian was overwhelmed by the flattery, her willow waist swayed, she was full of coquettishness, she lifted up her dress, and there was a maid next to her who put down the tapestry, and the little Concubine Wu Xian knelt on the tapestry, and said in a delicate voice: "What talents do you have that deserve your majesty's praise?"

Huizong looked at the little concubine Wu Xian again, she was so charming, with a beautiful face and beautiful appearance, he hurriedly descended to the throne and hugged her with his hands, saying: "My beloved concubine is free from courtesy!"

The little Concubine Wu Xian stood up weakly, and cuddled tightly beside the Emperor Daojun, who was waiting to continue having fun, when suddenly the official on duty came to report in a hurry: "Show the officials, the former sent to the south of the Yangtze River to recruit Fang La The official envoy, Zhang Zhong, was beheaded by the bandit chief, and the current deputy envoy, Bi Cheng, is waiting to be summoned outside the palace gate."

The Emperor Daojun was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately withdrew his smile, Jiefang fell to the ground with a "slap", and said after a long while: "Preach my will, Xuan Bicheng come here!"

The deputy envoy, Bi Cheng, was ushered over. With tears on his face, he prostrated himself on the ground, crying and said: "Officials, ministers and others led the decree to leave Beijing. They did not dare to neglect along the way. They were hungry for food and drink, stayed overnight and traveled at dawn, and risked their lives." When they arrived in Hangzhou, they saw that the bandit army had already besieged the city, so they had no choice but to send word from outside to enter the bandit camp, and handed over the surrender edict to the rebel Fang La, but unexpectedly, when Fang La saw the edict, he became furious and ordered Zhang Your lord beheaded him, insulted Long Live in every possible way, and beat us out of the camp with sticks..."

When the Emperor Daojun heard the words, his face was white and red, and finally darkened suddenly, and asked: "How did that thief insult me, let's tell the truth!"

Where did Bi Cheng dare to speak, he hurriedly said: "I dare not say it, I deserve death for my crimes."

"I forgive you for your innocence!" Emperor Daojun snorted coldly.

Only then did Bi Cheng hesitate and say: "Fang La, the thief chief, said that even if that foolish lord came by himself, he would have to kneel and kowtow to enter the camp. He also said that sooner or later he would invade Tokyo and take that foolish lord's life..."

"Bold!" Emperor Daojun raised his eyebrows in anger when he heard the words, his face turned livid, he shook a few times, his eyes were bloodshot, his lips were bruised, and his limbs trembled.

All the concubines, servants, and maids hurriedly supported them, while beating their backs and rubbing their chests. After a while, the Daojun Emperor regained his breath, and then shouted: "Bring Tong Guan, pass Wang Fu!"

The servant hurried out of the palace to deliver the decree.

The Emperor Daojun took a few breaths, and shouted again: "Let the king of Qin, King Yun, Li Bangyan, Cai You, Gao Qiu, Tang Ke, Xue Ang come!"

Another servant said yes, run out quickly...

In the city of Hangzhou Prefecture, Zhao Ting, the magistrate, was convening civil and military officials to discuss countermeasures. He was flustered inside, but pretended to be calm on the surface, and said indifferently: "The urgent report on the military situation that our prefecture received before said that Fangla broke Qingxi and captured the counties of Muzhou and Shezhou. After the land, wherever they went, they first searched for officials and gentry, slowly cut them with knives, and then hung their heads to show the public, or dismembered eight pieces of their limbs and threw them to feed the dogs. vertical."

After hearing these words, many civil and military officials looked at each other in shock, tongue-tied and trembling.

Zhao Ting continued to speak slowly: "Now that the bandit chiefs are besieging the city and attacking it for several days, what's your plan? Let's offer it up as soon as possible, so as to eliminate the disaster."

The officials have long been out of their minds, and they are as dumb as a wooden chicken. Where is there any good strategy?No one spoke for a long time.

Zhao Ting sneered, and flicked his sleeves, "Since there is no other way, this residence has nothing to say, let's all go back!"

The civil and military officials were ashamed immediately, and they were about to retreat. They planned to go home, pack their bags and find a chance to hide and escape. At this moment, they only heard outside the door shouting: "Zhexi pacification envoy Mr. Chen is here!" All the officials heard this. It was a surprise.

Zhao Ting's complexion changed, and he hurriedly stood up and led the crowd to meet him. Chen Jian frowned and walked into the hall and sat down in the middle. After everyone finished worshiping, Chen Jian said, "Fang La is besieging the city now, and the bandits have been attacking for several days. , the imperial reinforcements have not yet arrived, so I wonder if Zhao Zhifu has any good strategies to retreat from the enemy?"

He was on fire at the moment, although the capital begged Chen Yun and got a response, but the reinforcements had not arrived for a long time, even the news had not been heard, and the other three ways of appeasement had already returned, but they did not send a single soldier forward Come to support.

"Marshal." Zhao Ting bowed his head and said, "I have been discussing with all civil and military officials for a few days, and there are different opinions and no consensus. It seems that it is better to guard the city gate and wait for the imperial rescuers to arrive."

Hearing this, Chen Jian became angry, stood up "huh", squinted at Zhao Ting, then looked at the officials, and said angrily: "Raise an army for a thousand days, and use it for one dynasty. The enemy chieftain has arrived, but you have nothing to do." Wouldn't the scheme be ashamed of the emperor's favor and waste the country's salary!"

Before he finished his sentence, Peng Pei, the general manager of the Hangzhou army and horses, stood up and said, "Commander, Fang La's bandits were originally rural churchmen and bandits in the mountains. Although they are said to be [-] to [-] at the moment, I think there are actually only [-] to [-] mobs inside. There are many old men and boys who are incapable of fighting. They use bitter bamboo as a gun and coir raincoats as armor. They march without any laws. They only rely on the number of people to fight. Such soldiers and horses are bound to be vulnerable. Now he can't attack the city. Soldiers go out and fight outside the city."

Zhao Ting frowned next to him and said: "In the previous battle of Xikeng, the entire army of Cai Zun and Yan Tan were wiped out. In the battle of Muzhou, Ye Juzhong and Tong Shu died. You must not underestimate these bandits."

Hearing this, Chen Jian's face was as cold as ice, and he looked at Zhao Ting and said, "Then according to what the prefect Zhao said, how should we retreat from the enemy? Should we just defend the city and break it, or leave it behind and run away? Hangzhou is such an important place. If it falls, once the official If the family commits a crime, your head and mine will definitely be lost!"

Zhao Ting didn't dare to make a sound, and Chen Jian continued: "Cai Zun and Yan Tan are not incompetent, but they were defeated because of unfavorable location. Qingxi Chen Guang fled without a fight, Muzhou Zhang Huiyan abandoned the city and went first. There are no strong enemies in each city, so Zeiyan is even more arrogant."

The commander of the army Peng Pei and the soldier Cao Baomiao came forward and saluted: "Commander, these two are incompetent, and they are willing to guard the city day and night with the soldiers and people of the whole city. If there is any mistake, they are willing to serve as military orders."

Chen Jian nodded and said: "There is no good plan, and this is the only way to go. From today onwards, the soldiers and civilians in the whole city will be dispatched by you two. If you don't obey, you will be begged to report!" After receiving the military order, the two went out to arrange The army and the people defend the city together.

After Chen Jian finished speaking, he felt a little tired. He went back to the mansion, ate some snacks, drank a bowl of ginseng and white fungus soup, passed out and fell asleep.

I fell asleep until the next day when the sun rose three poles. I just woke up. After listening to the movement outside, I found nothing unusual. After a little peace of mind, I asked someone to prepare a carriage and go to Lianfang envoy Zhao Yue's house to discuss.

Walking outside, Chen Jian raised the curtain of the car and looked at the battlements in the distance. He saw that the city was full of brave soldiers, with brilliant swords and guns, and there was a sense of tension and majesty. Moreover, the city of Hangzhou is high and thick, even if there is no good strategy to retreat from the enemy, it is safe for a while.

Arriving in front of Zhao Yue's residence, Chen Jian got off the car, and Zhao Yue greeted him from the hall early, and said with a wry smile: "Master He Lao is here in person, just call the official to go to the residence."

Chen Jian shook his head, entered the hall and sat down, the maid offered Longjing tea, and set up a table with some dim sum. Chen Jian picked up the tea bowl, tasted it and said, "Is there any inappropriate news recently?"

Zhao Yue stretched his neck and said: "Before the thieve chiefs besieged the city, many officials and merchants had transported their property and relatives to other places. Packing up the boat and preparing to flee, if this is true, it will be even more difficult to stop the floating of people's hearts, and Hangzhou will undoubtedly lose."

Chen Jian was furious immediately when he heard the words, and cursed: "Zhao Ting actually wanted to escape first, so he must be dealt with severely to follow suit."

Zhao Yue shook his hand and said: "Your Excellency, calm down, this is a visit from an official, whether it is true or not, we need to investigate in detail."

Chen Jian sighed, and summoned Marquis Sui Yu, his chief commander, and ordered, "Go and monitor Zhao Ting's actions, and report as soon as there is any movement."

After a while, the banquet was set up, and the two sat down to drink. Just now, when they toasted, Peng Pei sent someone to report: "The thief general Fang Baihua's vanguard troops have smashed through Zicheng, and they have gone to the foot of Phoenix Mountain. The Jiahui Gate is tight..."

Chen Jian and Zhao Yue immediately turned pale with shock, and looked at each other. There is a sub-city in Hangzhou, and Fenghuang Mountain is surrounded by the sub-city, which means that the sub-city is broken!

Chen Jian pushed away the cup in front of him, calmed down a little, and said to the people: "Quickly pass on the order of the commander, so that all the soldiers of the three armies, the officials and the common people, all adult men, will take turns to guard the battlements in the main city, regardless of day or night. Do not leave without authorization, guard against spies everywhere, if anyone disobeys the military order and colludes with thieves, he will be beheaded as a public display, and we will never tolerate it!"

After sending people away, the two hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of food, then called outside to prepare the car, and planned to go to the main city wall to watch.

But as soon as they walked halfway, Marquis Sui Yu, the chief sent to monitor Zhao Ting, came after him and reported that the government office in Hangzhou was cold and the people in the house were fleeing. After asking both, they said that the magistrate went out in the middle of the night last night. Did not return.

Chen Jian was so angry that he couldn't speak for a long time, Zhao Yue was even more worried, and said: "Master Chen, we should hurry up to the city to suppress it, otherwise the news of Zhao Ting's disappearance will be passed on, fearing that people's hearts will be chaotic, and it will be difficult to stick to it!"

Chen Jian nodded, and the two hurried to the inner wall, then climbed up the tower, and saw that the battlements were covered with strong bows and crossbows, the battlements were piled up with rolling stones, antlers and forks were hung on the city walls, and the dysprosium was erected. A flying iron cannon, the people who carry the earth and rocks are constantly coming and going.

Only then did Chen Jian feel at ease, and Peng Pei, the commander of the soldiers and horses, stepped forward to greet him, and accompanied them to the dysprosium tower to look at the foot of Phoenix Mountain.

Chen Jian said with a serious expression: "This jiahuimen must be strictly guarded against, and there must be no slack in the slightest. All soldiers who have made meritorious deeds should fill in the merit book and report it to the appeasement department for verification, and receive rewards on time."

Peng Pei said: "Commander, it is very hard for the soldiers to guard the city day and night. Can the commander give some money to reward the three armies and motivate the soldiers?"

Chen Jian nodded and said: "Soldiers defending the city with their lives should be rewarded. Pass my order. Each soldier will be rewarded with a consistent amount of money. The officers above the head will be rewarded with a tael of silver. The book will be withdrawn from the west city treasury. Handsome and rewarding."

Peng Pei and all the generals around bowed together and saluted: "Thank you for your kindness, Marshal."

Chen Jian said again: "Two meals a day, there should be some meat soup in it, even if it's a chicken for 100 people, send it to the city to eat."

Afterwards, Chen Jian and Zhao Yue turned to Qingbo Gate, and after a long while, they suddenly heard the sound of war drums outside Jiahui Gate and the sound of killing.

The two were frightened, and hurried back to see that Fang La personally supervised the army to build more than ten pontoon bridges on the moat.

A moment later, Fang La's army rushed across the pontoon bridge, arrows rained down on the city, and rolling trees and blue stones flew in the air. Fang La's army could not get close to the city wall, so they retreated slowly.

Although the main city of Hangzhou was safe on this day, at dusk, all the sub-cities of Hangzhou were submerged, and Fangla's various tribes surrounded the main city to cut trees and set up fences to build fortifications.

Fang La led all the generals to climb to the top of Phoenix Mountain and looked towards the city of Hangzhou together, they couldn't help being slightly silent, Hangzhou is a majestic city, looking at it from a height at this moment, it is almost as solid as gold.

Fang La said: "If you can't attack the city for a few days, do you have a good plan for attacking the city?"

General Lu said from the side: "Shenggong, the opponent has few soldiers and people are panic-stricken. Right now, we just need to prepare a lot of climbing equipment such as cloud ladders, bamboo ladders, climbing poles, flying claws, etc., and then catch them by surprise, and just grab them directly."

Fang La nodded, and had no other choice but to rely on more people to attack.

Everyone discussed for a while, the sky was already dark, and then looked at the tall lanterns and torches on the city wall of Hangzhou, like a silver dragon, the lights of thousands of houses in the city, like stars dotted in the night sky, the banners on the city head fluttered in the wind, and soldiers stood next to each other , swords like a forest, Fang La and the generals sighed for a while, and then walked down Phoenix Mountain.

But it is said that Peng Pei, the general manager of Hangzhou soldiers and horses, and Cao Baomiao, the soldier, discussed: "Although there are many bandits in the army, there are only a few thousand soldiers stationed at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain, and they are all female soldiers. Why not attack them in the middle of the night while they are not stable? For their stockade, dampen their spirits first!"

Bao Miao immediately said: "My lord, you can't! In my humble opinion, stick to it and don't move lightly!"

Peng Pei shook his head: "At the moment there is no good strategy to defeat the enemy. At the foot of Phoenix Mountain, there are rural girls who only rely on the large number of troops on the side. Now that the two sides are separated, why not make a surprise attack? In the middle of the night, I will lead two thousand elite soldiers to attack. You will be sure that nothing will go wrong if you receive it at the gate of the city."

At the third watch of the night, Peng Pei led two thousand elite soldiers out of the Gen Mountain Gate, went straight to Fang Baihua camp on Fenghuang Mountain, and came outside the village. In the middle, rushing straight, but saw that there was no soldier inside.

Peng Pei was shocked and ordered the army to retreat. At this moment, there was a sudden sound of killing from all sides. Lights, balls and torches were all illuminated. Fang Baihua was in front, Pang Wanchun was on the left, Zhou Jingbao was on the right, and Hong Tianqu was behind.

Poor Peng Pei no matter how hard he worked, how could he be four opponents, he was cut off in an instant, the two thousand elite soldiers died and fled, only half of them ran towards the city gate.

Over there, Bao Miao was shocked when he saw this, and decided to close the city gate and put down the Qianjin gate, but the more than 1000 elite soldiers couldn't bear it, but at the moment of decisive hesitation, the pursuers had already arrived, and at this time he wanted to close the city gate again It's too late.

Bao Miao didn't expect the other party to be so quick, regretted it, and hurriedly dispatched troops to start a fight at the gate of the city.

How could Chen Jian sleep soundly in the mansion over there? Suddenly someone came to report, but it was Bao Miao who delivered the message. He heard the report from the soldier who reported it clearly, and couldn't help but shouted: "Peng Pei misled me!"

Chen Jian immediately changed his clothes and mounted his horse, and went to the city gate to supervise the battle.

The sky was getting brighter over there, and the city gate was stuck, but Fang La was delighted, no matter who said it, he knew it was a good time to attack the city.

He ordered one by one to attack four cities and thirteen gates, and must take Hangzhou City today.

Chen Jian was flustered at the moment. Although the gate of the city was not lost, he had dispatched soldiers from the other three sides to block it, but the troops on the other three sides had become weaker. There were not many soldiers in Hangzhou City.

I saw Fangla's army rushing across the moat, and then the soldiers set up ladders to attack the city, and drums were beaten above and below the city. Most of the ladders were knocked over and destroyed, but some climbed up to the city wall, so it was a good kill.

At this moment, General Lu, the military adviser, led a thousand soldiers across the foot of Phoenix Mountain, and walked through Qingbo Gate and Yongjin Gate to watch.

General Lu is a native of Shezhou. He was originally a student of the imperial court. He was disgusted by the Taoist emperor because he wrote a letter criticizing Hua Shigang, and he was ordered not to be an official. He returned to his hometown and joined the Mingjiao. He is one of the six scattered members of Mingjiao in the Central Plains.

He looked at the gates of the west city. There are water gates not far from the two gates of Qingbo and Yongjin. Now that the city is being attacked from all directions, the water gates are a little lax in defense.

Seeing this, General Lv took a plan and hurried back to look for Fang La. At this time, although Fang La saw soldiers climbing to the city from time to time, it was always difficult for him to gain a foothold.

Lu Jiang said: "The two water gates next to Qingbo and Yongjin in the west city can pass boats and vehicles. I read from the book that King Qian set up three layers of protection there. The outer layer is a sluice gate weighing a thousand catties, and the middle layer is an iron gate. , are all wrapped in gold nails and iron leaves, and there is a row of fence gates inside, which are extremely strong, but at this moment, for some reason, none of them fell down. If someone with strong martial arts rushed in first and occupied these two gates, then Hangzhou would be destroyed. !"

Fang La was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurried Chen Fan, Fang Nineteen, Zhou Jingbao, Fang Jie, Xu Fang, Wang Yin and others to sneak over with brave men who are familiar with water and attack the two water gates.

At this time, Chen Jian was supervising the battle at the gate of Genshan, when someone came to report: "The water gate next to the Yongjin Gate has been attacked, and the water gate has long been rusted and cannot be put down. The army broke."

Chen Jianli was startled for a moment, his whole body felt cold, his hands and feet were at a loss, and it took him a long time to call out: "Come on, let me go and see!"

Halfway through, someone came to report that Fang La's army had broken through the water gate and seized Yongjin gate from the inside, and they were now coming to this side.

On the sidelines, Zhao Yue's face turned pale with fright when he heard the words: "My lord, what should I do?"

Chen Jian remained silent, and was stunned for a moment while riding on the horse. Only for a moment, there was a sound of shouting and killing coming from the front.

Zhao Yue trembled all over, and said in a low voice: "My lord, I think... why don't you surrender?"

Chen Jian's heart was a little shaken when he heard the words, but for a moment flashed before his eyes that the roll call outside the Donghua Gate, the performance on the top of the Golden Palace, and the hairpin flower toured the imperial street. With all the flowers in Tokyo, a trace of violence suddenly flashed on his face.

He suddenly drew the sword in his hand, and stabbed fiercely to the side with a "swish", hitting Zhao Yue's chest, and shouted angrily: "If you escaped and didn't escape, how come you come down?!"

Afterwards, his eyes were bloodshot, he pulled out the sword from Zhao Yue, turned his head to look at the five hundred soldiers behind him, and roared, "All obey the commander's order, follow me to kill the thieves!"

After finishing speaking, he urged the horse to sit on the horse, and rushed forward with the sword...

(End of this chapter)

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